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Darrell Green questions RGIII's Leadership (PER PFT AND INSIDE THE NFL)


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Yeah, until anyone on the current roster starts questioning RGIII's leadership then why is it even news worthy regarding what Darrell Green has to say?


A good person to ask is Cooley since he was on the team in 2012, and is now a member of the media and he is usually very candid about everything that went on throughout his entire career.

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Clearly some of us can't abide by the concept that RGIII isn't a leader.  I think I get it, the desire that he is and all ... but I suspect that's all they have to support the conclusion that Green doesn't know what he's talking about. If anyone short of a current Redskin player offered up an opinion about RGIII and leadership I can't think of a single good reason not to give Darrell Green the benefit of the doubt.  He's got a much better perspective and understanding of the topic than any of us do ... unless you know something that you're not sharing.   Anyone have some examples of how RGIII is a leader?  I don't know that I would have been exposed to any ... but I also can't think of any.  Articles?  Quotes from current players?  Personal knowledge?


Style-wise ... leaders don't get quoted saying things like "its not just me."  They tend to get quotes saying things about "we" and "us" unless they are going to take the blame/responsibilty on their own shoulders ... and then you hear the "me" and "I" quotes.

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Clearly some of us can't abide by the concept that RGIII isn't a leader.  I think I get it, the desire that he is and all ... but I suspect that's all they have to support the conclusion that Green doesn't know what he's talking about. If anyone short of a current Redskin player offered up an opinion about RGIII and leadership I can't think of a single good reason not to give Darrell Green the benefit of the doubt.  He's got a much better perspective and understanding of the topic than any of us do ... unless you know something that you're not sharing.   Anyone have some examples of how RGIII is a leader?  I don't know that I would have been exposed to any ... but I also can't think of any.  Articles?  Quotes from current players?  Personal knowledge?


Style-wise ... leaders don't get quoted saying things like "its not just me."  They tend to get quotes saying things about "we" and "us" unless they are going to take the blame/responsibilty on their own shoulders ... and then you hear the "me" and "I" quotes.


Chris Russell@Russellmania98036m

Several #Redskins players confirmed that for first time today they ran a gauntlet style combine run/pass catching drill at end of practice.


Chris Russell@Russellmania98034m

One player said they didn't know who ordered it. One player said it was Robert Griffin's request. One remarked "That's a (bleeping) leader"


Chris Russell@Russellmania98014m

I can tell you guys it was a team bonding exercise, w/ no coaches & most of the offense. It was in the works on Tuesday. Friday lighter day


Chris Russell@Russellmania9808m

Even though Robert Griffin drew it up, not a response to Darrell Green's comments about leadership. It was planned, QB did it @ Baylor.


Chris Russell@Russellmania9808m

I can also tell you that there were several very upset players on the offensive side of the ball with Darrell Green's comments. #Redskins


Chris Russell@Russellmania9806m

One offensive player remarked that he wished he could "expletive truck" that guy right now. Was very upset over disrespect to Robert.


Chris Russell@Russellmania9804m

One player said about @RGIII "We voted that guy captain because we believe in him.That guy is a (expletive) leader in a big way." #Redskins


Maybe read the thread next time?

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RG3 and the Redskins will be all right. This is a young rebuilding team people should accept already this is not a good team. This is the same team that started 3-6 last year and it's no coincidence. Throwing shots at individual players  will not change that. No matter how great a leader RG3 is he can't make his defense not be the 31th rank defense in the league.

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RG3 and the Redskins will be all right. This is a young rebuilding team people should accept already this is not a good team. This is the same team that started 3-6 last year and it's no coincidence. Throwing shots at individual players will not change that. No matter how great a leader RG3 is he can't make his defense not be the 31th rank defense in the league.

They aren't ranked 31st

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Wow, when it rains it pours for athletes when experiencing some inconsistent play. I don't think there's any doubt the offseason "stuff" was not the healthiest for Griff (most of which was his fault IMO), the team and/or the organization, but the creativity and hatred some are going to in attempts to tear this guy down is unfortunate. As I get older my wisdom continues to grow and I've learned how much the media fails to really give full reports on issues. 


He's a second year QB coming off reconstructive knee surgery: Very obvious information, but left out of many national debates. Crazy!

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Darrell Green is in no way associated with the Redskins organization.  He doesn't know **** about **** that's going on in this locker room, and we're talking about this locker room.


So no, he doesn't know about the leadership in this locker room.


Half of that statement is just irresponsible.  He is associated with the Redskins.  And he doesn't need to know what's going on in the locker room to comment on the leadership of what he's seen from Griffin.  Griffin is in the media enough to make that a pretty easy assessment ;)


Alas... maybe if we are real patient... a veteran (and true leader) might come along and say something to bring the team together.  Like, give them all a common enemy or something.  Maybe that'll help them rally around Griffin.

The players vote for the captains huh?


