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NFL.com: Brown: At least 50 percent of NFL players smoke pot

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To old to know about pot....what krap. I am 52, and grew up in the 70's when everyone that I knew smoked weed. I recall going to concerts and when the lights came up at the end of the night, you could not see the stage through the haze.....heck, even if you didn't smoke you would catch a contact buzz. We used to go and watch REEFER MADNESS stoned...and laugh about the stupidity of the movie.....then proceed to a local Jack in the Box for munchies.


That's how it was back then. Most of the people I knew smoked too. Even so, this isn't the place for a debate over legalization. It's about pot use in the NFL. It's certainly not a performance enhancing drug. On the contrary, it will hinder your performance. I don't want players on the field who are stoned, drunk or high on anything. I want them to play at their best. I agree rskin72, the rules of employment come into play on this one.

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Even some of the most objective studies I've read say 1 in 4 Americans have at least tried it...

so when you consider NFL players are a younger demographic this isn't surprising. I guess the only thing that's surprising to me is that more of them don't get caught.

^^^ My thoughts exactly..not surprised by the number at all...but I am that they aren't caught more often if it's random testing and they can get tested in the offseason as well.

good points made by Rskin72 as well.

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So, will Redskins fan experience extended moral outrage of this "hidden 50%" or will the rage last for a week or a day? I suspect the latter, because this hidden 50% of players is not impacting wins and losses for the Redskins.

fred davis and trent williams missed games last year and are a positive test away from missing a full year. i'm pretty sure that affects wins and losses.

i get the whole "pot should be legalized" thing, but until it is it can absolutely affect this team in a bad way and already has.

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makes no sense why the league would test for anything that isn't performance enhancing. If they want to smoke weed who gives a ****. Everyone else in the world does so why shouldn't they be able 2?

So you want a bunch of players showing up on Sunday stoned or high before the game because they can? Because they will.

Hell, as long as we are demanding the standard of "anything goes", why don't they just ban curfews the night before games. That way we can also have a bunch of players hungover on Sunday, too. :rolleyes:

It can't be all about excess. These players have to have some rules and boundaries.

As I said.... can't see the forest for the trees. :doh:

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So you want a bunch of players showing up on Sunday stoned or high before the game because they can? Because they will.

Hell, as long as we are demanding the standard of "anything goes", why don't they just ban curfews the night before games. That way we can also have a bunch of players hungover on Sunday, too. :rolleyes:

It can't be all about excess. These players have to have some rules and boundaries.

As I said.... can't see the forest for the trees. :doh:

Quit being so scared.

Know what happens to players who show up stoned?

they don't get to play for long.

Jeez, it's so hyper-competitive as it is, you think stoners won't be 'weeded out' if they are dumb enough to let it interfere with their jobs?

Why don't they show up drunk?

That's nice and legal, and they're all old enough. Why don't they get drunk before they play?

JaMarcus Russel used to drink NyQuil,, nice and legal.

And where is he? He couldn't even stay in OAKLAND doing that dumb stuff.

friggin' ridiculous


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..... I honestly don't care what the players do in the privacy of their own homes as long as they are able to perform to their best of their ability EVERY Sunday....

So long as it doesn't involve Texans and Dallas jersey's. That would be an unacceptable breach of contract, even in private. So you'd sure as Hell better not be a secret 'Girls fan Robinson! :mad:

Although if it involves burning on a big fire, then I believe that's still acceptable behavior. (Dallas jersey's, not Texans. We're not savages. ).


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Quit being so scared.

Know what happens to players who show up stoned?

they don't get to play for long.

Jeez, it's so hyper-competitive as it is, you think stoners won't be 'weeded out' if they are dumb enough to let it interfere with their jobs?

Why don't they show up drunk?

That's nice and legal, and they're all old enough. Why don't they get drunk before they play?

JaMarcus Russel used to drink NyQuil,, nice and legal.

And where is he? He couldn't even stay in OAKLAND doing that dumb stuff.

friggin' ridiculous


They don't do it in mass now because they know there will be consequences if they do.

You know, the whole rules and boundaries thing? :)

You really think you take those boundaries away, and you think they will ALL be responsible on their own?

Most of these guys can't keep their money straight or even keep their dick in their pants for 5 minutes.

But they'll be completely responsible when it comes to pot, right? :rolleyes::ols:

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They don't do it in mass now because they know there will be consequences if they do.

You know, the whole rules and boundaries thing? :)

You really think you take those boundaries away, and you think they will ALL be responsible on their own?

Most of these guys can't keep their money straight or even keep their dick in their pants for 5 minutes.

