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HH: Source:Raheem Morris was calling the plays in the 4th quarter vs Rams


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We're basically back where we started at the beginning of the day. Haslett is "safe" through the end of the season, and Morris is still *probably* the heir apparent if the status quo reigns.

If Haslett suddenly becomes some tactical genius in the next 14 weeks, Morris will leave for DC jobs elsewhere.

Alternatively, if Haslett allows us to get beat like last week a bunch of times before mid-season, he might be tossed early in favor of letting the rawer but more instinctive Morris take over.

We'll have to sit back and see what happens next week and over the next few weeks. A week 10 bye might be a good thing. With 9 games down, we should know pretty conclusively how Haslett is handling the play calling, and be able to make a judgement call.

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The Hogs Haven article. Posting something like that without a verifiable source just caused a huge distraction that the team doesn't need right now. Not very "fanatic" of them in my opinion.

Do you really think they want to start a rumor or stir things up? I don't get it either especially if Russell and others claimed to say no. All of this just seems weird a little bit. I just don't understand Hogs Haven doing this without any source

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So if this is true two questions come to my mind - firstly who is calling plays Sunday and secondly if Haslett is such a lame duck why don't we just fire him now and put him (and us) out of our misery and promote Morris to DC immediately?

.......and then I read this - we extended Haslett and Smith?


Oh My.... /suicide at reading Danny Smith Extended.

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Extending Haslett was a publicity move. Maybe Smith, too.

If they turn it around, they can stay, which is why an extension was a good plan.

If they don't, they'll be released and given additional money as a thank you for your service type of gesture.

I wouldn't read too much into the extensions.

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The Hogs Haven article. Posting something like that without a verifiable source just caused a huge distraction that the team doesn't need right now. Not very "fanatic" of them in my opinion.

i dont think its a stretch to think that shanny would be open to morris calling plays. morris, a former HC, turned down a higher position in minnesota to come here, haslett has never been considered a genius D coordinator. skins D has given up alot of points going back to late last year. haslett wasnt shannys first choice as DC, skins D looked bad sunday, etc.

seems very likely to me.

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Extending Haslett was a publicity move. Maybe Smith, too.

If they turn it around, they can stay, which is why an extension was a good plan.

If they don't, they'll be released and given additional money as a thank you for your service type of gesture.

I wouldn't read too much into the extensions.

Kind of crossed my mind too. Sort of a "if you do well, here's next year's paycheck, if not, here's next year's severance pay" sort of deal.

Danny Smith's doubles as hush money for the pics he has.

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We gave up 32 points. He had all off-season to gameplan for that 1 game. Not sure I would pat him on the back for that one. His schemes seem to allow to many 3rd & longs to be converted, too much open space in the middle of the field allowing WRs to get enormous YAC.

I wouldn't mind seeing someone else take a shot at it.

we gave up 25 points to a drew brees led offense that has consistently been a top 5 offense since 2006. And we did it with a very lackluster secondary. I would say that's pretty good, and I applaud Haslett for covering up our weaknesses on the back-end with stellar play calling. i still don't understand why the players are escaping blame. Cedric griffin was noticeably burnt on 5 separate occasions, yet it's hasletts scheme that's the issue. was the lack of pass rush scheme as well, or is that the unsatisfactory performance of our d-line? I'll let you decide...

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We gave up 32 points. He had all off-season to gameplan for that 1 game. Not sure I would pat him on the back for that one. His schemes seem to allow to many 3rd & longs to be converted, too much open space in the middle of the field allowing WRs to get enormous YAC.

I wouldn't mind seeing someone else take a shot at it.


the saints converted 2 of 11 third downs and scored 10 offensive points through 3 quarters. (and, mentioned already, 25 total points, not 32.)

what are you referring to??

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Uh oh....our insiders got some 'splainen to do. :D Sure thought Haslett was out the door when Morris came aboard. An extension for Haslett doesn't make much sense if Shanahan was thinking of **** canning him.

