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Manti Te'o's supposedly dead girlfriend is a hoax - Deadspin


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"They started out as just friends," Brian Te'o said. "Every once in a while, she would travel to Hawaii, and that happened to be the time Manti was home, so he would meet with her there. But within the last year, they became a couple.

"And we came to the realization that she could be our daughter-in-law. Sadly, it won't happen now.""

Brians comment may have been an assumption or exaggeration. It may have even been a lie. But it doesn't prove anything. And do you really think his parents were in on it?

Seriously people. Replace the name "Manti Te'o" with "Sean Taylor" and think about what it means to jump to conclusions. :doh:

---------- Post added January-17th-2013 at 01:59 AM ----------

He is putting all his faith in Teo's words. I mean he is all in on backing Teo.

That and a private investigative company. :doh:

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The sports locker room is one of the last places where homosexuality hasn't come out of the closet. The first athlete to play a major sport at the pro level as an openly gay man will need Jackie Robinsonesque courage to do so, I'm afraid.

Eh, I wouldn't put it quite on the same level as Robinson. I doubt teammates threaten to quit or crowds to be screaming slurs at him and him to receive legit death threats. But you're still right to an extent. There's a reason it hasn't happened yet.

On a side note, i'm not gonna mention names but i'm almost POSITIVE there is currently a gay Redskin.

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If he were gay, I don't think it's all that elaborate.

Te'o said the girl was coming down to visit... He spent time with someone, but it wasn't a girl... It was Tuiasasopo.

Teo's dad said he spoke with her on the phone, could have easily been a friend of Teo's who knew what was going on that they convinced to play a role, etc, etc, etc.

Again, a football player at a Catholic University and a part of the Mormon church coming out is a whole new world for all three of those items. I think all it was was a cover.

But again, I don't know. It's ALL wild speculation. But it makes sense.

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Okay Mad Mike, not really seeing how this remotely compares to the Sean Taylor situation considering Te'o's own words are being used to poke holes in the story. Quite a bit different than anything that happened with Sean Taylor. Pretty obvious that he milked the publicity from this "death" at the very least.

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Eh, I wouldn't put it quite on the same level as Robinson. I doubt teammates threaten to quit or crowds to be screaming slurs at him and him to receive legit death threats. But you're still right to an extent. There's a reason it hasn't happened yet.

On a side note, i'm not gonna mention names but i'm almost POSITIVE there is currently a gay Redskin.

You have higher faith than I do in the common decency of alcohol-fueled sports fans in stadiums and in the unenlightened view of many jocks who have lived their lives in a sports bubble. And have you read any anonymous Yahoo comment pages recently? But i hope you're right.

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You have higher faith than I do in the common decency of alcohol-fueled sports fans in stadiums and in the unenlightened view of many jocks who have lived their lives in a sports bubble. And have you read any anonymous Yahoo comment pages recently? But i hope you're right.

And you're still skipping what it means for Notre Dame and the Mormon Church.

Te'o has reason to be afraid to come out, if he is, in fact, gay.

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You have higher faith than I do in the common decency of alcohol-fueled sports fans in stadiums and in the unenlightened view of many jocks who have lived their lives in a sports bubble. And have you read any anonymous Yahoo comment pages recently? But i hope you're right.

Oh i'm sure drunk *******s would be drunk *******s but the rest of the crowd won't stand for it. Doubt that happened when Robinson came up. And might get one confused teammate or two but there won't be a team vote.

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Nothing about this story passes the smell test. I'm really not sure why you're getting so angry about it. There have been plenty of quotes by Te'o and his family that make it absolutely unbelievable that he somehow duped by a hoax this long.

None of the circumstances of Sean Taylor's death passed the smell test to Collin Cow**** either.

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ND sticking with Teo being the victim in this press conference.

No surprise there.

So he meets girl online but doesn't actually "meet her" in real life. He talked about her like they were soulmates and expressed a ton of emotion after she "died".

How can someone fall in love with a person they've never physically met?

The dude is either guilty of lying or a complete dumbass.

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Thats what it is when the dust settles. He's either first class scumbag or one of the dumbest human beings walking this earth.

I'd say it's sad. But if he's gay and he did it because of that, I don't think either of those two things fit. Having said that, faking a death of a girlfriend is a sad and rather pathetic stance. But one lie creates a bunch more.

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Hypothetical time...

What if Te'o won the Heisman? What conclusion to this story would create a result for him to lose the Heisman?

I think no matter if he is gay or not, if it comes out that he legitimately lied, no matter if he did it to protect is sexual preferences or to create publicity, he would've lost the award.

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So he is now claiming that he never met her.

But others claim that they did.

From: http://espn.go.com/college-football/story/_/id/8851033/story-manti-teo-girlfriend-death-apparently-hoax

Reagan Mauia, an Arizona Cardinals fullback, said he believes Kekua existed because he met her in person when he and other Polynesian teammates and Pittsburgh Steelers star Troy Polamalu went to do charity work in American Samoa in June 2011.

"This was before her and Manti," Mauia said Wednesday evening. "I don't think Manti was even in the picture, but she and I became good friends. We would talk off and on, just checking up on each other kind of thing. I am close to her family. When she was going through the loss of her father, I was -- I offered a comforting shoulder and just someone to bounce her emotions off. That was just from meeting her in Samoa."

Mauia said Tuiasosopo -- whom Mauia believes is Kekua's cousin -- introduced the two. After the initial meeting, Mauia said he met her at an "after-party" for all of the athletes involved in the camp.

"She was tall," he said. "Volleyball-type of physique. She was athletic, tall, beautiful. Long hair. Polynesian. She looked like a model ... "

He said it is his understanding that Kekua's mother is operating her Twitter account. He said he'd never met her mother. When told by a reporter that she apparently might not have existed, Mauia said "No, she is real."

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