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NFL.com: Brown: At least 50 percent of NFL players smoke pot

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The age difference between yourself and the quoted poster most likely explains the difference in perspective.

Among the baby boomers, there is still a lot of misconceptions about the effects of marijuana, while with those from my generation or younger, it's more of a live and let live kind of vibe.

To each their own, but it will be legal in our lifetimes. Personally, I think criminalizing it does more harm than marijuana ever has. This country has more than enough people incarcerated for non-violent offenses as it is.

Well, I won't get into a pot debate because this isn't the board for it. However, I will say as of right now, pot use is ILLEGAL. It has to be treated that way.

I'm not talking about the United States now. I'm talking about the NFL. Even if the U.S. legalizes marijuana, it doesn't mean the NFL will allow it. They are a private company and can set there own worker rules.

We already lost 2 players for 4 games last season. We could lose them for the WHOLE season next time (and Lord knows who else :doh: ).

Let's just hope the two potential knuckleheads don't take the matter as flippantly as many on this board do.

Cause the NFL sure as hell isn't.

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In the military there were all kinds of rumors about ways not to get caught. People tried all sorts of stupid stuff, but now that I'm in a medical program, in our lab diagnostic test, the ONE thing that actually has a high rate of success is drinking a GALLON of water before you go in to test. Apparently it dilutes the urine so heavily, and goes through your system so fast it doesn't pick up enough HTC to show a convincing positive. Again, just what my professor told us, I still wouldn't put my job on the line to test it though. (Plus drinking a gallon of water has to hurt like a *****)

I was in the reserves for 12 years. One summer while out on a weekend in the dirt, I overhydrated (hypoxia?). I started to feel cruddy so I drank more water. It got to the point where I couldn't drink anymore -- hell, all i could do was moan in pain -- and waves of nausea swept through my body for 12 hours. I never hurled, but man, that's the most miserable feeling I've ever had. If I were a stoner, I'd stop give up weed before experiencing *that* level of hell again.

Anyway, given how violent football is, I can certainly see a use for smoking some weed once in awhile to de-stress. Still, it is "illegal" in the NFL and "everyone does it" is *not* acceptable.

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Let's just hope the two potential knuckleheads don't take the matter as flippantly as many on this board do.


They obviously don't take it very seriously, or they wouldn't have failed a urine test. All you need to pass one is 30 bucks and a ride to the drugstore.It's called synthetic urine, you don't have to drink a gallon of water and cross your fingers anymore. It's actually pretty insulting to the fans that they couldn't be bothered to pass it, the morality of drug laws aside.

Seriously, almost everyone I know smokes pot....and yet they all pass urine tests when needed, but multimillionaires can't be bothered? Smh...I'm not happy with Sleepy or the Diamond Gorilla, but it's not because they smoke, it's because they didn't bother to fool the system lol

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Among the baby boomers, there is still a lot of misconceptions about the effects of marijuana, while with those from my generation or younger, it's more of a live and let live kind of vibe.

To each their own, but it will be legal in our lifetimes. Personally, I think criminalizing it does more harm than marijuana ever has. This country has more than enough people incarcerated for non-violent offenses as it is.

Yer kiddin’ , right? :ols:

Think about it bro, an awful lot of boomers came up during the sixties to mid seventies, the effects of marijuana is not unknown to this group and that dogma of "live and let live" "non-violent offenses" is not unique to you youngins' :cool:

Every generation has a group of straight-and-narrows to make things out of whack for the laid backs.

A big shift in attitude came with the proliferation of crack and all that goes with it.

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Yer kiddin’ , right? :ols:

Think about it bro, an awful lot of boomers came up during the sixties to mid seventies, the effects of marijuana is not unknown to this group and that dogma of "live and let live" "non-violent offenses" is not unique to you youngins' :cool:

Every generation has a group of straight-and-narrows to make things out of whack for the laid backs.

A big shift in attitude came with the proliferation of crack and all that goes with it.

Lol, I associate some of them with free love and LSD.

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I was in the reserves for 12 years. One summer while out on a weekend in the dirt, I overhydrated (hypoxia?). I started to feel cruddy so I drank more water. It got to the point where I couldn't drink anymore -- hell, all i could do was moan in pain -- and waves of nausea swept through my body for 12 hours. I never hurled, but man, that's the most miserable feeling I've ever had. If I were a stoner, I'd stop give up weed before experiencing *that* level of hell again.

Yeah, there was a kid that died in basic from that. Crazy stuff. I feel the same way though, the reward is definitely not worth that.

---------- Post added May-19th-2012 at 06:56 PM ----------

Yer kiddin’ , right? :ols:

Yeah I've been laughing since reading the "too old" comment about why people stop smoking marijuana. That's definitely an age thing, if you think people get TOO old to smoke pot you're between 13-28. :ols:

---------- Post added May-19th-2012 at 06:56 PM ----------

Does this mean the fans make up the other 50%

:ols: I was guessing owners.

