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Darrell Green questions RGIII's Leadership (PER PFT AND INSIDE THE NFL)


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“I think that’s the problem,” Green answered. “I think it’s SUPER important to have leadership, and I don’t think he really IS the leader. . . .

“I don’t know if they have a leader. . . . Well, London Fletcher is, but I’ve been that old player before. And you’re a moral leader, people love you and respect you, but you’re really not the leader. You’re not. And really, you shouldn’t be. Because in my opinion, the leadership should come from the offensive side of the ball, because the game is such an offensive-based game.”


Darrell Green is my all-time favorite player but he is way off base on Griff here IMO. 

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“I think that’s the problem,” Green answered. “I think it’s SUPER important to have leadership, and I don’t think he really IS the leader. . . .

“I don’t know if they have a leader. . . . Well, London Fletcher is, but I’ve been that old player before. And you’re a moral leader, people love you and respect you, but you’re really not the leader. You’re not. And really, you shouldn’t be. Because in my opinion, the leadership should come from the offensive side of the ball, because the game is such an offensive-based game.”


Darrell Green is my all-time favorite player but he is way off base on Griff here IMO. 


I saw that interview on Inside The NFL. This coming from one of the few holdouts of buying into Marty Ball.


Everything about Darrell Green is overrated - except his speed.

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Wasn't it titled something like RG3 isn't above criticism


I don't remember what it was titled exactly but something along the lines of that. Inside the thread everyone just started throwing darts at him. His leadership, decision making, ego, playmaking ability etc was being questioned.


I'm pretty sure the thread was made after the Lions game. 

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I saw that interview on Inside The NFL. This coming from one of the few holdouts of buying into Marty Ball.


Everything about Darrell Green is overrated - except his speed.


And here's example C of the fanbase turning on our players. Even Darrell Green (who I halfway agree with and halfway disagree with), a Redskin legend for 20 seasons.



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I was wondering when this was going to make it on here.

It's not a big deal, but I am pretty sure people are going to blow it up.


From what I heard, he is basically saying he is not a leader because he is young, and I don't think anything is wrong with that.
However, II heard several current Redskins say Griffin is a leader, so take that for what it's worth.

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And here's example C of the fanbase turning on our players. Even Darrell Green (who I halfway agree with and halfway disagree with), a Redskin legend for 20 seasons.




But that's what most fans do, they have the attention span of...Oh look! something shiny!

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And here's example C of the fanbase turning on our players. Even Darrell Green (who I halfway agree with and halfway disagree with), a Redskin legend for 20 seasons.




You can't keep picking isolated, boneheaded instances and generalising that into the fanbase as a whole Coach.


It's unfair on the majority. 



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Care to elaborate?


He's in the HOF...


Coverage ability. He made a lot of mistakes that were hidden by his speed to correct for them.


Off-the-field persona. It's not the accepted image that the public has been given him.


Football judgement, as evidenced by the interview that is the topic of this thread and his assessment of Schottenheimer.


I once asked him if it bothered him how much Michael Irvin used to get away with pushing off on him. His reply was he never worried about Irvin because he was so slow. My memories of their matchups were of DG getting beaten - regularly.


He also knows very little Redskins history. Surprising for someone who played on the team for 20 years.

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You can't keep picking isolated, boneheaded instances and generalising that into the fanbase as a whole Coach.


It's unfair on the majority. 




Something I've learned: It's never as isolated as you think it is.


It doesn't represent the majority, no. But it does show that there are a group of people out there that think, for instance, one of the greatest Redskins of all time is overrated. I would bet you ANY sum of money he's not alone in that thought.

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I saw that interview on Inside The NFL. This coming from one of the few holdouts of buying into Marty Ball.


Everything about Darrell Green is overrated - except his speed.



You care to elaborate? Darrell Green changed the way CB was played, even more than Deion Sanders. He just wasn't such a me, me guy. He was class personified while in the NFL. He stepped game after game and made plays. He shut down the other team #1 on a weekly basis. Oh and he is in the HOF!  


Here are some highlights: 

7 probowls, 54 interceptions, 1159 tackles, 3 NFC Championships (including winning the one against Chicago with a punt return with a pulled muscle), 2 SB victories (including a TD saving swat to keep the game at 10-0 instead of 14-0, NFLs 1990s All Decade team, and member of the NFL Hall of Fame. Exactly how is he overrated? 

