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Ign.com: Ben Affleck Is The New Batman

Toe Jam

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If Joss Whedon likes the choice...I think I'll trust him.


While he doesn't have the name, I wish they would look at Michael Rosenbaum for Luthor. He played him perfectly in Smallville and would be an interesting choice if they went with a same age (to Superman) Luthor.


Here's one more..outside the box choice..Michael Chiklis as Lex Luthor. 

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  • 2 months later...

Just decided to post this here rather than create another thread.




'Arrow' execs on 'The Flash' TV series: 'There's new, insane concepts'



The exec producers of Arrow have revealed new details about the planned Flash TV series.

Season two of Arrow will introduce the character of Barry Allen, a forensic scientist in the Central City police department, in its eighth episode.

"He's just an ordinary man when we meet him," exec Andrew Kreisberg said in a conference call. "Part of the fun for the audience [is] the ride and to see how we do our Arrow take on the Flash legacy."

The introduction of the Flash will signal the introduction of more "insane concepts" to the Arrow world, added DC's Geoff Johns, hinting at the introduction of more super-powered characters.

"These powers won't be treated as commonplace," Kreisberg affirmed. "They will be extraordinary events, so the world and characters will react accordingly."




Kreisberg and Johns also revealed that it was fellow exec producer Greg Berlanti who first suggested a Flash TV spinoff.

"Despite the fact that he's got superpowers, there's something very relatable about Barry... of all the big seven of the Justice League," Kreisberg continued.

"He got his powers by accident, he isn't a god, he wasn't seeking this out, it came to him … His reactions to that feel very human and grounded.

"Oliver Queen (Stephen Amell) is a very dark and tortured soul, and Barry is not. I think it'll be a fun bi-play to see these two characters together - they both have distinctly different world views while caring deeply about right and wrong."

The Flash will appear in episodes eight, nine and 20 of Arrow's second season, which premieres on October 9 on The CW in the US and will air on Sky1 in the UK.







'Hourman' Series In The Works At The CW


The CW is prepping a new DC Comics TV series, this one starring "Hourman." According to Variety, the series will follow a brilliant (and troubled) pharmaceutical analyst who discovers his visions are glimpses of events that occur one hour in the future.


Look for The CW's "Hourman" to be a little older than the current heroes in "Arrow" and the planned "Flash" TV shows. The character in "Hourman" is hoping to win back his ex-wife and son by preventing the tragic events he witnesses in his visions.


Michael Caleo of "Ironside" is writing the script and will executive produce alongside Dan Lin and Jennifer Gwartz.


"Hourman" has been around DC Comics for years and gone through many incarnations, dating back to the 1940s. The character has served as part of the Justice Society of America and Justice League.


"Arrow," following DC Comics' Green Arrow, is now in its second season on The CW.A "Flash" spinoff of "Arrow" is in the works with the character set to be introduced this season and possibly get his own showThe network has also been at work on a script telling the origins of "Wonder Woman."


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Bryan Cranston as Lex Luthor?  Niiiice.  B)  Thanks for the scoop, Warhead36.


Toe Jam, that link you provided offers a very good list of examples where the pre-release negativity of moviegoers and/or media to a particular film's casting decision(s) proved to be dead wrong.  And I hope Warners' casting of Affleck as Batman proves to be a new addition to that list... because, despite all the heated protestations of fans, Bale isn't returning (due to writer/director Chris Nolan being uninvolved with the upcoming project other than an honorary "executive producer" credit) and Warners isn't reneging on its newly-signed contract with Affleck.


However, there have been times where fans were right when they said a would-be blockbuster wouldn't pass muster.  Off the top of my head, I can think of Superman Returns and Green Lantern and The Hulk.  But subpar screenwriting rather than flawed casting happened to be the main problem with those films.


