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Darrell Green questions RGIII's Leadership (PER PFT AND INSIDE THE NFL)


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Sam Huff is also a Redskins legend. Sam says that Roberts problem is his inability to punt over 30 yards (in critical 2nd down situations). lol


Well, I didn't say you had to agree with what he said, I'm kinda one foot in and one foot out on his opinion...


But to talk about his playing ability and stating that he's overrated is both totally off topic and totally off base.

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I had a chance to meet him twice. Honestly, he was an ass both times. I would not want to go have a beer with him or hang out with him. But, that doesn't mean he wasn't a great player .....


Indeed it does not but I increasingly find it interesting that you're FAR from the first person I've heard recount this on him. 


Why he should show such disdain for the fans who idolised him for 20 years (and in many instances still do), and whom contributed to giving him a lifestyle many can only dream about is to his eternal detriment. 


Never understand guys like that. 



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Well, I didn't say you had to agree with what he said, I'm kinda one foot in and one foot out on his opinion...


But to talk about his playing ability and stating that he's overrated is both totally off topic and totally off base.

Agreed. You can agree or disagree with DG. But, he's a legend because of his career on the field. And he's earned the right to really say anything he wants. You don't have to agree with it. But he's earned that right.

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Coverage ability. He made a lot of mistakes that were hidden by his speed to correct for them.


Off-the-field persona. It's not the accepted image that the public has been given him.


Football judgement, as evidenced by the interview that is the topic of this thread and his assessment of Schottenheimer.


I once asked him if it bothered him how much Michael Irvin used to get away with pushing off on him. His reply was he never worried about Irvin because he was so slow. My memories of their matchups were of DG getting beaten - regularly.


He also knows very little Redskins history. Surprising for someone who played on the team for 20 years.



Nothing you stated provides any reason that he over-rated accept the 1st statement which shows a lack of football acumen on your part. 


I think your 2nd and 4th statement sums up the reason for your baseless statement. You met him once and he wasn't nice to you so now he is over-rated. I can't stand Tiger Woods as a person, but no one can deny he was and probably still is one of the greatest golfers in the history of the game. His 13 yrs to start his career is unparalleled in golf and you could make an argument in sport in general. 


You can not like DG all you want as a person, but when you make statements about one of the greatest football players of all time (not just Redskins) calling him over-rated in all honestly just makes you look petty. 

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Indeed it does not but I increasingly find it interesting that you're FAR from the first person I've heard recount this on him. 


Why he should show such disdain for the fans who idolised him for 20 years (and in many instances still do), and whom contributed to giving him a lifestyle many can only dream about is to his eternal detriment. 


Never understand guys like that. 



To me, he was just an arrogant SOB. He wasn't personable to the fans, but he was really chummy with the media guys. He kindof treated the fans like potted plants. He was very interested in cultivating an image, but he didn't really live up to that image, in my opinion. He has a huge ego. Which he kidnof earned...

This doesn't dissuade me for saying that, on the field, he was one of my favorite 'skins. And so amazing that he was so short, but able to "overcome" it and be spectacular. I'm a fan of his, on the field. Not so much off the field, but on the field, I'm definitely a fan.

I kindof wonder if DG would have been as popular if he played today. I kindof get the feeling with social media the way it is, he'd have put his foot in his mouth enough that while he would try to maintain a squeeky clean image, people would actually get to know him as an arrogant, self righteous SOB. Dunno.

Now, contrast that with Art Monk, who I've also met twice. One of the most gracious, humble, kind, sincere, open people you'll ever meet. Definition of "gentle giant." (Though, I would be terrified if I knocked on his door as a HS student and he opened the door. Even then, which was in the mid 00's after he had retired, he presented a very imposing figure.)

My sister went to HS with his son (who introduced Art at his HOF induction) so I met Art at a couple of events here and there. He didn't have to give me the time of day, but if you went up to him just to say hi and how great it was to meet him, he'd always shake your hand, smile, and chat with you for a second. Just a terrific human being. He is somebody I would point to as a true roll model for my kids. Exceptional at what they did, but had the humility and grace to still be kind to everybody.

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Well, I didn't say you had to agree with what he said, I'm kinda one foot in and one foot out on his opinion...


But to talk about his playing ability and stating that he's overrated is both totally off topic and totally off base.

Agreed, regardless of anyones stance on DGs opinions, there is no denying he was one of the all time greatest Redskins. That is without question.

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I can't believe some of you are questioning DG's talent and calling him overrated. As many have stated he is a HOF shutdown corner who was the fastest man in the NFL for over a decade.

Now mind you he was not as fast and good as this one rookie who came across the field and ran a man down from behind to save a TD but he was pretty fast. Oh wait......