As for Danny Smith....I know everyone wants his head. But how often do people demand Kyle Shanahan or Mike Shanahan be fired every time one of their offensive players screw up. Instead of canning Josh Morgan, why not hold M Shanahan accountable and fire him? Or fire Shanahan for bringing in McCrap? We don't demand they be fired every time there is a holding penalty or a QB gets sacked or throws a pick six. Why should the teams coach be held to a different standard? Smith's KO coverage teams have led the league for years. The punting game has become normal with the addition of Rocca. Even the punt and FG blocks have been attributed to players not doing what they were supposed to do; not bad strategy or design. I don't like the breakdowns either. But are they Smith's fault or the players? Why not demand Chris Wilson and Perry Riley be cut for failing to perform as required/expected. Where is the hell raising against the players who failed?

Anyway, I find the revelation about Haslett being renewed more intriguing than Smith.

Somebody better put Bang on suicide watch before he reads the article about Smith. :D

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I dont quite understand why you guys think morris is the answer? We had to go zone when we couldnt get any pass rush, you cant run man coverage with our secondary when you have no pressure on the qb. They would have hung 50 points if we tried to play man, play action would have demolished us. The bend dont break was the better call imo and it did force turnovers so it wasnt a complete failure, the 4th quarter the lambs went clock killing run mode and it would have worked flawlessly for them if that kid hadnt fumbled, press coverage did force a timeout but it sure as hell didnt stop the rams from doing whatever they wanted with the ball.

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“If I didn’t feel very good about Jim and I didn’t feel very good about Danny, I wouldn’t have extended them,” Shanahan said after practice at Redskins Park. “I feel very good about those coaches. They’re excellent football coaches.”

I love Shanny's work ethic and direction he's got the team pointed, but man, quotes such as the above have to make ya wonder if he's still got all his marbles.. I mean, there's no way he could of seen 2 blocked punts in 2 games heading into the season, but all the blocked FG's and returns called back last year due to BIB fouls?? Didn't he even "notice" the writing on the wall? He's missed horribly on a couple 3 QB's as well.. Haslett's been under scrutiny since he's been here, with really nothing of substance to hang his hat on. The D had acceptable stats, but still couldnt get off the field on 3rd down, and imo teams just didnt need to press once they had a lead, so the stats looked better then they were.. Then we get smoked again by the damn Rams.. Just really hope the team can find it's bearing and make some steady "visible" improvement, else we're going to be back at square 1 in two years (or less) when the coaching musical chairs game gets started again.. :(

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hmmm yesterday in "the locker room" this was brought up and i coulda swore they asked josh wilson <i believe it was him> about morris calling plays in the 4th and he said this was laughable.....

when asked why the coverage was so soft he said he would like to know as well.... in other words.... that decision was above his pay grade...

so has this absolutely been confirmed that morris was calling the plays? they even referenced the HH article.....

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I'm not sold on this. We went from the 30's on defense two years ago to mid-teens last year. And that was after our nose dive at the midway point. Our D was one the field ALL the time because of our love for turnovers.

I agree, not sure why Has didn't adjust at half time. But I'm not ready to pull the plug after one game.

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No it hasn't been confirmed, and I would bet my car it's not true. I'm watching the 4th quarter right now and if Morris was calling the defensive plays, you know the other defensive coaches would have been around him talking to him and ready to make and listen to adjustments. What we also have to remember is that our defensive philosophy didnt' really change, but the Rams offensive plan did more. They didn't use no huddle, and they were running and being a bit more conservative to preserve time.

Rams 1st drive in 4th.

Based on footage at the game 12:53 mark, you see Slowick next to Haslett who is clearly holding the play sheet and talking in his mic. Morris is by himself down closer to the 50 yardline, whereas the defensive coaches and even more common subs are around the 38 yardline. Not until the 3rd down does Morris start getting closer to Haslett and where the LOS is (12:42 mark), though he is still 11 yards away from them. No one is following him and he isn't holding anything.

Rams 2nd drive in 4th.

