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Darrell Green questions RGIII's Leadership (PER PFT AND INSIDE THE NFL)


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Leaders are accountable for their poor play and the players they lead. We've had leaders on some poor teams here.


London Fletcher immediately comes to mind.


You're right....


Now, here's a question... How does that equate to wins for this current team? How does that stack up to every other skillset necessary to build a perenially good team? Or for a bad team to play better?


More importantly, how do you come to the conclusion that players don't hold themselves accountable, and that is the reason for why this team is bad? Is that a reason among many? Is that the sole reason?

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The problem is, the offensive leader (RG3) and the defensive leader (London Fletcher) stink right now.  You're leaders need to lead with their play before anything else.  If you stink on the field and try to get in the locker room and tell everybody else to get it together, they're gonna look at you like you have 3 heads.

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Hello my fellow Skins fans, been following this debate and just want to add my 2 cents.  First all I am fan of the REDSKINS, that means anybody that put on the Burgundy and Gold and went out on that field and gave it there best (so that discounts you Mr. Haynesworth) that means I'm a fan of both our HOF CB Darrell Green, our current iron man MLB London Fletcher, and of course our starting QB Mr. RGIII.  I gotta say fellas at this juncture at 3-7 I tend to agree with D.Green that skins leadership is flailing, now hear me out before you jump all down my throat too lol.  This failure of leadership starts with our HC and the Coordinators and extends down to players, I have no excuse for lack of leadership at the coaching positions ... but I can understand the difficulties that both Fletcher, and RG3 face as leaders on the field of the offense and defense. First Fletcher, he's an integral part of our D, gets players in position and makes the calls, but the fact is he's lost a step with time, and physically his game looks to be on the decline.  Think about how that drop may affect the mentality of a once proud and elite athlete.  Second RG3 is coming off of a serious injury, and is only in his second year!! Yes he's the leader on offense, but he still has a lot to learn, and he WILL get better with time.  Its easy to say the team rallies around these two and I dont doubt it ... but who do they look to when their game is faltering?  The coaches dont seem to be inspiring anyone to play harder, the team comes out flat and lacks an Identity.  Coach Gibbs was a great leader, especially in his first stint. Ray Lewis was a great leader for the Ravens D. At the QB position T.Brady and P.Manning are unquestioned as leaders, the commonality between them all is that they played/play at consistently a high level to back that up.  RG3, and Fletch, arent playing quite at that level this year, and its understandable ... so someone needs to step up and get the fire lit in their stead.  I mean watch the games after Robert makes a bad play or the offense falter who's there to lift him up .... Football is a TEAM game, and someone needs to just step up and inspire these guys too.  I'm lookin at you Kyle and Hasslett, and if not you then someone else needs to rally the troops.  I hate to bring this up, but if you look at the triplets (UGH, but hey know thy enemy, lol) Troy played qb, Emmitt was the workhorse, but everyone agreed the Irvin (mr pushoff himself) was the leader, maybe Garcon, maybe Morris, T. Williams, D. Hall, someone needs to call a players only meeting ... ala my man Art Monk ;) ... cuz Joe Gibbs isnt wakin through that door throwing orange juice.

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I agree with darrell.  Guys the man...  Remember the Chicago interception and TD Return or running down Dorsett and other so called fast guys???  Guy probably saved us 200 points doing that over his time on the team.  


One thing I have learned as I get older is you can't beat experience.  Darrell's been a leader and a follower and I don't think he would say it to bash RG but maybe humble him a little.  Darrell is the kind of guy that you will have to prove yourself too before he anoints you.  Old school.  


I can see the younger generation having an issue with it though.  Most of todays younger guys can't take criticism and fall apart when they do.  They demand respect without giving it.  

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I think at the end of the season they should just erect a crucifix at the 50 yard line for RG3, dress up the Shanahans in burgundy tunics and have everybody just get their frustrations out....the whole stadium can chant "**** you Robert for trying....**** you Robert for trying....**** you Robert for trying....Don't you know we suuuuuuuck.....we suuuuuuuuuck.......we suuuuuuuuck."


Upside is that he can be reborn as Black Jesus and can go to heaven and be free of this pathetic fan base and this ******* horrendous franchise.


In the meantime let's continue busting his balls about every little thing b/c you know, we're used to winning and greatness around here and he hasn't quite nailed it in a season and a half career which included an ACL injury....he's clearly not worthy of our support. Certainly not the type of support given to Mark "two skip screen pass" Brunell or Rex "worst ******* thing ever" Grossman.....nah, let's burn him to the ground, we've got a championship team to build, right? For the 23rd straight season.....


I honestly could not wish him more success in his career or his life EVEN if it means him having to leave the Skins.


Thank you a million times over Robert for even a glimpse of greatness last year....you have an equity with me that won't waste away in ten bad seasons.


I believe in you, healthy or not b/c you are a winner, nobody else around here is, THAT's the problem.

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This Monday Night saw a team lacking in identity, and yes lacking in leadership, thats not just on RG3 or London, they played hard, put their bodies on the line and gave it their all, no complaints as far as the effort goes for either of them.  Didnt see alot of effort from the coaches tho, no adjustments, poor game planning, lack of emotion ...  if business was just about crunching numbers, than accountants would be CEOs, if football was just X's O's, Norv mighta won a superbowl, and this team could have a winning record, but its not.  53 players with a playbook dont make a team, coaches are responsible for molding and motivating these guys into a unit, a unit that is cohesive, and decisive, a unit with an identity, a unit that knows it strengths, and accounts for its weaknessess, I'm not a fan of major overhaul but at this point if anyone needs a swift kick in the ***, or one tight slap, its Mike Shanahan, and his staff.

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