Lastly, I don't get the ire that's been directed at Man of Steel.  In my opinion, it's the best Superman movie ever made.  I love 1978's Superman: The Movie.  Director Richard Donner firmly established himself as an A-lister with this film, and Christopher Reeve was perfectly cast in the title role.  Moreover, Reeve had great chemistry with Margot Kidder (something that was woefully lacking between their acting replacements in the oddly-conceived "sequel" to those early Superman films, 2006's Superman Returns).  But the film, as was the custom back then with comic-book movies, had a slightly campy quality to it (Superman II was even more pronounced in this regard, with Superman turning his chest symbol into a boomerang-type weapon -- huh?! -- and hurling it at ostentatiously scenary-chewing supervillains), and its visual FX, especially its unconvincing miniature photography, haven't aged particularly well.  :rolleyes:


By contrast, Man of Steel has state-of-the-art visual FX & production-design elements (I especially liked the H.R. Giger-style look of General Zod's ships and clothing); and it has a darker, grittier tone, replete with a villain who is driven to achieve his goals, dispassionately cutting down anyone in his way, rather than exchanging look-at-me quips with his adversaries.  Also, I appreciated the new film's attempt to "more realistically" (for want of a better phrase) depict Clark Kent's growing realization that he possesses physical traits unlike anyone else on Earth; and how that realization makes him feel isolated from everyone around him, fearing that disclosure of his powers might place him at the mercy those who'd want to lock him away and treat him as a "specimen" to be scrutinized.


Perhaps those who disliked the new film long for the more upbeat approach of the earlier movies.  And I can understand that, as Superman has long been associated with an optimistic perspective, especially when compared to the more pessimistic attitude of the Batman comics over the past few decades.  But some of my favorite episodes of the late 1990s Superman cartoon consisted of a two-parter called "Legacy," wherein Superman was captured and brainwashed by Darkseid to attack Earth and lay the groundwork for an invasion by Darkseid's forces.  Eventually, Superman rebels against his brainwashing and helps humanity to repel Darkseid's invasion attempt... but the "Legacy" storyline (and the entire TV series) ends on a downbeat note, with Superman realizing that many humans will never fully trust him again.  I had long wanted to see a big-screen Superman movie with that kind of tone, and Man of Steel delivered that.  :)



Good God I thought Man of Steel was a piece of ****.  What a disappointment.


I'm not even huge into comic books and comic book lore but even I missed out on obvious Superman hallmarks like changing in a phone booth or true romance with "Lois Lane," who just appeared to be a random news reporter that happened to be named Lois Lane. Those things are so linked to Superman it's hard to think about him without thinking about those two pieces.  Even if changing in a phone booth is dated because phone booths don't really exist anymore, they still could have tried to find a way to put a modern spin on it.  


Awful fight scenes?  Check "Hey, let's have Superman and his nemesis throw each other through building after building all over a town for a fight!  What a great idea!!"  On top of that, whenever he fought he wasn't even hurt.  Not a hair out of place.  They just kept each other throwing through buildings for the entire fight.  It wasn't original, it wasn't impressive.  Not to mention the gratuitous product/company placement.  iHop?  Seriously?  Did Superman ever go out of his way to save innocent bystanders at any point?  


Superman never faced any real danger in that movie.  You never felt like he was at risk at any point at all.  He never faced any true challenges, other than to figure out who he was and even that was pretty half assed and lame.  The guy that played him was okay, I guess but he wasn't memorable.  They did a decent job with the character development but there was no serious danger aspect that he had to face.  


It didn't have to be lighthearted, it didn't have to be funny...it wasn't advertised as such.  Anyone going to that movie expecting those things should have paid better attention at watching the trailer.  It was just a CGI jerkoff fest, Hollywood trying to cram as many mindblowing effects into a movie as they possibly can while skimping on story and depth.  

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I just don't understand the hate towards Superman movies. I admit, SR was just OK at best, but I thought Man of Steel was very good. You have to understand that Superman is probably the hardest character to write for. He literally has no weakness other than kryptonite.

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I just don't understand the hate towards Superman movies. I admit, SR was just OK at best, but I thought Man of Steel was very good. You have to understand that Superman is probably the hardest character to write for. He literally has no weakness other than kryptonite.



I'm not even huge into comic books and comic book lore but even I missed out on obvious Superman hallmarks like changing in a phone booth or true romance with "Lois Lane," who just appeared to be a random news reporter that happened to be named Lois Lane. Those things are so linked to Superman it's hard to think about him without thinking about those two pieces.  Even if changing in a phone booth is dated because phone booths don't really exist anymore, they still could have tried to find a way to put a modern spin on it.

Christopher Reeve ran into a revolving door, and came out as Superman.

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So in other words, Mr (I'm not even gonna try to spell his name). He'd be an interesting side villain.

Magic?Telepathy?Christopher Reeve ran into a revolving door, and came out as Superman.

Remember the scene just before he did that? He looked at a phone booth then he decided the revolving door was a better option.