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Where were these types of articles when the team was on their run to the NFC East title last season?


Griffin's leadership isn't my biggest concern regarding the Redskins. That dubious distinction goes to the coaching staff, which in my opinion, hasn't got the job done in 2013.


With that said, Darrell Green is entitled to his opinion. He's a Redskins' legend and whether I disagree with him or not, I have no qualms about taking his viewpoint into consideration.

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I saw that interview on Inside The NFL. This coming from one of the few holdouts of buying into Marty Ball.


Everything about Darrell Green is overrated - except his speed.

Did you really just say that Darrell Green was over-rated?! Wow. Just wow. Some of you need to get off the hero worship of whatever Facebook is trending as the latest face of the Skins and start to appreciate what we had. Green is one of the best CBs to ever play the game, not just one of the best Redskins, and just because he is criticising what Twitter decides is our greatest ever player you decide he is over-rated? You don't deserve to be  Redskins fan.

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Something I've learned: It's never as isolated as you think it is.


It doesn't represent the majority, no. But it does show that there are a group of people out there that think, for instance, one of the greatest Redskins of all time is overrated. I would bet you ANY sum of money he's not alone in that thought.


The opinion of anyone of that ilk isn't worth much of damn. But come on man, you can't say it's another example of the fanbase turning on their own per se. It's like the ridiculous similar views on Kerrigan. They are a VERY small percentage of the fanbase. 


We're all guilty of generalising at times. Myself as much as anyone. Something most all of us need to consider when posting. 



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And here's example C of the fanbase turning on our players. Even Darrell Green (who I halfway agree with and halfway disagree with), a Redskin legend for 20 seasons.



Sam Huff is also a Redskins legend. Sam says that Roberts problem is his inability to punt over 30 yards (in critical 2nd down situations). lol

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This is a product of losing.

Last year, Robert's leadership was praised all around. You could even hear Moss go up to him after the Dallas game to win the season to personally thank him.

This year, as the team is losing, everything is criticized.

Personally, I think that Robert didn't do himself a lot of favors in the locker-room by making the entire off-season about him. I think if he'd taken a more humble, quiet, less public approach, and just bit his tongue, he might have been better served. I think that's probably what DG is picking at.

Personally, I think that Robert is a good kid. And he's made some mistakes, and he'll learn from them, and grow from them.

btw, picking on DG's career is stupid. Dude was a shutdown corner for over a decade, a first ballot HOFer. He's easily one of the best 'Skins of all time, and one of the greatest DBs in the history of the NFL.

I had a chance to meet him twice. Honestly, he was an ass both times. I would not want to go have a beer with him or hang out with him. But, that doesn't mean he wasn't a great player.

You don't have to agree with him, but he's earned the right to have his opinion. A whole lot more than that loser Arrington, who never won anything, couldn't get along with any coach, was too damn stupid to fit into any defense, and wasted more talent because of stupidity and ego than any player in recent memory. And has been rewarded with a 4 hour talk show. When he didn't even know how many games the 'Skins won last year.

At least Green has a resume, and the stature to have an opinion. Agree with it or not.

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This past offseason and how it was handled by both sides rubbed a lot of people the wrong way.


It's not like it's too late to change the perception, but I agree with DG on this one.


Griffin is a young man, he has a lot of growing to do.  Part of that growing is going to be picking and choosing the battles he chooses to fight.  The training camp drama was bad.  Let's hope it turns into a learning experience.

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How is he a bad leader? His leadership was praised last year in the preseason and he was voted a captain by week 10. It's the losing that is causing the strife and Griffin isn't the main problem. He never bus tosses anyone and always holds himself accountable. If during the offseason him wanting to get back on the field with his teammates and being chafed about it is a problem, that's a problem id want to have rather than having him riding the exercise bike everyday not caring.

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Someone else said it, but Green's career have nothing to do with his opinion and statement. I believe the only people that know what RG3's leadership is like are the other men on the field playing with him.


These are the storylines that happen when your team sucks. When they're awesome, the name controversy rises to the top. That's what I tell my friends in California to look for when determining how good our team is doing ;)

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The team would not of voted him captain if the TEAM questioned his leadership. I find it absolutely amazing how many people have turned on Griffin in less then a couple months since they declared him the second coming, especially from the media. HOF or not, DG needs to STFU and stop drawing more negative attention to this team then we already have. Thanks for nothing...

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