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***2021-2022 NBA Season Thread***


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Yeah I was so upset when my hometown Wizards ****slapped the piss out of "your" Bulls

I know. Kirk Hinrich committing 3 shot clock violations were high comedy.

BUT...But Mike Dunleavy tho

And Melo dream not dead yet.

Better make sure Nene's Lazarus chamber bill is paid this season because glass man may not survive another season.

But it's cool. I'm a Caps fan. Winning those trivial 1st round series against depleted NYR squads felt damn good so I know how you feel with those wizards

Too bad there ain't no award for that

Let's all just start ethering each other guys. Then will make up later on. The memes would be greatness

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I know. Kirk Hinrich committing 3 shot clock violations were high comedy.

BUT...But Mike Dunleavy tho

And Melo dream not dead yet.

Better make sure Nene's Lazarus chamber bill is paid this season because glass man may not survive another season.

But it's cool. I'm a Caps fan. Winning those trivial 1st round series against depleted NYR squads felt damn good so I know how you feel with those wizards

Too bad there ain't no award for that

Let's all just start ethering each other guys. Then will make up later on. The memes would be greatness


Penis Envy. I think he has it. Notice how he's always coming at you over the slightest little bit of ****? Or when he was trolling the Orioles threads? Yeah....


Probably has a giant penis growing on his forehead that he ices down like that dude in LittleNicky with the head titties......

Edited by Mr. Sinister
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In the NBA, half the league makes it to the playoffs, so it's stupidly easy to get there and fail in the first or second round. Players and entire franchises have built their legacies around doing just that. I can't believe a Wizards fan is shooting his mouth off because their team won one playoff series. I mean, I get that the Wizards are on the way up, but there's no reason to attack Bulls or Heat fans and act like their teams are garbage in comparison. Honestly, all three teams are probably going to be roughly on the same level next season. 

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I have a question tho: so if the Cavs grab Love and start winning titles, is their hate gonna come back too?

Would they have bought a title as well? What constitutes as buying a title? Can you even do that in basketball?

I'm curious. Are there any Cavs fans here btw?

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Man, all I know is that I'm repping my city. DC is all I know, so that's all I'm rooting for. I can admire other teams, like the Lakers with Shaq, Thunder, etc., but when those teams play my team, they gets no love from me.

DC is a freaking melting pot. Always have been from the start. Always will be. So the Wizards, Nationals, and Caps will NEVER have a rabid fan base until they consistently win championships.

Redskins win three in eight years, they're set. And football loyalty is on another level.

I'm just rambling on my phone, but y'all know what I'm trying to say.

Ugh I deleted half my post on accident. Screw it lol

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(This isn't really directed at got Mr. s but **** it, **** you too)


So your is your little tired bandwagon speech directed at me ?

Have the stones to say so if that's the case. ( Remember your user name is based on a curse)


Again, as I stated, you have no room to talk as well as most of the Wiz fans that post here.


I do have some smack talk for you though...best player to ever play for the Wizards ? Michael Jordan. Even his Airness couldn't lead that team to success.


I do the same with Dolphins fans, so don't take it personal...Thurman Thomas was their best running back.


Your skin is thinner than Sin when it comes to this stuff. Give some, get some. You would think as mutual Redskins fans we would be able to take pretty much anything and look over our should and say..." what was that?".  

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As much as they get on teams like the Bobcats (err Hornets), little do they know (apparently)that even all of their past ****tyness, the Hornets  still have more recent playoff appearances than their beloved quidditch team. DC area sports fans talking about Florida sports fans? Or any other fans? Is that some kind of joke? When did DC become Boston/Chicago?


Not sure if you frequent the MLB thread, but sometimes its even worse in there.

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Man, all I know is that I'm repping my city. DC is all I know, so that's all I'm rooting for. I can admire other teams, like the Lakers with Shaq, Thunder, etc., but when those teams play my team, they gets no love from me.

DC is a freaking melting pot. Always have been from the start. Always will be. So the Wizards, Nationals, and Caps will NEVER have a rabid fan base until they consistently win championships.

Redskins win three in eight years, they're set. And football loyalty is on another level.

I'm just rambling on my phone, but y'all know what I'm trying to say.

Ugh I deleted half my post on accident. Screw it lol


Hell, I even gave the Wiz that first round in the playoffs if you can recall. I'm no hater.

Good is good. Don't get me wrong I despise my teams rivals...but if my team isn't up to snuff...I have no problem agreeing with the criticism.


I liked watching the Mavs re-tool over and over to try to win the west, I liked watching the Hornets start turning it around along with the Wiz finally getting some good players and not trading them away for the first shiny object available.


Some of these guys don't realize...PSST...when you go to a Wiz game and it's packed...it's because of bandwagon fans or because people want to see the other team.

Not sure if you frequent the MLB thread, but sometimes its even worse in there.


Some of those guys think I should have jumped on to the Nats train.

I've been an Orioles fan my entire life.


That's the definition of bandwagon. I wish no ill will towards the Nats...they are simply not my team.

