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Avengers 2: The Age of Ultron


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One more thing. I think Cumberbatch hasn't actually been confirmed. If he was actually confirmed to have signed, rather than in talks, they would've announced it at the press conference. To my understanding they didn't, what is causing the ruckus is some other news site claiming it was done.

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I don't know where to put this, but Marvel just announced 10 more movies




Avengers Infinity War. Part 1 May 2018. Part 2 May 2019

The Inhumans November 2018

A Carol Danvers Movie???

Captain Marvel July 2018

Black Panther 2017 (Chadwick Boseman: from 42 and Get on Up that James Brown Movie)

Guardians 2 May 2017

Thor: Rangnarok July 2017

Dr. Strange November 2016

Captain America: Civil War May 2016 (Robert Downey Jr will co-star)



Hold me!  :wub:

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Pretty sure they're both signed on to do the last Avengers and then they'll be done


I may have read this wrong, but I'd read somewhere that Evans had three more movies on his contract and he planned on being done with acting. That was before The Winter Solider. So wouldn't Age of Ultron and Civil War be #2 and #3? 


I don't know how many movies Downey has left, he may very well have Avengers 3 as his last movie. 

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Marvel’s massive Phase Three announcement at Disney’s El Capitan theater was BIG on theatrics, but SMALL on actual footage. Like a lot of what Marvel does, the presentation had to do with the reveal of titles and release dates, but no real video representation of what the studio has in store… except for the incredible trailer they cut together for the upcoming, two-part Avengers: Infinity War saga. Watch a copy of the trailer below, while you still can:



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Maybe they blame Stark for creating Ultron (in this version) and they are taking sides.

Yeah I'm sure it's justified in the plot in some way I was just hoping it would be more of a united front in this movie after the come together moment of the last one. Funny if it was with Coulsen being alive again they all figured "meh" on the come togetherness

Maybe this goes into IM being a bit of an outcast at the end which feeds into the Cap3 Civil War story.

But there are two more Avenger movies planned, Infinity Wars Pt1 and Pt2 and they have IM listed, though obviously it's early so we will see how it all shapes up.

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Ya know what I liked about the Avengers in the comics way back when? Occasionally they would fight amongst themselves. Everything wasn't milk and cookies with them. Kind of like real life teams. Like that about the movie and just like some of the comic story lines,sure there's a reason for it. :)

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I'm with you, PCS. The mid-60s iteration (affectionately known as "Cap's Kooky Quartet," and which I discovered as a 70s/80s fanboy) was super squabbly and that kind of dynamic (which the FF and the X-Men faced too) was one of the key things that made Marvel cooler than D.C. to me.

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Ya know what I liked about the Avengers in the comics way back when? Occasionally they would fight amongst themselves. Everything wasn't milk and cookies with them. Kind of like real life teams. Like that about the movie and just like some of the comic story lines,sure there's a reason for it. :)

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