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The last movie you saw......GO! (After you read the OP!!!!)


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"How to Die in Oregon." An extremely depressing, but really well done documentary about terminally ill Oregonians who talk about how they decided to sign up for doctor assisted suicide to end their suffering.

This movie is currently getting 100% on rottentomatoes.com. One of the best documentaries I've ever seen.

This probably isn't a great selling point, but "How to Die in Oregon" had me choked up and my wife was borderline hysterical...

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"How to Die in Oregon." An extremely depressing, but really well done documentary about terminally ill Oregonians who talk about how they decided to sign up for doctor assisted suicide to end their suffering.

This movie is currently getting 100% on rottentomatoes.com. One of the best documentaries I've ever seen.

I think there should be a whole thread just for documentaries, because there are so many good ones, and it's like a whole different genre from regular movies.

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"An aspiring author during the civil rights movement of the 1960s decides to write a book detailing the African-American maids' point of view on the white families for which they work, and the hardships they go through on a daily basis."

A really interesting story with some very touching moments (read: I cried). There were a couple characters that I felt were either unnecessary or underdeveloped, but overall I enjoyed the movie.

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...tells the hilarious journey of Phil Rosenthal, considered an expert in his country having created one of the most popular television shows of all time, who travels to a foreign land to help people who don't seem to want his help. When Rosenthal joins forces with Hollywood studio Sony Pictures Television to recreate "Everybody Loves Raymond" for Russian TV audiences as "Everybody Loves Kostya," he finds himself lost in Moscow, lost in his mission, lost in translation. Rosenthal tries to connect with his Russian colleagues but runs into unique characters and situations that conspire to drive him insane. The movie is a true international adventure, a genuine, "fish out of water" comedy that could only exist in real life.

Very good. It was interesting to see all the cultural obstacles that had to be hashed out in order to get the show to translate. I'm not even a huge fan of the show but I actually starting watching by accident and couldn't stop. Interesting documentary.

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Watched "The Adventures of TinTin" and "In Time" over the weekend, courtesy of two free Redbox codes.

Really like TinTin and would definitely recommend.

In Time was such a disappointment - it felt like it could have a been a good movie but suffered from poor writing and a rush job to get it made.



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Happy Feet 2 on Sunday...was a really great sequel, (sorry, I have grandkids and must know these things), letting Mumble's son take the lead. Common was awesome, and so were Brad Pitt and Matt Damon as the krill!! I think next is "Chipwrecked"...we've always thought the Chipmunk movies were cool.

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Starting to get hooked on these Korean crime-thrillers. Just some of the ones I watched over the past 2 weeks that are definitely worth checking out:

The Man From Nowhere

The Chaser


I Saw the Devil

Welcome to the club, my friend. :)

Those movies on your list were some of my first Korean Thrillers. It's amazing how great those movies are, S. Korea is pumping out some awesome, ORIGINAL thrillers.

I wish more people would give them a try, they really don't know what they're missing. There's a reason why Hollywood is remaking several korean thrillers that have come out over the last few years. :)

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Timecrimes (2007)


Pretty decent mind**** movie about some mid-40s guy who (I guess) is moving into a new house with his wife, and spends time with his binoculars looking into the wooded area outside his backyard. One time he sees a young, pretty female standing alone in the woods who starts to take off her clothes. When his wife leaves to go pick up some food, he decides to go see what this young woman's story is about (actually just wants to see her boobs up close, I assume lol), and goes into the woods to see if he can find her. Once he does find her, the movie goes into all sorts of twists and turns up until the very last frame. There was one twist that had me going "Oh, come on"...once the movie was over I went back and re-watched the scene that "twist" was referring to...and damn if it wasn't JUST as the twist described it lol :yes:...so I had to give it props for that.

It's a foreign movie (from Spain, I think??) so I'd recommend getting the subtitled version over the dubbed version, although once you get passed the voices not quiiiiite matching up with the way the actors look, the dubbed version is fine, too.