But they'll be completely responsible when it comes to pot, right? :rolleyes::ols:

Honestly, this is ridiculous.

OK, so you believe that without rules and boundaries, these players will show up stoned to play in games.

And you also seem to think that if ANY player does this there will be no consequences. As if any employer in America allows employees to show up for work drunk or stoned..(you know, NORMAL rules and boundaries.)

Why aren't they this irresponsible with alcohol?

I noticed you avoided that part of my post. Why are't there players falling down drunk in the huddle? I mean, after all, they aren't tested for it, and they can't even manage money!

Why do you think players will treat it differently?

Answer that, please.

I think once you do, you'll find out that the same thing will apply to pot.

Oh, but let me guess. In your mind, players don't show up drunk because even though it's a legal high, they realize they'll probably lose their jobs, and someone ELSE will make a million dollars in their place... so they're smart enough to not have a few shots of whiskey before kickoff.

In your mind, players are too stupid to make the connection that showing up for work impaired may cost them livelihood, even though they already demonstrate enough common sense not to do it with something they are ALL legally allowed to do.

To you, it's the same as managing millions of dollars or having sex. (Which I assure you, none of them do on the field.)

I repeat.



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They don't do it in mass now because they know there will be consequences if they do.

You know, the whole rules and boundaries thing? :)

You really think you take those boundaries away, and you think they will ALL be responsible on their own?

Most of these guys can't keep their money straight or even keep their dick in their pants for 5 minutes.

But they'll be completely responsible when it comes to pot, right? :rolleyes::ols:

You know how when you show to work high, you get fired? If an NFL player showed up to work high, first off it would show immediately. Second off, they'd get cut almost immediately if not at the end of the year because they certainly wouldn't be playing. And no one's gonna keep around a guy who isn't playing.

Trent and Fred failed drug tests, but they didn't show up high. Thus, they're gonna play next year and make millions of dollars. Had they shown up high, that would have been the last we would have seen of them in the NFL.

---------- Post added May-20th-2012 at 07:26 PM ----------

To you, it's the same as managing millions of dollars or having sex. (Which I assure you, none of them do on the field.)

I agree with all of your post, but this. And I have photographic evidence to support me!


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Why exactly is this plant illegal again?


Racism and William Randolph Hearst.

So you want a bunch of players showing up on Sunday stoned or high before the game because they can? Because they will.

Hell, as long as we are demanding the standard of "anything goes", why don't they just ban curfews the night before games. That way we can also have a bunch of players hungover on Sunday, too. :rolleyes:

It can't be all about excess. These players have to have some rules and boundaries.

As I said.... can't see the forest for the trees. :doh:

They don't do it in mass now because they know there will be consequences if they do.

You know, the whole rules and boundaries thing? :)

You really think you take those boundaries away, and you think they will ALL be responsible on their own?

Most of these guys can't keep their money straight or even keep their dick in their pants for 5 minutes.

But they'll be completely responsible when it comes to pot, right? :rolleyes::ols:

:ols: :ols: :ols:

I'm not sure I could have done a better job if someone had asked me to come up with a caricature of the stereotypical anti-pot knee-jerking people who inexplicably seem to actually be angered by the mere suggestion that perhaps some of our rules/laws regarding marijuana should change. The "why don't we just..." line was particularly entertaining.

"Adjust our pot rules? Why don't we just inject every single player with heroin before kickoff?!"

As Bang has already pointed out, alcohol is not against league rules, and yet, shockingly, players don't tend to show up to practice drunk. And when one occasionally does, it's a Big ****ing Deal that immediately makes the player a total pariah.

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I can see reafer being used for medicinal purposes that it is perscribed to help but other than that it's against the law and a felony.

Hell, it's barely a misdemeanor anymore.

This is one thing that always amuses me about these threads about players using pot.

Very RARELY is the fact it's actually illegal brought up.

Most people barely even consider that part.. kinda says something about the law when folks more worry about it being against league rules than against the law of the land.


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I can see reafer being used for medicinal purposes that it is perscribed to help but other than that it's against the law and a felony.

Possession of refer isn't always a felony, actually in some cases, it's not even a misdemeanor depending if the cop wants to be a prick or not.

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Most people barely even consider that part.. kinda says something about the law when folks more worry about it being against league rules than against the law of the land.


Yes, short version of what I was trying to say. It's not just the NFL, no other employers ever call the police about it. I've had cops throw it on the ground and tell me to have a nice day. It's 2012. It is a JOKE that it's illegal. And embarrassing the way people go through these stupid formalities to get it 'legally'.

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