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Manti Te'o's supposedly dead girlfriend is a hoax - Deadspin


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I agree with you. I think it's completely plausible that was the case. I think it's completely plausible that he's gay and just tried to cover it up. I also think Lance Armstrong is behind this entire story and timed the leaking of it so that's all the sports world would focus on the same day his interview airs.

Seriously, this is the most bizarre sports story since Tiger got beat by his wife when she had enough of his cheating.

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Seriously how can some of you even think he isn't in on this?

Because I READ.


Notre Dame hired a private investigation company, which gave its report to the school Jan. 4. The report included bragging and "online chatter among the perpetrators," according to Swarbrick.

In other words, the people who hoaxed him ADMITTED IT.

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Best conspiracy theory I've read so far:

Yeah, I can subscribe to this. After catching up on this story, the thought of Manti being gay crossed my mind. If true, he can still save himself by coming clean. That puts the entire pressure of accepting an out-of-the-closet player onto the NFL corporation, teams and the players. This could get reeeaally big.

It started with a little white lie for a backstory and it then proceeded to get wildly out of control. I'd forgive him for all this weirdness if he felt the need to cover up his homosexuality in order to play in the NFL. That would explain why his father would be in on it.

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He's a dumbass AND a liar. It's that simple.

---------- Post added January-17th-2013 at 01:57 AM ----------

What aren't you getting? I'm saying he lied about their relationship but he was also originally hoaxed.

Why is it one or the other?

He supposedly knew the guy who was "hoaxing" him. They hung out on a semi regular basis. What's more likely, they conspired together and created a fake persona and relationship? Or T'eo is a retard and couldn't figure out one of his friends was doing this and then proceeded to make up an entire fake relationship? He isn't that stupid. Notice how he and ND only say all this after the deadspin article comes out. If he was really tricked he could have come out with it awhile ago. Sounds to me like he got caught red handed.

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Notice how he and ND only say all this after the deadspin article comes out. If he was really tricked he could have come out with it awhile ago. Sounds to me like he got caught red handed.

Yeah, this is the most damning evidence for me too. If ND's private investigators had it all figured out, why wait until he took the fall to say something? Why settle for damage control instead? ND's story is BS.

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This fellow here has been keeping up with the details via twitter. Veeeerrry interesting stuff...

I tried following some of the links but I cant make much sense of it. Although I did find this absolute gem that I'm thinking of adding to my sig....

Whenever I'm feeling a little down I just imagine a frustrated libertarian playing SimCity, and that brightens my day.


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Because I READ.


In other words, the people who hoaxed him ADMITTED IT.

That "internet chatter" is most likely the same "internet chatter" that various people have tracked down over the past few hours. Now the people involved in the "chatter" are painting a different picture. "Internet chatter" <> confession

This was most likely a half assed report and the school isn't going to come out and give any details that don't paint the school in the best light possible.

EDIT: Like I posted earlier, the reports say Te'o was informed that his "girlfriend" was alive on Dec 6 - yet he tweeted on Dec 8 about how he hated cancer because his girlfriend died of cancer. It makes no sense and only further calls into question story.

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Because I READ.


In other words, the people who hoaxed him ADMITTED IT.

If you read like you claim to, how do you explain:

"She was gifted in music' date=' multi-lingual, had dreams grounded in reality and the talent to catch up to them" (South Bend Tribune). "They started out as just friends," Te'o's father, Brian, told the Tribune in October 2012. "Every once in a while, she would travel to Hawaii, and that happened to be the time Manti was home, so he would meet with her there."[/quote']

or this

This week, we got in touch with a woman living in Torrance, Calif. We'll call her Reba, to protect her identity. She was initially confused, then horrified to find that she had become the face of a dead woman. "That picture," she told us over the phone, "is a picture of me from my Facebook account."

Her funeral just happens to be the only day he can't make it on? The love of his life who according to him, he met in both hawaii and california? Come on now.

reports say Te'o was informed that his "girlfriend" was alive on Dec 6 - yet he tweeted on Dec 8 about how he hated cancer because his girlfriend died of cancer. It makes no sense and only further calls into question story.
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That "internet chatter" is most likely the same "internet chatter" that various people have tracked down over the past few hours. Now the people involved in the "chatter" are painting a different picture. "Internet chatter" <> confession

This was most likely a half assed report and the school isn't going to come out and give any details that don't paint the school in the best light possible.

If that is what is confirmed in the end, I have no problem accepting it. Until then, I'm going to reserve judgement and not make claims that he is gay.

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It's 2013 - I'm supposed to believe two adults that are supposedly that much in love for a decent period of time aren't using Skype or another form of video communication? It doesn't make any sense.

---------- Post added January-17th-2013 at 01:19 AM ----------

If that is what is confirmed in the end, I have no problem accepting it. Until then, I'm going to reserve judgement and not make claims that he is gay.

I'm not claiming he is gay. Although with the most recent tweets by that other guy it is one of the few scanarios that can even come close to making sense. I'm just saying there are holes in Te'o's story that are big enough to drive a few trucks through.

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Because he lied about the seriousness of the relationship for publicity? This is starting to get frustrating. He lied about her but he also thought she was real because he was getting hoaxed. Why is that so hard?

---------- Post added January-17th-2013 at 02:21 AM ----------

Wait a second, what did that guy tweet that made you think there might be a gay relationship?