One word of advice: do NOT see the trailer for this movie, as it's not very well done and gives away damn near the entire plot.

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We finally saw Moneyball the other night and it was a great, great, movie. I love movies based on true stories, and the only thing that would have made it better is if the A's actually won the championship- but of course, they had to stay true to life.

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Welcome to the club, my friend. :)

Those movies on your list were some of my first Korean Thrillers. It's amazing how great those movies are, S. Korea is pumping out some awesome, ORIGINAL thrillers.

I wish more people would give them a try, they really don't know what they're missing. There's a reason why Hollywood is remaking several korean thrillers that have come out over the last few years. :)

The only one I didn't really find that great was Mother. I'm probably going to check out Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance tonight. Others I have in my queue include: Lady Vengeance, No Mercy, and H.

I definitely agree, more people need to check out these movies.

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There is an EPIC Indonesian movie that has limited release in the states called "Raid: Redemption." It is currently playing in DC at the E Street theater. I have two friends that went to see it, and they both said it was balls-to-the-wall intense. I have to wait another 2 weeks before it comes out here to Denver.

This movie is currently getting a 94% on rottentomatoes :cool:


The film is a sort of high-speed demolition derby except with human actors. It is 100 percent highly concentrated whoop-ass, and it is sensational.
Extraordinary stunt and fight work and nonstop excitement, but a warning to those who are at all squeamish: this may be the most violent movie I've ever seen.
The Raid: Redemption is crack cocaine for action junkies like myself. It delivers an intense euphoric high that just makes you want to immediately go out and experience it again.

---------- Post added April-3rd-2012 at 08:29 AM ----------

The only one I didn't really find that great was Mother. I'm probably going to check out Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance tonight. Others I have in my queue include: Lady Vengeance, No Mercy, and H.

I definitely agree, more people need to check out these movies.

Even though OldBoy is the most well known, both the vengeance movies were good too.

No Mercy is good and is has the guy from The Chaser as the main character. he's badass.

You will enjoy H as well, I liked it a lot.

Might I suggest:

"Memories of Murder" (about a small town in rural Korea that experiences its first ever serial killer)

"Joint Security Area" (about the DMZ and troops from N. Korea and S. Korea side become friends at night and hang out but then tratedy strikes)

"Thirst" a priest becomes a vampire and he tries to fight off the urges for blood. I can't remember which actor it is but the main character is in several of the other big korean thrillers.

and one of my faves, "Vengeance." A Frenchman's family is slaughtered, and so he teams up with a Chinese squad of hitmen and chases the bad guys all over China. EPIC movie.


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"Attack the Block." Getting a 90% of Rottentomatoes.

A gang of teens from the EXTREME ghetto projects of London is out robbing people one night when alien pods of nasty little creatures with big teeth fall from space. For some reason, the aliens are looking for one of the kids and the gang is chased all over the ghettos of London by these aliens.

rom the producers of Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz, Attack the Block follows a gang of tough inner-city kids who try to defend their turf against an invasion of savage alien creatures, turning a South London apartment complex into an extraterrestrial warzone

The ghetto vs outter space. Fun movie. It wasn't cheesy at all.

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We Bought a Zoo (2011)


Synopsis (IMDB): Benjamin has lost his wife. In a bid to start his life over, he purchases a large house that has a zoo. This is welcome news for his daughter, but his son is not happy about it. The zoo is need of renovation and Benjamin sets about the work with the head keeper, Kelly, and the rest of the zoo staff. But, the zoo soon runs into financial trouble. The staff must get the zoo back to it's former glory, pass a zoo inspection, and get it back open to the public.

Thoughts: I generally liked this movie and I like Matt Damon as an actor (even though I urge to say "Matt Damon" as heard in Team America: World Police every time I say his name). It had some funny moments, some emotional moments and a story line that was easy to follow. It's a good movie for people who like animals I suppose. I'd give it a 6 out of 10 or so.

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