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Vavel: Who Was ESPN's RG3 Story Source?


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Yeah, I heard Schefter's interview on The Sports Fix yesterday.  Schefter sounded like he was on shaky ground and was on the defense.  He basically said as you did, that his sources' opinion was that the call to start RG3 came from Dan and Bruce, not that it was fact.  So in a nutshell, his sources were just speculating. 


And can I just say this:


If your "sources" from within an organization can not give you anything except speculation about the organization they work for...that means they are NOT good "sources"!! lol...Hell, I can offer you speculation about the Redskins. A good "source" will offer facts and knowledge unknow to those outside of the organization. If they aren't offering that, then might as well just come to Extremeskins and pass on our fan speculation as a valid news item.


It's as bad as those rumors that say "a source familar with Jay Gruden's line of thinking"...that's the twaddle we fans use to make cliams like "Darrel Young may not make the team because Gruden doesn't really use fullbacks in his offense." We fans are "familiar with Jay Gruden's style of offense", so we felt emboldened to toss out that tidbit about Young not making the roster as if it's a foregone conclusion.

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I really gotta say, I like Britt.  I think she's attractive and generally does a very good job.  I think she kinda stepped into a pile of poop on this one, but unlike some, I don't think she's trying in any way to be malicious.  


Shefter is TRYING to be malicious.  Reporting that 3 people in the organization THOUGHT that MAYBE the decision had come from the top?  And then NOT reporting that he couldn't confirm it, and that it was called laughable?  That's trolling for clicks and is intended to be malicious. 


I'm pretty sure if you asked every person in every organization what they thought about a subject, you'd get 3 people who said something funky. If that's the level of "reporting" these days, well, it's just sad.  


I am just curious if you'd say this if she looked like Sally Jenkins. I probably wouldn't, she's hot so she gets the benefit of the doubt.


I do want to flip this scenario around...imagine if a player simply stated they have three sources that believe they know how Britt McHenry got her job. Nothing more, just a simple insinuation, based off rumor and conjecture.

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My guess is NO ONE.


The story is based off of a misinterpretation and a quick trigger finger. Every journalist wants to be the one that "uncovers the real story" and that usually means throwing a bunch of crap against the wall and seeing what sticks. Eventually every single player will have been accused of something like this.


You guys need to step away from the computer once in a while and start learning how to think for yourselves. 

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I am just curious if you'd say this if she looked like Sally Jenkins. I probably wouldn't, she's hot so she gets the benefit of the doubt.


I do want to flip this scenario around...imagine if a player simply stated they have three sources that believe they know how Britt McHenry got her job. Nothing more, just a simple insinuation, based off rumor and conjecture.


I dunno, because honestly, Britt looks like Britt. And that's going to help and hurt her perception in different ways.  Her looks make her look more trusting, but just because she's very attractive doesn't mean she isn't also good at her job.  For a while, I liked Sally too, and Sally looked like Sally. I don't like her as much anymore, because, well, she's just not really that good anymore.  Shrug. 


I also think that there's plenty of insinuations that go around about attractive women sports reporters and how they got their jobs, whether it's just their looks or something more.


I dunno.  I also liked Kelly Johnson a whole lot, and thought she was pretty attractive.  But she went toe-to-toe with Gregg Williams about Lavar, and wasn't afraid to mix it up.  But most of the players still liked her, she gave good information, was critical when she needed to be, and (at least for me) was easy to look/listen to.  

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"Griffin was no different from any other player in the locker room, they were all disloyal. I tried to run the team properly, by the book, but they fought me at every turn. The players wanted to walk around with their shirt tails hanging out, that's all right, let them. Take the jugs machine defective equipment, no more, no less. But they encouraged the players to go around scoffing at me, and spreading wild rumors about scrambling in circles, and then old yellow-strain. I was to blame for Griffin's incompetence and poor sportsmanship. Robert Griffin was the perfect quarterback, but not Kirk Cousins. 


Ah, but the strawberries, that's, that's where I had them, they laughed at me and made jokes, but I proved beyond the shadow of a doubt, with geometric logic, that a duplicate key to the locker room icebox did exist, and I'd have produced that key if they hadn't pulled the Redskins out of action for the bye week. I, I know now they were only trying to protect some fellow player.  Naturally, I can only cover these things from memory. If I left anything out, why, just ask me specific questions and I'll be glad to answer them."

