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Aurora Conspiracy: Gas Mask Location Spawns Predictable Internet Speculation...


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As we've typically experienced with the American tragedy, no sooner than the event happens, people come out of the woodwork claiming "conspiracy", "false flag", etc. I don't want to re-hash those old debates in this thread... but it can't be denied. There is always one fact or report, that causes the conspiracy's minded brain to race and hyperventilate as if it has discovered a gold-mine.

In the case of the Aurora shootings two items stood out in the first hours of reporting:

1) The location of the gas mask.

2) The report of a white and blue plaid shirted suspect.

Since that time, more "facts" come out which don't "square up". The facial hair in the booking photo; the notebook/journal that was sent (why was it stuck in the mail room conveniently?), the police radio recordings, the fact that the picture of the AR-15 shows it with a clip in it and not a drum magazine, that police were reporting multiple clips in the theater, ... none of the information that has seen the light of day since the shooting "square up" with the official lone-nut job-gunman. He must've been drugged, and dumped in the car while another professional came in and made the hit. But why? Well, something about his dad designing a number of algorithms used in the banking system and getting ready to testify in Congress in the next month, which will take the banks down or something like that.

I don't understand it. I'm as intrigued by the gas mask location (if that is Holmes gas mask and not LEO)... but willing to wait for the trial to hear everything and see how the facts line up. Of course, if you don't believe the basis of the "facts", everything else can be twisted around.

So, I don't believe in any of this BS; but I am posting because I want folks to see how early this type of conspiracy theory starts up. Don't be surprised for these folks (who are really entitled to hold whatever opinion on things they want to) to show up in the threads on this story... as sad as it may seem.

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What's the deal with the gas mask?

Google search turned up this. http://willyloman.wordpress.com/2012/07/22/aurora-massacre-what-does-the-location-of-the-gas-mask-tell-us-what-about-security-cameras-are-they-related/

It's a Loose Change style questioning of evidence. It is painfully stupid to read. Photos show that the gas mask the shooter used was found further away from his car than other stuff he dropped or took off. From this minor fact comes a ridiculous extrapolation that Holmes was a dupe - drugged while out drinking, kept drugged while his place is booby trapped, then driven unconscious to the theater and left in his car while the real shooter enters the theater and shoots everybody. Real shooter runs out of theater, throws guns in Holmes' car, strips off mask as he runs away. Holmes, groggy, awakens in time to be nabbed by the cops.

It might be the stupidest conspiracy I've ever read. Not even Ken would buy into it.

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I listened to the scanner traffic live that night. An officer did indeed call in a description of a possible suspect wearing a plaid shirt, but that was still in the initial chaos. The officer even said he was hearing conflicting information but when you're in a situation like this one, you have to call in everything. That's just from my experience in working with law enforcement over the last year and a half.

But what do I know?

A big to do over nothing IMO.

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I'll wait for Ken to chime in.

Maybe the real shooter used secret super nano sulfur thermite, which will prove it all.

You're not fooling anyone Remlik. As our resident Illuminati member we can't really believe anything you say on the subject.

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Lord I despise a lot of this conspiracy crap. Did a quick search and of course,came up with one from here.


:doh: Some people really can be stupid until proven otherwise.

thenewamerican.com.... I guess the new America is ruled by stupidity. Wait, didn't they make a movie about that already?


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