Whether he was a nice man or not I am not qualified to say, as I never met the man, but to question his football talent is crazy. Sometimes I wonder, and I could be completely wrong here, if some of you posters even watched some of the guys play that you post about. I mean I know I have said this already but to question DG's talent and call him overrated what the heck have some of our fans come to.

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My issue with whole thing is that RGIII IS CLEARLY THE LEADER OF THE TEAM. Read any quotes from teammates and that's exactly what they say. 


ESPN is killing me because they've already had THREE segments on it. 10 seconds of research can quell the whole thing. The **** in the offseason has nothing to do with leadership on the field. To me, it's unquestioned and he's displayed it numerous times. NFL Films has like 3839802 different sound bytes of him addressing the team as a whole that they play on NFLN 9297297 times a day.

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Im surprised DG would say what he did.  I understand opinions and or if his trying to light a fire or something but C'MON RG3 not a leader?


This is the kind of leader I want on my team, look below




I don't know if that gif helps your argument, leaders don't make reckless decisions like that.

My issue with whole thing is that RGIII IS CLEARLY THE LEADER OF THE TEAM. Read any quotes from teammates and that's exactly what they say. 


ESPN is killing me because they've already had THREE segments on it. 10 seconds of research can quell the whole thing. The **** in the offseason has nothing to do with leadership on the field. To me, it's unquestioned and he's displayed it numerous times. NFL Films has like 3839802 different sound bytes of him addressing the team as a whole that they play on NFLN 9297297 times a day.


What do you expect his teammates to say? Even if they don't agree they aren't going to come out and say he isn't a leader.

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I don't know if that gif helps your argument, leaders don't make reckless decisions like that.


What do you expect his teammates to say? Even if they don't agree they aren't going to come out and say he isn't a leader.

In the context of the game, it was far from reckless. Sure as a fan, I nearly pissed myself but it helped his team win.

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I don't know if that gif helps your argument, leaders don't make reckless decisions like that.


What do you expect his teammates to say? Even if they don't agree they aren't going to come out and say he isn't a leader.

They been praising his leadership since he was drafted dude. There are numerous documented accounts of him speaking up during games, encouraging teammates, and hyping up the team.


He was voted captain as a rookie. Why would his teammates vote him as captain if they didn't really see him as a leader? That wasn't done in public. They had no reason to lie.

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btw, picking on DG's career is stupid. Dude was a shutdown corner for over a decade, a first ballot HOFer. He's easily one of the best 'Skins of all time, and one of the greatest DBs in the history of the NFL.

I had a chance to meet him twice. Honestly, he was an ass both times. I would not want to go have a beer with him or hang out with him. But, that doesn't mean he wasn't a great player.



For what it's worth my brother in law met him twice and said he could not have been more personable. One thing to keep in mind, we don't know what has happened his whole career. There might have been some stalkers, or some people that threatened his family. This happens to people in the spot light and it can make you leery of people that walk up to you. Or he could just be a jerk. 


Either way I agree with your main point, wether you like the man himself or not has no bearing on the type of player he was. On the field he was one of the greatest ever. He was even the first CB to make the All-Madden team that until then was reserved for lineman, full backs and LBs. :-) 

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“I think that’s the problem,” Green answered. “I think it’s SUPER important to have leadership, and I don’t think he really IS the leader. . . .

“I don’t know if they have a leader. . . . Well, London Fletcher is, but I’ve been that old player before. And you’re a moral leader, people love you and respect you, but you’re really not the leader. You’re not. And really, you shouldn’t be. Because in my opinion, the leadership should come from the offensive side of the ball, because the game is such an offensive-based game.”


Darrell Green is my all-time favorite player but he is way off base on Griff here IMO. 



 I think he's hit the nail on the head on that topic.

 There are those who lead by words, others lead by example; Griffin is in a position of being popular, on all the tv commercials, and gets alot of attention one way or another, but not much else is mentioned about the teammates. So maybe there is a little resentment by players, possibly to a degree of giving him the ol' double standard on comradery.

 Look at the team and ask who is an actual leader? Better yet, is there really a NEED for one?

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This is the Sound F/X from the Dallas game in week 17 winner-take-all game. The biggest game of his life. He is the definition of a leader in this video. Santana Moss personally thanked him afterwards. He even complimented Tony Romo sits to pee afterwards. 



But yeah, he's not a leader and his teammates don't really like him. Yep

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I don't know if that gif helps your argument, leaders don't make reckless decisions like that.



Then your not going to believe those who've played the game with the same mentality.  Elway, J. Brown, S. Taylor,and many many more...... They put their bodies on the line and in any time of any game, anyone can get hurt.  I want him to slide, but I cannot argue with putting everything on the line, for me thats a leader.  Fight for every Inch, play with 110% every down

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I don't know if that gif helps your argument, leaders don't make reckless decisions like that. .....