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I find it hard to believe that KC is that kind of guy. He's squeaky clean, mayberry RFD kind of clean. It's DC drama plain & simple...media BS to draw in viewers...sick of these mediots already! Leave my team alone..go cover tony romoSUCKS and fractured back..aren't they "America's team"?

"It's DC drama plain & simple" <-- this!

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My list of suspects

1. Pierre Garçon. Why did Indy let a promising young wideout walk? He has been known as a fiery guy and easily frustrated

Motive: if other GMs think his numbers are down because of bad qb play he might salvage a contract come FA

2. McVay. Isn't he Shannys guy anyway?

Motive: needs to retain his status as an up and coming offensive mind despite the fact that the offense can't block, run, or pass. Blame QB

3. Haslett

Motive: he reads ES

4. Polumbus

Motive: his plan to get RGIII killed while playing RT is no longer viable

5. DeAngelo Hall

Motive. He wants to sleep with Britt McHenry

6. Niles Paul

Motive: he wants to sleep with Adam Schefter

Just googled McHenry; dont blame Hall.

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"Griffin was no different from any other player in the locker room, they were all disloyal. I tried to run the team properly, by the book, but they fought me at every turn. The players wanted to walk around with their shirt tails hanging out, that's all right, let them. Take the jugs machine defective equipment, no more, no less. But they encouraged the players to go around scoffing at me, and spreading wild rumors about scrambling in circles, and then old yellow-strain. I was to blame for Griffin's incompetence and poor sportsmanship. Robert Griffin was the perfect officer, but not Kirk Cousins. 


Ah, but the strawberries, that's, that's where I had them, they laughed at me and made jokes, but I proved beyond the shadow of a doubt, with geometric logic, that a duplicate key to the locker room icebox did exist, and I'd have produced that key if they hadn't pulled the Redskins out of action for the bye week. I, I know now they were only trying to protect some fellow player.  Naturally, I can only cover these things from memory. If I left anything out, why, just ask me specific questions and I'll be glad to answer them."

where's that from?

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Let me join the investigation


1. Darrel Young: Dancing with RG3 during practice, seat buddies on bus of doom, always cheesin?! To hide ulterior motives?!


2. DeSean Jackson: Still sour about that jersey number.


3. Terrelle Pryor: Nah, he just got here.


4. Kai Forbath: ..when you least expect it


5. Tyler Polumbus: Lots of free time..


6. Ryan Clark: Cause you know, he works for ESPN.


7. Fred Davis: Bobby G is threatening his rap career


8. Ryan Grant: There can only be one RG3 :ph34r:


9. Robert Griffin III: Introducing new product launch of Adidas sneakers, Ali3nators!

"McHenry’s past in DC and ability to call other players means that she either knowingly didn’t check out the source or did and decided to run with a story she knew was flawed. So, either McHenry is fabricating the entire source or it’s a player looking to cause problems. When asked about this story, a Redskins locker room source told this author that “everyone knows who made (crap) up to ESPN. He may get cut today.” McHenry fabricating the source is definitely not a possibility, so the question is who in the Redskins’ locker room has a motive to put out bad stories about RG3? There’s only one player on the roster who benefits: Kirk Cousins. Is it possible that some random other player doesn’t like RG3 and wanted to spike him to ESPN? Sure. Here’s where we go back to Schefter’s report about pressure coming from the top to start RG3. No random player would be talking to the offensive coaches about why RG3 is starting over McCoy or if they did, they wouldn’t be discussing the motives why. A quarterback would, especially one that wants back on the field and would want to try and lobby the coaches for playing time."


Sounds like someone who is on the practice squad or a player that isn't contributing but trying to make extra money by giving 'inside scoop'.

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There are a couple of guys on the roster that if you tell them to "keep it real", they say something stupid. I've seen different members of the media use this ploy on these same two guys on multiple occasions. It's like a secret tactic for sensationalism. Just tell ______ or ______ to "keep it real" and they will give you the goods.

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Schefter said he's known one of his sources in the Redskins organization for 20 yrs. If I were Snyder I'd narrow that down right away. Definitely not  player! Nip this crap in the bud now!! Never seen an industry where a bunch of men gossip like a bunch of women!

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