I honestly never knew that. Figured that was the HC's decision. 




There's a big difference between being "voted a captain" and being a "leader".


I won't ever get this across to anyone that doesn't want to hear it, though :lol:

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There's a big difference between being "voted a captain" and being a "leader".


I won't ever get this across to anyone that doesn't want to hear it, though :lol:


I hear you loud and clear Colonel. *Boring soccer interlude alert* Gerrard should never of been our captain the last decade. He may of lead by example on the field, and been the far more talented player; but Carragher was FAR more a leader of men than Steven could ever dream of being. I know which one I'd want beside me in the trenches. Let's put it that way. Stevie to me got the gig through popularity and the name he is. Not what he brings in the traditional leadership role which is Jamie all over. *Interlude over. Everyone take a deep sigh of relief.*


It just interested me that the players vote on the captains was all as it was something I never knew. And I don't like to not know ****!  :angry:



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There is some merit to Green's comments, depending on what context you put them.

I read it as not a knock, necessarily, but more of a "he's too young and inexperienced to be a true leader right now", not as "this guy stinks. He can't lead. He's no leader."

If I took it in correctly (and who knows if I did) I'd say the comments are no where as bad as seen, but rather somewhat truthful.

In a way, he is absolutely the leader. Team guy, puts his body on the line, tough as nails, face of the franchise.

In another, he can't possibly be. He doesn't have the experience necessary.

But to me, he's simply a young leader. I have no doubts he will be the fully rounded leader. And I'm glad he's getting lessons on leadership in his first few seasons, it's invaluable experience.

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I don't understand why some posters are bringing up last year. Green was talking about his leadership, or lack thereof, since the offseason. The same things many posters have brought up and have been blasted by other members of this board. Truth is, RG3 has spent a lot of time since last February speaking of "me" and "I" not "we" and "us" as he did last year. That is the leadership Green was questioning, because you can't be a team leader when your so wrapped up in yourself, your self-produced documentary, commercials, and dictating to your coaches when you will play and what plays you will and will not run. I'm sure many will take "offense" to my post, but that is what happened as the offseason began. Hopefully, he is being humbled and returning to the leader he was when he first got here and before reading all of his own press clippings.

Wow..He didn't say any of that lol. Nice spin

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I hear you loud and clear Colonel. *Boring soccer interlude alert* Gerrard should never of been our captain the last decade. He may of lead by example on the field, and been the far more talented player; but Carragher was FAR more a leader of men than Steven could ever dream of being. I know which one I'd want beside me in the trenches. Let's put it that way. Stevie to me got the gig through popularity and the name he is. Not what he brings in the traditional leadership role which is Jamie all over. *Interlude over. Everyone take a deep sigh of relief.*


It just interested me that the players vote on the captains was all as it was something I never knew. And I don't like to not know ****!  :angry:




Jamie might be the best analyst out there right now in my totally biased opinion.  Funnier than hell, too.


And not that it makes you any more of a leader, but it never hurts to have "YNWA" tatted on your knuckles like a boss :)


And just to put it out there once again, I think Griffin is a leader.  But he isn't a good leader yet.  There's a lot of room to grow and it'll be very interesting to see what he says in response to this.  DG has given him a fantastic opportunity to take the high road here.  Let's see if he does.

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Darrell Green is in no way associated with the Redskins organization.  He doesn't know **** about **** that's going on in this locker room, and we're talking about this locker room.


So no, he doesn't know about the leadership in this locker room.


 On one level, you're right; he's not physically in the locker room or on the practice field, so to pinpoint a certain physical aspect of Griffin being a leader may be stretching it a bit.

 But, this is Darrell Green; his credentials speak for themselves, well respected and liked, even by Cowboy players, except when they played against each other, and was a leader whether he wanted to be or not. He led by a strong work ethic; he had books on the receivers he was going to face that week, he put the time, effort, and sweat into being the best he could, and led by a quiet example.


So, on another level, he most certainly knows about leadership. No question about it.  now, if its a certain type of leadership that some may say Griffin is or is not, whether he's a vocal leader, well none of us are in the locker room, so honestly none of us know for sure.


But there is also the fact that players back in Gibbs 1.0 were more of a team player; today, individualism of players does separate them from the rest of the team, and you COULD say that to a degree the individualism in Griffin could give players a slight sense of 'well its Griffin and us', and maybe that's what they were hinting at; and maybe the players accept it that way, but I do know that there are 11 on offense and 11 on defense who heard the chants of RGIII RGIII RGIII in the Superdome last year, and if I were a player, I would look at it as ' i'm part of the team too'; just like Morris, who is the unsung hero of this team.

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But to me, he's simply a young leader. I have no doubts he will be the fully rounded leader. And I'm glad he's getting lessons on leadership in his first few seasons, it's invaluable experience.


I agree with that, and what you said.  keyword being "Young" 

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