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Because he lied about the seriousness of the relationship for publicity? This is starting to get frustrating. He lied about her but he also thought she was real because he was getting hoaxed. Why is that so hard?

---------- Post added January-17th-2013 at 02:21 AM ----------

Wait a second, what did that guy tweet that made you think there might be a gay relationship?

That is certainly possible, I guess. I just have a hard time believing that this guy was that dumb to get tricked for long. It seems like an awfully elaborate prank to pull with no real payoff for the prankster that I can tell.

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A few weeks later, the @uilanirae account was deleted. The deletion came immediately after tweets from two now-suspended Twitter accounts had alleged that U'ilani was a fraud, that the same person behind Lennay was operating the U'ilani account, and that the images of "U'ilani" were really of a woman named Donna Tei.

Why was some random dude pulling a prank able to remove twitter accounts that claimed it was a hoax? The two naysayers have been suspended, and that sure doesn't seem like a coincidence to me.

Either the guy behind this had supreme hacking skills or this was a little bigger than just some prank.

---------- Post added January-17th-2013 at 02:32 AM ----------

lololol from deadspin:

South Bend Tribune removed the article that included Manti's description of meeting the girl for the first time at a football game.. where he said they looked into each other's eyes. The article was up earlier, but disappeared sometime within the last 4 hours. The paper is now posting stories on its website with no mention of the fact that its previous "reporting" contained references to in-person meetings. The paper could have at least done the right thing now by digging up its old stories and calling Manti out for lying, since the paper supposedly has it on record.. but instead it's erasing all online traces of that ****ty reporting.
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If he were gay, I don't think it's all that elaborate.

Again, a football player at a Catholic University and a part of the Mormon church coming out is a whole new world for all three of those items. I think all it was was a cover.

KDawg, it's not elaborate? Really?

I've known plenty of gay dudes, including a friend that came out after college. At no point is there a need to entirely invent anything, especially something that could so easily be discovered. They just kind of played super-picky (even when women were out of their league), would still engage in talk about girls or would play the "nice guy" who would be friends with girls but never got them. There's utterly no need for a closeted gay man to take this kind of risk.

Also, I know a lot of Mormons and it wouldn't be a stretch at all for him to simply act like all the other Mormon guys who won't be having sex until marriage. He could have been close friends with a girl at ND but backed off because she didn't share his faith (if he wanted to cover it up) he could have simply come off kinda "beta' like a lot of those dudes do and say he's going to wait until marriage and until he meets the right person.

For all that, being Mormon maybe he would be more prone to becoming emotionally involved with someone who never met or who used a fake name when meeting him and thought nothing of it.

Hell, I ain't met any of you cats and I assume you're telling me the truth. :)

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I just can't see how Te'o is not at some level complicit in this situation.

To what extent, to me, is the grey area, and at best he is incredibly naive and crazy for the way he relayed his relationship to the media.

But in 2013, with all the Skype and notwhat, to think he had no clue that his supposed girlfriend was a ruse I just can't believe.

I definitely subscribe to the "Te'o being gay" scenario at this point, and I understand why the fake girlfriend scenario might have occurred in his situation. I don't condone it, but I understand.

But for him not to bring this situation to light until it broke, to ride all the affection and admiration to him until this point, is crazy to me. His draft status would probably take a hit to him if he had came clean sooner, but would it have been worse to do it sooner? I can't see it, and if anyone else can, please tell me.

For what it's worth, assuming he knew the whole time, I'd rather him than players like Vick or Little, but still what he did is pretty disgusting, if he did what I think he did.

Just my take.

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Maybe Te'o was just embarrassed about the nature of the relationship because he never really did meet her and that it was just an online/phone relationship. So he makes up some stuff about meeting, etc all the while he doesn't ever know where she actually lives.

While I am having doubts that this is the case, I've seen this happen. Hell, I've been on dates with girls from an online site and they tell me, "we'll have to come up with something else for where we met." Which is stupid, IMO, but some people still think that somehow meeting a stranger drunk in a bar (or hell a stranger in a bookstore) is less weird than exchanging information, screening and THEN meeting a potential partner. lol

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While I am having doubts that this is the case, I've seen this happen. Hell, I've been on dates with girls from an online site and they tell me, "we'll have to come up with something else for where we met." Which is stupid, IMO, but some people still think that somehow meeting a stranger drunk in a bar (or hell a stranger in a bookstore) is less weird than exchanging information, screening and THEN meeting a potential partner. lol

I just want to say I agree with your overall point about the meeting of potential partners. It seems strange to me that the place of meeting for partners (whether it be online, in a bar, a restaurant, etc.) is such an issue. I've never been involved in an online relationship, but it's odd so much value is put on the specifics of a potential pairing.

I should say though that I think Te'o was heavily misguided in the way he went about this whole issue if he was indeed hoaxed.

I think this could be damning, but depends on when this was taped. If it was before Te'o allegedly knew, I can't fault him, but if it was after, that's terrible.

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I married a girl I met online, who lived a thousand miles from me. We've been married almost two years now and I honestly can't imagine a day going by without seeing her in some capacity through Skype or whatever, nor could I have imagined that scenario four years ago when we first started dating. She traveled out to see me within two months and I did the same three months later. Between that we webcammed all the time, and I can't imagine why they couldn't have done the same many years later, when Skype is truly mainstream. It just seems ludicrous to me to not want to add some tangible quality to the relationship, but maybe it's a Mormon thing, I dunno.

Or it's a total con.

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