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Hot damn. What the hell happened in here? Team just finishes 4 straight finals appearances and escapes with probably 2 of the 3 allstars that ran that team after salary dumping, and people are upset? Maybe im wrong, but until you are relying on a Andre Blatche and Jordan Crawford core to win, i dont see what there is to complain about.

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Hot damn. What the hell happened in here? Team just finishes 4 straight finals appearances and escapes with probably 2 of the 3 allstars that ran that team after salary dumping, and people are upset? Maybe im wrong, but until you are relying on a Andre Blatche and Jordan Crawford core to win, i dont see what there is to complain about.


If you actually read a couple pages back, where this was all started, you'd see what was actually the catalyst. No one was complaining about anything.


Someone decided to not read.... someone else followed suit, and here we are  :)

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Yeah I know. Should've known better. Can't take it back though. Not gonna let some dumbass go full retard on my post and try to call me not classy though, on top of making it sound like the Heat were nothing before "The King" came here. Thats pretty ****in' insulting, if you ask me. I'm not bowing down and kissing his rings. We were competing for titles when he was a little ass kid. More than half the cats on this forum have no concept of the term "Class" anyway. Thats why its important to pay attention before jumping out there and making sweeping generalizations about people's intent.



If you are talking about me (the dumbass go full retard), where in my post did I say Miami was nothing before LeBron got there?


There was nothing classy about your post when you called Cleveland a city of losers and a rusty ****hole, while saying that if LeBron didn't tell Wade and Bosh before he left then he can **** off.


Now continue to lecture us on class and people's intent in posts. Thanks for the education.

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Being a Bullets fan can be tough. I rarely call them the Wizards. But there is something that fills me with pride in supporting every team representing the city I was born in along with being a Terp grad. Its not a knock on anybody else. But I think of some of the top sports cities and they might not even have all four sports. Even if I am very displeased with the NHL and how its run. I wouldn't root for anybody else but the Caps. In the end, I believe that sticking with them through the low times will make the good times (if they come) that much sweeter. 


I'm not going to hate on people who root for teams from other cities along with their hometown. Its just not for me. 

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Wiggins is not likely going to part of a trade. Get over it. I have said it several times. Unless...it is a multi-team deal.


Minnesota is going to take what they can get and the Cavs can offer more than anyone...including a first next year.

There is no reason to trade him when they can develop him. Love is going to be Love. One year and he will be a Cav anyway.



EDIT: Just realized...The Wiz have never won a championship.

Eh... most of this post was a bunch of rambling nonsense.

You seem to be under this idea that a fan isn't a real fan unless he watched his team win a championship. Which would explain why you're a Lakers fan I suppose.

Did you know the Wizards won a championship in 1978?

On Wiggins/Love, etc., The Cavs absolutely do not have the best deal on the table for Love without adding Wiggins. Trading two draft busts and some future mid round firsts is not getting it done. Both Boston and Golden State can easily beat that deal. They're obviously going to have to deal Wiggins to get Love.

For Cleveland to get Kevin Love, they'll have to trade for him. LeBron and Kyrie just signed max deals and they'll have all sorts of other cap holds. They won't have the cap space to sign Love outright next summer without trading basically everyone else/letting them walk and declining the options on their draft picks anyway.

Plus Minny could trade Love to someone else before the deadline and then he's off the market entirely.

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Being a Bullets fan can be tough. I rarely call them the Wizards. But there is something that fills me with pride in supporting every team representing the city I was born in along with being a Terp grad. Its not a knock on anybody else. But I think of some of the top sports cities and they might not even have all four sports. Even if I am very displeased with the NHL and how its run. I wouldn't root for anybody else but the Caps. In the end, I believe that sticking with them through the low times will make the good times (if they come) that much sweeter.

I'm not going to hate on people who root for teams from other cities along with their hometown. Its just not for me.

This. All day. Besides just NOT rooting for your hometown team but to actively root AGAINST them? That's some mental health, mommy didn't love me enough, Freud **** there. Like I've said, I feel sorry for them.

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Bosh back in Miami. Wade and Bosh isn't bad, in fact with a decent cast they are probably in the top 4 and 5 in the East. If Melo stays in NY, the East is up for grabs.

Agreed. The East is going to be more competitive next season but the top is going to be taken off. I think the Bulls, Pacers, Wizards, Cavs, and Raptors all win 50+.

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Right. Minny would be dumb to take an offer that low. They can sit on Love and trade him before the deadline to a team on the edge of being a contender that had an injury.


Right not its the Warriors and Cavs who are talking to Minny. Was listing to SC at the gym today and some of the yacking heads think other teams will jump in now, if just to drive up the price.

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Agreed. The East is going to be more competitive next season but the top is going to be taken off. I think the Bulls, Pacers, Wizards, Cavs, and Raptors all win 50+.


I was just saying last night to a friend that the same Bullets team even minus Ariza but Wall/Beal another year together and better bench play could equal 6 more wins getting them to 50. Hell, I think Randy's in-game moves cost them at least 5-6 games last reg season.

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