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I believe that there is not as much marijuana being smoked as some of you gentlemen claim. As a former college "ballplayer", I would say weed is not really part of the culture. Of course at least ten or twenty players on a team might smoke but that is not a majority. Other drugs might be more probable. Marijauna use has increased over the last decade throughout society and this is reflected in football.

I also believe that some of those numbers are misleading. I don't doubt that 70% of nfl players tried marijuana but did they try it in high school or recently? Are they habitual chronic smokers? I doubt it!!!! Some are but most aren't. Everyone I know who made it to the NFL was more into liquor...........

Watch superhigh me and tell me that you think a chronic smoker would be more or less likely to be a "high" draft pick.

This whole topic is one where if you smoke you think everyone does or should and if you don't smoke you believe the opposite.

I didn't spend 16 years in funkdoctor school for nuthin

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so when you consider NFL players are a younger demographic this isn't surprising. I guess the only thing that's surprising to me is that more of them don't get caught.

I believe if the NFL thought it was really a problem, they would crack down on it much harder. They're certainly capable. It stays in your system for a month.

Pot sure can make you dumb if you smoke it all day, but as this country gets older, it's starting to seem a little ridiculous and I think it ought to just be legal and regulated. I mean it really is ridiculous, people don't even get in legal trouble for failing drug tests for marijuana. Your job might not like it, but why don't they ever pursue legal action? Because they figure it's not really a big deal. In fact, most jobs would rather you smoke weed when you get home than be an alcoholic.

In California it's a joke altogether. How does everyone just go about it with a straight face lol. What a waste of time, what a formality going into those doctors for 2 minutes to get your weed card. And how easy must it be to get it when you're a NFL player. I know multiple people at MY job that can get me weed, and that's not uncommon.

I'd guess it's EASILY more than 50% that smoke pot. Or at least did previously. And many that were wise enough to change their habits and obey the law, no matter how silly they think it is (lookin at you Trent/Freddy)

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Yer kiddin’ , right? :ols:

Think about it bro, an awful lot of boomers came up during the sixties to mid seventies, the effects of marijuana is not unknown to this group and that dogma of "live and let live" "non-violent offenses" is not unique to you youngins' :cool:

Every generation has a group of straight-and-narrows to make things out of whack for the laid backs.

A big shift in attitude came with the proliferation of crack and all that goes with it.

Of course sweeping generalizations are never completely accurate. Hell, my mother smokes pot and she's almost 60. My father seemed genuinely disgusted by the idea of taking marijuana for pain, instead of morphine, despite having liver disease. He had this odd perception that only worthless braindead bums would ever consider using it, and preferred to speed up his death with the morphine. It had nothing to do with it's legality either, as he commited far more serious crimes. It's a view that's shared among a lot of older people in the South.

I meant that marijuana was a far more polarizing issue among people from the hippy days that you speak of. People that never smoked it tended to be a bit more judgemental than the nonsmokers today.

I'm not claiming to have any solid evidence to support this, it's more anecdotal. It may be more a regional issue than I realized.

Although, I suppose the fact that there are places in this country with medical marijuana tends to support my claim about the shift in the general public's perception about the danger, or lack thereof, of using marijuana recreationally.

You do raise some valid points though, and are actually of that generation, so I'm definitely not saying you're wrong about any of them. It's just a matter of opinion based on my personal experience. So yeah, I may be wrong...but I wasn't joking. Sorry I trailed a bit off topic ;p

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The only reason it is illegal is the alcoholic beverage lobby, the lumber lobby, and the private prisons lobby like it that way. Government spends lots of money to fight a war on drugs and it has has no effect at reducing their use. Legalize and tax it like alcohol. Didn't we learn something from the prohibition of alcohol (that it does not work). Finally - Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness is supposed to be what America stands for; and the prohibition of something Americans enjoy using is against liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

As far as football is concerned it is definitely not a performance enhancing drug.

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To old to know about pot....what krap. I am 52, and grew up in the 70's when everyone that I knew smoked weed. I recall going to concerts and when the lights came up at the end of the night, you could not see the stage through the haze.....heck, even if you didn't smoke you would catch a contact buzz. We used to go and watch REEFER MADNESS stoned...and laugh about the stupidity of the movie.....then proceed to a local Jack in the Box for munchies.

BUT, the problem here is that not only is weed still ILLEGAL.....but that even if it WAS legal organizations can still demand non-use from it's workers. I work as a government slave and have a clearance.....and I get tested frequently for drug use. If I get caught, I lose my clearance and my job. For me, that is motivation enough not to flame on.

Whether I agree or disagree with weed being illegal is not the issue....the issue is players who make millions more than I each year, but can't seem to be able to give up something that could cost them their career. I really do not get worked up by weed users in general, but when you are getting paid to perform a job, and the rules of employment spell out the fact that you are not to use illegal substances......then I find it difficult to sympathize with the players plight when they are caught....even if they play for my team.

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