Nothing special here, the Rams ran the ball three times and clearly milked off about 2 minutes of gametime in their 3 and out series. At the 5:53 mark on 3rd and 7, we are still WAY off the line. We have ALL of our 4 secondary players behind the first down mark. Why is our free safety 15 yards off when they only need 7 yards. They only had 1 WR way out, the other two were slightly bunched in near the lineman. Anyway, back to the point...Haslett is again seen here with Slowick but Morris isn't near them. Haslett is still holding the play chart. Not clear where Morris is, they didn't pan out enough.

Rams 3rd drive in the 4th.

At the 3:54 mark we get a good view of the Skins sideline. Haslett is clearly holding and looking at the plays by himself. Slowick is to Haslett's left and this time Morris is also next to Slowick. 3:46 mark Haslett was clearly seen calling a play in, which Slowick then heard and translated whatever message he needed to as well. At 3:31 Haslett is again clearly holding the play sheet and is surrounded by Slowick and Burney again.

That was it. Nothing else. Nothing here shows Morris having anything to do with the play call. I'm absolutely convinced this story is hogwash. People can place the blame on the "credible source" which fed the story to HH, but if you want to be a respectable blog or writer, you need to research it yourself. There is no evidence anywhere suggesting that he was calling plays.

This is such a huge accusation considering how many people loathe for Haslett's firing. I was a bit excited reading the article believing it could have happened but after reading through these pages I grew doubt. Then after rewatching it I just have no idea how you could write an article like this without getting more sources, or even have this confirmed from watching the 4th quarter.

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No it hasn't been confirmed, and I would bet my car it's not true. I'm watching the 4th quarter right now and if Morris was calling the defensive plays, you know the other defensive coaches would have been around him talking to him and ready to make and listen to adjustments. What we also have to remember is that our defensive philosophy didnt' really change, but the Rams offensive plan did more. They didn't use no huddle, and they were running and being a bit more conservative to preserve time.

Rams 1st drive in 4th.

Based on footage at the game 12:53 mark, you see Slowick next to Haslett who is clearly holding the play sheet and talking in his mic. Morris is by himself down closer to the 50 yardline, whereas the defensive coaches and even more common subs are around the 38 yardline. Not until the 3rd down does Morris start getting closer to Haslett and where the LOS is (12:42 mark), though he is still 11 yards away from them. No one is following him and he isn't holding anything.

Rams 2nd drive in 4th.

Nothing special here, the Rams ran the ball three times and clearly milked off about 2 minutes of gametime in their 3 and out series. At the 5:53 mark on 3rd and 7, we are still WAY off the line. We have ALL of our 4 secondary players behind the first down mark. Why is our free safety 15 yards off when they only need 7 yards. They only had 1 WR way out, the other two were slightly bunched in near the lineman. Anyway, back to the point...Haslett is again seen here with Slowick but Morris isn't near them. Haslett is still holding the play chart. Not clear where Morris is, they didn't pan out enough.

Rams 3rd drive in the 4th.

At the 3:54 mark we get a good view of the Skins sideline. Haslett is clearly holding and looking at the plays by himself. Slowick is to Haslett's left and this time Morris is also next to Slowick. 3:46 mark Haslett was clearly seen calling a play in, which Slowick then heard and translated whatever message he needed to as well. At 3:31 Haslett is again clearly holding the play sheet and is surrounded by Slowick and Burney again.

That was it. Nothing else. Nothing here shows Morris having anything to do with the play call. I'm absolutely convinced this story is hogwash. People can place the blame on the "credible source" which fed the story to HH, but if you want to be a respectable blog or writer, you need to research it yourself. There is no evidence anywhere suggesting that he was calling plays.

This is such a huge accusation considering how many people loathe for Haslett's firing. I was a bit excited reading the article believing it could have happened but after reading through these pages I grew doubt. Then after rewatching it I just have no idea how you could write an article like this without getting more sources, or even have this confirmed from watching the 4th quarter.

Turning serious for a moment, thanks for this post. Not sure what to believe but I tend to err towards the story being BS. The above sort of confirms it

But, who knows. This Team is dysfunctional as hell, has been for years, so I guess anything is possible. Guess I'm holding out hope that Shanahan knows what leadership is

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