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The Roster Thread: Up to date as of 8/29 @ 8:34 PM EST


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I don't know about losing my mind, but if Thompson makes it over Seastrunk and Redd, I'll be truly disappointed. Redd offers probably the best option as Morris' backup (it's close between him, Helu and Royster, but he's obviously well ahead of Lache/Thompson in that regard), and Lache (and Helu) don't have the fumbling* and health issues that Thompson has shown.

* to be fair, it was his rookie season, but those were shocking and something the current rookies have not had a problem with (even with more snaps). Speed only counts if you can use it on the field. Feel bad for Thompson, but it is what it is.

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I'm not a fan, but I think the argument for him is that he's further ahead in terms of pass blocking and receiving for the change-of-pace, fast guy. Further ahead than Seastrunk in those areas.


What I think they are going to want is:

Starter - Morris

"3rd down back" - Helu (best RB in blitz pickup and receiving, has a little burst.

Backup in case Morris gets hurt - Royster (Though I would take Redd)

"Fast guy" - CT because he's a little ahead of Seastrunk in receiving, and has burst and wiggle.  But he can't stay healthy.


But the injury concern to CT is absolutely valid


I agree that's the approach and that's what they WANT to see.


I just think they've fallen in love with a rumor if they are indeed keeping Chris Thompson.


I know 31 other teams feel the same way about their players, but I don't know any other RBs this preseason that caught an 85 yard TD pass.... most of which was YAC and weaving.


I'm not sure that he makes it through, and you're talking to the perennial "our guys will make it through to the PS" guy.

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I agree that's the approach and that's what they WANT to see.


I just think they've fallen in love with a rumor if they are indeed keeping Chris Thompson.


I know 31 other teams feel the same way about their players, but I don't know any other RBs this preseason that caught an 85 yard TD pass.... most of which was YAC and weaving.


I'm not sure that he makes it through, and you're talking to the perennial "our guys will make it through to the PS" guy.

FWIW, I'd personally take Redd over Royster and Strunk over CT.  


But I'm not sure that they'll do either. CT's injury history is too risky for me, and Strunk might be a guy who gets picked up.  I'm not sure by who, because they'd be picking somebody up after working their guys through camp, but you can't teach speed, and that guys got speed.  Needs some time to develop, though.  

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I see many people think it’s okay to even try to put Seastrunk on the PS. I'd be pissed a little if they released him at all. He's done everything they asked and shown he's got speed and more importantly good vision to be a success in this league. Now other player like Helu and Thompson has speed no doubt but their vision is questionable to me. I actually think vision is AlMo's best quality. But what do I know. lol


I understand its preseason and Seastrunk's playing against backups and people who won’t be on the team but his raw talent is obvious. I'd question upper management if they let him go and what does that say about us as an organization. The kid has played while dinged up, joined the team after burying a loved one and he lit it up last night no matter the competition. And if the competition was so bad why did all the back have their way with Tampa's D. Maybe it’s because they are not as good as Seastrunk.

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My concern, lest we get off track, was with his almost complete lack of experience to go alongside Riley who looked half the player without Fletch before his sudden decline. 


No need to tell me about his ability as I was one of the loudest right there with you championing him when we drafted him. 


But that's a very inexperienced pairing in the middle which ever way you cut it. One no better than a rook in terms of pro experience. One never having been the experienced leader. Or not if Keenan's calling plays. 




This is K's third year in this defense and he has had the teachings of London Fletcher.

Although he hasn't been on the field I think he still brings plenty experience with him.

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All of the Chris Thompson fans... especially those of you saying "wait until he gets healthy".... you realize that he hasn't played a full season since his Junior year of High School right?

That's why Seastrunk is my guy.  I think we've already had enough of the tiny speedsters who can't stay healthy.  I'd rather go with the guy fit for the job, who's got the same speed.  Heck, with the new rules, Thompson can be put on the PS, so if someone's going to steal a player, I'd rather it be Thompson than Seastrunk.


Also, I just want to say, Kory Lichtensteiger, though still small, is now 298 pounds.  So, he's about right for a center.


As for worries, I'm worried about the offense, which I didn't think I'd ever say.  Griffin looked so bad his last preseason play that I'm assuming he's going to regress for a few games at least.  I hope he was just holding onto the ball forever because he was treating it like a practice, but if he's going to hold onto the ball like that, there's not an OL in the league who could block for him.


The positions I feel best about are RB, WR, and LB.  I think Will Compton at ILB and Murphy at OLB are enough to feel comfortable about.  Same goes for Jenkins at DL, but since Neild went down I don't know how I feel about the DL, though I did like Geathers this preseason.


It feels weird to say we're stacked at CB, but that's what it feels like, thanks to Breeland.  At safety, since Rambo has apparently come to play this year, I feel better about that group too, though a lot will depend on Thomas' MRI.  I thought Akeem Davis did a great job last night, but I think Trenton Robinson missed a couple tackles that should have been made.

As for the kicker competition, I think last night made everything worse.  If Hocker had hit his 39 yarder, then I'd say it was his job, but when Kai hits from 45 and looked solid doing it, then Hocker missed from closer, it just made everything foggier.

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I just don't see it with Thompson.  I've heard about his speed and elusiveness, but it hasn't shown up on the field.  Besides, he keeps getting not just nicked but injured for long stretches.  I'd rather go with Redd or Seastrunk both who have shown major preseason flashes.

I don't see it either, but my post was solely about Gruden's telling expression, and hearing that CT was running around on teams. 


Indeed, that 80 yard run may have muddied the waters, and made him change his mind.   


My preference is Seastrunk as well, but my prediction remains CT.


For now. To coin an expression from a Capitals Former GM, If I knew the game I'd be in it. 

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Another thing to consider that's important to the team in preparation for upcoming games is the scout team. Since Chester is our backup center (God, help us) I can't imagine the team putting him on the scout team in case of a fluke injury so I see Tevita Stevens being a PS candidate.  Similarly for Richard Thomas at NT.  I was puling for Neild, though.

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FWIW, I'd personally take Redd over Royster and Strunk over CT.  


But I'm not sure that they'll do either. CT's injury history is too risky for me, and Strunk might be a guy who gets picked up. 


Yeah, Allen and Gruden will look like complete morons WHEN CT goes into a game without his dose of Midol and misses the rest of the year then Strunk gets picked up by the Eagles to take over for Sproles in a year or 2.

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I think we have to keep Seastrunk at this point. His big 80 yard TD last night was seen

By every team in the League. If that did not happen I'm not sure...

If you watch the replay check out Grudens face after the play. It's as if he is saying to himself "Damn, no way I can put this kid of the Practice Squad now..."

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And Royster too


Looks like they went with power over speed.  Redd is most like Morris of the group, so I guess that makes sense.  They have Helu for 3rd downs and passing situations.  Seastrunk may still get a shot if he clears wavers and we get him on PS.  He could be pulled up at some point.  

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I'm not surprised about Royster and Thompson but I am surprised they are letting Seastrunk go. Both Thompson and Seastrunk could be in the practice squad if they make it through waivers. Good job by Redd though beating the odds.

Looks like they went with power over speed.  Redd is most like Morris of the group, so I guess that makes sense.  They have Helu for 3rd downs and passing situations.  Seastrunk may still get a shot if he clears wavers and we get him on PS.  He could be pulled up at some point.

They need a roster spot for an extra safety until Monday with Merriweather suspended and the roster exemption not kicking in until then. that might have been what cost Seastrunk making the 53 and he might be back very quickly once we get that roster spot back.

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