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Breaking News: Per @MikeJonesWaPo - Mike Shanahan fired; Kyle fired; Haslett retained as of now


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 Actually, it is.  It is like a pimple; you see the head and its ugly, but there's more festering under the head than seen.

 Yes, Mike probably deserves to be fired by hiring Haslett and Burns, but Griffin has as much to do with failure as Mike does.

 When Mike came here, it was a cluster****; he began cleaning house on the trash, brought in some good pieces, but also brought in some bad.


Team is still a cluster.... Shanahan has sucked, Shanahan has sucked, SHANAHAN HAS SUUUUUUUUUCCCKKKKKEEEDDDDD!


What do you ******* need to see this?


So in your mind Mike Shanahan has complete control for four years = Griffin's two seasons as one of 53 players? In your mind RG3 is a big ball of pus? Wow, could not disagree with another person more. You honestly believe this?

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Anyone find it odd that Chris Mortenson is talking about how ownership wouldnt allow Mike Shanahan to run football operations right now, and ESPN and NFL Network are both saying that the 36 million cap penalty hamstrung this team?


I find it odd that the sports media... you know.. the ones who actually know stuff... and get paid... seem to be throwing a lot of blame on the owner, and the salary cap penalties.. (Not his fault right?..)


Nevermind, I'm kidding those things werent the problem.. this was all Mike Shanahan /endsarcasm

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He thanked everyone and blamed cap gate for everything. As I said before, no, he didn't get a fair shake but in a job like this, "fairness" isn't guaranteed. Results are required.


Not getting a fair shake because of capgate does not excuse all the leaks and general dysfunction and overall lack of team cohesion on the field. They looked unprepared to play in every phase of the game EVERY week. The team may be bad, but it doesn't have to be bad do to unprepared play. Had they at least LOOKED like they had an idea and were just simply inferior and there were no leaks, perhaps the situation would have played out differently.

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That would be spectacular.  I'm tired of hiring coaches who control the player side also.  


For this to work though, I think we have to have either a first time HC, so that might point to no retread.


Why is everyone so high on Morocco Brown?  What has he done exactly that warrants promotion in terms of our personnel selection and scouting?

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It's absolutely amazing to me how happy some of you guys are that we're about to start down another coaching selection process and everything that goes with it while absolving Synder.


If you believe for one second that Mike Shanahan has that much distain, and built up frustration without being railed by Daniel Synder and RG3 then I want some of what you're smoking. It's very clear to me that RG3 and Synder are the ones to blame for this debicle and Shanhan just didnt bend over and take it. This year is on their shoulders.


What's amazing is that you don't believe Shanny was to blame.  Shanny, not Snyder, left RGIII in the game against Seattle fully knowing he was injured and shouldn't be out there.  To be honest Shanny should have been fired after that game.  This firing is a year too late IMO.  

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Jeffro - let it go. 




Like or not ... no one in their right mind can not argue that Shanahan had completely quit on this team, regardless of the reason why. 


Jesus - the resilience of some people is mind boggling.  If the KC game didn't do for you, didn't the game yesterday seal the deal?

Some people are just delirious.  The fact that we won 3 games this year must have been enough for them.

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He looked humble...and was surprisingly classy.

I like your description "fairness isn't guaranteed. results are required"


What makes me pause though is Chris Russell said on the radio earlier this morning that Shanny let him know he wanted to have a conversation with him and Russell assumed Shanny felt ditto with other reporters, too.  Meaning I got the vibe that Shanny might be poised to have "off the record" conversations to get his spin out there.  I'd presume the idea of him doing a statement/presser was worked out with Danny in their 20 minute conversation this morning.  It would be a tough time for him to list his dirty laundry in that setting, plus its not his style, the real bad stories that looked like have come from Shanny in his full tenure has been via leaks.  

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Okay now this **** is getting weirder:


Joseph White Jr. @JGWhiteAP 2m

#Redskins taking "security" to ridiculous extremes. Putting Scotch tape on windows, shooing photogs away. Acting like a 3-13 organization.


Kent Babb @kentbabb 2m

Reporters now told they can't look thru windows or go outside. It's not a PR matter now, I was told, it's a security issue. WHAT???


Dan Steinberg @dcsportsbog 2m

Update: @SarahKogod reports that Redskins media members are no longer permitted to stand at the windows

Not sure if anyone realizes this but ESPN is reporting that O'brien to Houston is a done deal just got to work out kinks in the contract.



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Way too many excuses in Shan's presser. Didn't own up to anything.

yeah too much rambling about the salary cap. we were screwed but come on, cant blame the salary cap situation for your inability to know when to call a timeout or generally manage the game clock.


he did confirm we had at least 25-30 mil in cap space for next year though. good news eh.


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Okay now this **** is getting weirder:


Joseph White Jr. ‏@JGWhiteAP 2m

#Redskins taking "security" to ridiculous extremes. Putting Scotch tape on windows, shooing photogs away. Acting like a 3-13 organization.


Kent Babb ‏@kentbabb 2m

Reporters now told they can't look thru windows or go outside. It's not a PR matter now, I was told, it's a security issue. WHAT???


Dan Steinberg ‏@dcsportsbog 2m

Update: @SarahKogod reports that Redskins media members are no longer permitted to stand at the windows



  they also need to learn how to stage a "coincidental" site shutdown so it actually works...


(kidding, kidding... dark/cynical humor from a fan of a darkly humorous/tragic franchise with an emotionally abused and damaged fanbase...hey, anyone want ice cream?!!?! )

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Not sure if anyone realizes this but ESPN is reporting that O'brien to Houston is a done deal just got to work out kinks in the contract.

Also reports coming out that the Texans may be interested in Whisenhunt so O'brien may be available again. 

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