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I just don't understand the hate towards Superman movies. I admit, SR was just OK at best, but I thought Man of Steel was very good. You have to understand that Superman is probably the hardest character to write for. He literally has no weakness other than kryptonite.

Superman doesn't have to be made invulnerable. Why not go back into Superman's past before the writers started adding more and more powers to him. "When maturity was reached, he discovered he could easily: Leap 1/8th of a mile; hurdle a twenty-story building...raise tremendous weights...run faster than an express train... and that nothing less than a bursting shell could penetrate his skin!". Their powers at the time were derived from evolving on a planet with much higher gravity than earth making them much stronger, and then coming to earth with the lesser gravity could leap tall buildings and run really fast with that strength.
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DC Snags Another Nightwing Trademark And Adam Driver Comments On The Rumors



Bleeding Cool reports DC Comics have registered a trademark on an image described as “NIGHTWING on a bat”. We don’t have the image they’re registering; the picture above is from the cover of Nightwing (Volume 3) Issue 6.


There’s a huge list of merchandise types the logo is being registered for over here. Want a Nightwing logo on a necktie? BOOM. Nightwing on bathtub toys? Got ya covered. On a jogging suit? Sure, why not? As a jigsaw puzzle? Inevitable, we suppose. Nightwing on toy bakeware? Uh, okay then. Nightwing on Christmas tree ornaments? 


Anyway, this additional trademark lends more credence to the rumors about Dick Grayson appearing in Batman vs Superman. But what about the rumor Adam Driver (Girls) was offered the part? Driver tells Collider he hasn’t been approached, but he seemed flattered people thought it was possible.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Couple updates on Batman vs Superman.


1.  Name change imminent, likely to be called Man of Steel 2: World's Finest

2. Wonder Woman has been cast.  Gal Gadot from Fast and Furious franchise will play the Amazon Queen.

3.  Terry O'quinn (Locke from lost) is rumored to be cast as Lex, though Tom Hanks name keeps coming up again and again

4.  Batman is older, wiser compared to Cavill's Superman.   Batman character taken from elements of Kingdom Come and The Dark Knight Returns.  He'll be disgruntled from Robin/Nightwing, crimefighting from the cave via drones

5.  Doomsday's name keeps coming up 

6.  Story will basically be the world's reaction to Man of Steel.  Aliens exist, other super powered beings come forward, aka Wonder Woman

7.  Will tie in directly to Justice League.   Justice league set for 2017 release.  Will work in Cyborg, Aquaman, Flash, Nightwing, etc...   Flash may not get a movie but a TV show ala Agents of SHIELD

8.  Principle photography starts in February, filming in Detroit

9.  Affleck has apologized for Daredevil, saying it's the only movie he regrets since it got "****ed up".   Says it helped inspire him to do Batman and make amends

10. Some think, logically, that DC and WB pulled the wool over our heads and this is actually the Justice League movie that was originally scheduled for the 2015 release.  The Flash has been confirmed.

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Not anymore sold on Gal Gadot for Wonder Woman then I was on Ben Affleck for Batman. She's cute, but is going to have to put on some weight to keep from just being a pretty face with a laso. I wanted Gina Carano, hell, she's dating Henry Carvil.

They gonna have work to do to keep this movie from getting away from them.

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I wonder if the WB pulled the wool over my eyes and BvS is actually JL.  It was originally scheduled for a 2015 release.   Flash now confirmed.

Justice League, which included Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Flash, Cyborg, Green Lantern, and Aquaman. 

Four have been confirmed, Cyborg has been talked about and easter egged in Man of Steel.   Aquaman has been heating up.  Chances they bring in Ryan Reynolds too?


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I think the biggest problem is that these are DC Comics rather than Marvel. I am totally partial to Marvel of course but it seems that on average the Marvel comic movies are just simply better than DC comic movies.


That said, it was said ealier and certainly not a new thought, but writing a script for Superman is near impossible especially since the mythology of Superman is that the ONLY thing that can hurt him is kryptonite. At that point you're stuck with a character drama knowing that Superman is going to win, that's why it took us all by surprise when he was killed in the comicbook. Batman can die, Wolverine has his adamantium used against him by Magneto, memory erased etc, Cyclops died (not happy about that) as did Prof X and Jean, Daredevil (movie) was an emo basketcase. But Superman can take a bullet to the eyeball and not even blink. They has literally made him a god, but at least Loki is not unbeatable even by conventional fighting, i.e. Hulk "puny god".

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