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Your personal circles of hell

Spaceman Spiff

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Watching television with the girlfriend. I hate ABC Family and MTV, she almost exclusively watches these channels and I couldn't count the amount of times I've come home and that creepy show with toddlers dressed up like hookers for beauty pageants is on. I honestly think my girlfriend has her own remote that seeks out TV shows that have to due with teen pregnancy, wedding dresses and anything Kardasian related....

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period. for anything. houses and cars are worse, but grocery shopping is bad enough. clothes or shoe shopping are hell. i hate shopping.

I long for the days that my mom fed me and dressed me funny, and would still let her if iwas given that choice. My wife also hates shopping and has not stepped up to the plate to take over the role of keeping me adequately supplied with ill fitting unstylish clothes. It is the greatest flaw in our relationship :(

Oh, don't sell yourself short. I think you are a natural at being unstylish. In fact, every time I see you, you look more crappy than the last time.

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Grocery stores that do not organize their goods in a logical or efficient manner, i.e. the corn chips are in one aisle, while the salsa is nine aisles over with the spanish foods. Or the yogurt is on the other side of the store from the cheese. Or the charcoal is hidden behind the greeting cards. Plus, there's never anyone around to help you because they're all out on the loading dock smoking. Then the self check-out lines are closed for no reason, just felt like giving the computers a break.

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What waiting room are you in? Everyone is usually on their phone.

Yeah some people use their phones too....but it's still a circle of hell. I still have a flip phone, but I guess I need to upgrade to a smart phone one of these days so I can play games while waiting. ;)

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Two weeks ago my wife and I threw my mom an 80th birthday party. A big one. It was total hell for two months. All the planning etc. Then two cousins decided to add a family reunion and screw up all our plans. I have 3 brothers that didn't help a bit. etc etc. Ruined the whole summer. But at last it's over. And my mom was sooooo happy, I guess it was worth it. I don't do well in large crowds making mindless chit chat. So that's my circle...having to make mindless chit chat.

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Airplane flights. I'm a white knuckle flyer, and every time the plane hits a tiny little bit of turbulence I am sure I am going to die and even though I know I am being irrational I start debating with myself whether to lean over and tell my wife and kids that I love them one last time before the end but I don't want to scare them and oh god why didn't I empty the cache on my computer before I left the house its full of Japanese tentacle porn what was I thinking I don't even like that stuff and oh damn I think I am going to throw up now what do you mean there are still 9 and a half hours in this flight...

Man, that's surprising coming from you. Wouldn't have thought that at all.

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Airplane flights. I'm a white knuckle flyer, and every time the plane hits a tiny little bit of turbulence I am sure I am going to die and even though I know I am being irrational I start debating with myself whether to lean over and tell my wife and kids that I love them one last time before the end but I don't want to scare them and oh god why didn't I empty the cache on my computer before I left the house its full of Japanese tentacle porn what was I thinking I don't even like that stuff and oh damn I think I am going to throw up now what do you mean there are still 9 and a half hours in this flight...

YES!!!! I'm the exact same way, every pitch change in the engine or bit of turbulence and I just know we're all about to die. :ols: I hate flying and I've never been on a flight longer than 5 hours. Next summer I'm flying with the wife to Taiwan to meet her extended family and spend some time there and as much as I'm looking forward to the trip the moment I think about it all good thoughts get washed away, replaced with dread over the 18 hour flight. Fairly confident I'm going to pop 18 percocet the moment we arrive at the airport and start the flight with 5 orders of scotch on the rocks and hope it's enough to keep me out until we land.

Edit: Major, right there with you on the dance party thing, too. Hate dancing. Far too white and Jewish for that nonsense.

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Man, that's surprising coming from you. Wouldn't have thought that at all.

Really? I thought it was a given about him his octoporn collection. :silly:

That said, let me list a few of my own.


Maryland. Mainly because that's where said meetings typically take place.

Idiots that use the contact us link on ES because they can't figure out how to get off of NNT because they won't read the Rules. Those emails now simply get deleted. However, on some occasions, if it's a pretty good yet insanely cluess rant, they may get a replied email along the lines of "I like kitty cats. Do you like kitty cats? I have a bookshelf. Oh look! Lamp post! Why is it dark in here? The car went vroom vroom. Did you sneeze?" the sad part though is, they don't get it.

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Really? I thought it was a given about him his octoporn collection. :silly:

That said, let me list a few of my own.