On the contrary, on-field leadership by your play, in this case 100% commitment to the cause, is oft an invaluable form of leadership when it comes to team sports. 

Then your not going to believe those who've played the game with the same mentality.  Elway, J. Brown, S. Taylor,and many many more...... They put their bodies on the line and in any time of any game, anyone can get hurt.  I want him to slide, but I cannot argue with putting everything on the line, for me thats a leader.  Fight for every Inch, play with 110% every down


Out of likes but I wanted to like both your gif and this follow up.


So I have.  :)



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Then your not going to believe those who've played the game with the same mentality.  Elway, J. Brown, S. Taylor,and many many more...... They put their bodies on the line and in any time of any game, anyone can get hurt.  I want him to slide, but I cannot argue with putting everything on the line, for me thats a leader.  Fight for every Inch, play with 110% every down


Two things real quick.


I find it interesting that you chose those 3... other than Elway - who early on, never met a microphone he didn't like - but later in his career "got it", Brown and Taylor RARELY if EVER spoke to the media.  Just for what it's worth.


And in that gif... he had a TE wide open on the other side of the field.  And 10 other guys who executed the play the right way to get that TE wide open... and Robert ran with it and almost hurt himself.  Again, just for what it's worth.


There are different kinds of leadership, millions of different kinds.  Robert is a leader.  But he is not a great leader, not even really a good leader, he's about an average leader.  Which is fine.  He's 23 years old.  He has a lot to see and learn still.  But he really hasn't shown that he can learn from a mistake yet or refine himself on the field or in the media.  And that's something to keep an eye on.

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I saw that interview on Inside The NFL. This coming from one of the few holdouts of buying into Marty Ball.

Schotferbrains was a friggin idiot, and there's good reason noone bought into him until the players meeting after going 0-5. We had the best RB in the NFL, a WR who was one year removed from leading the NFL in YPC, and a succession of QBs with no ability to thread the needle, and he insisted on installing an 80s style WCO, abandoning the run and the deep ball in favor of 3 yard hitches...all thrown exclusively to a rookie who dropped half of them and would be out of the NFL a few years later. We had the easiest schedule in the NFL that year and almost no injuries, and we were getting blown out by pansy teams. Even Norvo the Clown could've gotten us to 11-5 that year. The "martyball" of handing off on 3rd and 9 to Ki-Jana Carter and the like didn't happen until it started to look like we might go 0-16. If people question Kyle's hiring, it's got nothing on Schothead's bro coaching the D in 01.

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Two things real quick.


I find it interesting that you chose those 3... other than Elway - who early on, never met a microphone he didn't like - but later in his career "got it", Brown and Taylor RARELY if EVER spoke to the media.  Just for what it's worth.


And in that gif... he had a TE wide open on the other side of the field.  And 10 other guys who executed the play the right way to get that TE wide open... and Robert ran with it and almost hurt himself.  Again, just for what it's worth.


There are different kinds of leadership, millions of different kinds.  Robert is a leader.  But he is not a great leader, not even really a good leader, he's about an average leader.  Which is fine.  He's 23 years old.  He has a lot to see and learn still.  But he really hasn't shown that he can learn from a mistake yet or refine himself on the field or in the media.  And that's something to keep an eye on.


I know, they were the first people that came to my mind.  Elway had similar plays by scrambling, diving and being twisted in the air.  J. Brown was like a punisher, and S. Taylor laid the wood.  Had to add a skins player:)  I did it off the top of my head and afterwards I thought of E. Campbell.  It wasnt about speaking to media it was more or the less about players who have put their bodies on the line and punished the acquisition.  Staying in bounds, Crazy hit (that probably today would be penalized etc...)


Im with you... there might of been a different play RG3 could have done, but theres always seems to be a question like that in every scenario.


For me, that type of play makes others step up on the football team, because they see the fight, determination, excitement, and when you get a first down like that, what more can you say!  Yes, his only 23 and he still is learning, not much I can say to that except our future looks bright with him in my own opinion.  He is our Captain, and yes theres always something to improve upon and I think he has the smarts to do so.  "Time will tell"


Im just surprised DG would say his not a leader, I was at a lost of words and shuck my head when he said that. 


His not some Johnny Football, putting up "show me the money symbols or writing checks" in the air at people after a play.

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I think RGIII's insistence that he start week one was a lack of leadership. He put himself before the team. I think in his eyes hie sees leadership as sticking to his guns and do what he thinks is best for himself. Still a great player though.

How is starting week one best for himself? He gets nothing out of it other than the risk of bodily harm for sake of the team. Sacrificing your body for the team and fans is a leadership decision to me. Smart? Probably not, but definitely opposite of selfish.

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