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Ign.com: Ben Affleck Is The New Batman

Toe Jam

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Ben Affleck is set to star as Batman in Zack Snyder's Man of Steel sequel, Warner Bros. has announced.

“We knew we needed an extraordinary actor to take on one of DC Comics’ most enduringly popular Super Heroes, and Ben Affleck certainly fits that bill, and then some" said Greg Silverman, President of Creative Development and Worldwide Production at Warner Bros. earlier today. "His outstanding career is a testament to his talent and we know he and Zack will bring new dimension to the duality of this


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He's a good actor and director. He came on strong over the past few years doing his own thing. Though i guess money convinced him to don the cowl. Either way, im not planning on watching this movie. There is nothing about batman and superman that interests me enough to spend money to see it.

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Tough road, following Bale. I honestly don't know who they could've gone to after Bale anyway, that wouldn't have garnered the same (apparent) immediate reaction...


I'll say this. I was kinda "Wtf" when I heard that Bale was given the role to reboot the franchise, and he killed it. Give the dude a chance.

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I don't see him fitting this role at all. He's too "plucky" and we've seen this tactic before of big budget movies trying to fit a square peg in a round hole just because the big name actor guarantees more viewership. I'm not as excited about this movie now.


Bale was a good pick at the time. He actually had a background with some darker roles as well as doing some action movies. Supposedly there is an offer for him to come back for $50 million. Here's hoping the Affleck thing is meant to goad Bale into coming back.

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Horrible fit. Affleck has played some good roles but he's always Ben Affleck in every role. The only differences are "smart ass" or "smart" and if he has a Boston accent or not. Batman is a brooding dark character that can't be happy. Ben Affleck always looks, to me, like he's fighting back the urge to smile.

Well it could have been worse. At least its not Ryan Reynolds.

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I actually predicted Affleck awhile back. Surprised at the really negative consensus so far. I think he'll be great. I thought he was pretty good in DD and while the movie wasn't one of the better of the breed, I don't think it was nearly as bad as some people say. Outside of being handed mediocre dialogue and a floppy script,  I thought the actors and the characters for all the main roles were pretty competent. Special effects, plotting, and the lame handling of origin are the thing that I thought sucked the most in DD.

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Tough road, following Bale. I honestly don't know who they could've gone to after Bale anyway, that wouldn't have garnered the same (apparent) immediate reaction...


I'll say this. I was kinda "Wtf" when I heard that Bale was given the role to reboot the franchise, and he killed it. Give the dude a chance.


And people complained endlessly about Heath Ledger as the joker. I'll give it a chance at least.

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