Maryland. Mainly because that's where said meetings typically take place.

Idiots that use the contact us link on ES because they can't figure out how to get off of NNT because they won't read the Rules. Those emails now simply get deleted. However, on some occasions, if it's a pretty good yet insanely cluess rant, they may get a replied email along the lines of "I like kitty cats. Do you like kitty cats? I have a bookshelf. Oh look! Lamp post! Why is it dark in here? The car went vroom vroom. Did you sneeze?" the sad part though is, they don't get it.

Naw, I always pictured Predicto as this really cool and collected guy.

I hear you on Maryland, that's one of my circles of hell, too.

Has anyone said the post office yet? I swear on all that is holy it's the one place that I go to that I can just feel my blood pressure rise. The people behind the counter just take their sweet ****ing time...I just hate it so much. I know I started this thread talking about car dealers but at least I know when I go to a car dealer it's going to take forever so at least I know what I'm getting into.

Sometimes the post office takes 5 minutes, sometimes it takes 20. It's like Russian Roulette almost.

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Airplane flights. I'm a white knuckle flyer, and every time the plane hits a tiny little bit of turbulence I am sure I am going to die and even though I know I am being irrational I start debating with myself whether to lean over and tell my wife and kids that I love them one last time before the end but I don't want to scare them and oh god why didn't I empty the cache on my computer before I left the house its full of Japanese tentacle porn what was I thinking I don't even like that stuff and oh damn I think I am going to throw up now what do you mean there are still 9 and a half hours in this flight...

Exactly! This is my #1 personal hell. I had no problems flying as a kid but now the minute we take off and hit any kind of turbulence my hands will sweat and I'll look around at my fellow passengers thinking these will be the people I will die with.

My poor wife will take the brunt of it as I squeeze her hand in a death grip. Think John Lithgow in the Twilight Zone film minus the creature on the wing.

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Waiting in a long line, and the person in front of you complains about people taking their time and not being considerate of others in line, and when they are up they proceed to take the longest of anybody with some stupid mundane question or problem that could be fixed with half a shred of common sense

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Any airplane (any airport for that matter)

Post Office (minimum 30 minute wait anytime I go)


Radio Shack (the most asinine store in the history of commerce)

Any poorly run fast food joint.

Any NYC subway stop for more than 5 minutes.

Any traffic jam

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The grocery or any store where we are in line and someone wants to pay with a check. Are you ****ing kidding me?? A check? Who uses checks at the grocery store. Checks should only be to send payment for a bill and you still shouldn't use them in that case. Its 2012 people

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The grocery or any store where we are in line and someone wants to pay with a check. Are you ****ing kidding me?? A check? Who uses checks at the grocery store. Checks should only be to send payment for a bill and you still shouldn't use them in that case. Its 2012 people

First, she'll argue about 10 cents on a can of cat food or something and demand a price check. Meanwhile there is no other register open. Why would there be on a Saturday morning? You try and wait patiently as people file behind you... staring at the weird willy wonka razzleberry flavors...you start to smell that combination fake sugar and the carton of milk that someone didn't want and threw on the magazine rack, only to be left there for an undetermined but alarming amount of time. A new register opens, but you're penned it by the hoard of flesh behind you. You see the check book come out...it's not taking it... the ancient lady has 900 bucks in her wallet, but it's the 'principal of the matter.' You look back at the "food" the monster behind out has tossed on the belt and calculate their current level of Diabetes. The lady wants to call the check verification company. Your carton of Ben & Jerry's is crying...so is your soul.


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Any crowded retail environment. I actually LOVE tax free weekend. I do all my shopping the weekend before guaranteed that most are at home waiting for tax free. I gladly, I mean gladly pay more to avoid crowds

Those videos of black Friday shoppers getting in line to buy cheap craptastic Chinese crap at 5 am make me physically ill

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Running with any food in my stomach

Hearing the same songs on the radio 24/7

Dentists having elaborate discussions while having their hands and instruments in your mouth. (not to be taken the wrong way)

and #1... the friends that have a couple beers (or more) and insist that they're "fine" to drive home. While that may be the case it just makes them look like egotistical idiots and makes it hard for me to respect them.

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Not sure which is worse, having in laws visit or visiting them. Hate it. Completely ruins my weekend

I think visiting them since you're the one making effort for torture, especially if you bought the plane tickets.

My sister-in-laws are the biggest "me" people i've ever met. Most selfish b's i know actually.

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