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The last movie you saw......GO! (After you read the OP!!!!)


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Transformers: Age of Extinction.  da **** was that?  :(  at least mark wahlburg's daughter was delicious looking.


the inevitable defeat of mister and pete - this movie was fantastic!  story about a young black kid and a korean kid, both about 12-13 years old, and their mother gets busted for drugs.  Trying to avoid being taken away by child protective services, the two boys do everything they can to survive and hide in a brooklyn housng project and avoid CPS.  Its getting 90% on rotten right now.  This movie tapped into my heart.  The **** some kids go through on a daily basis, jesus.  :(  but it also makes you laugh at times to break up the seriousness of the situation.  The two young actors were brilliant. Its movies like this that make me excited about movies.  its streaming on Netflix.


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Transformers: Age of Extinction. da **** was that? :( at least mark wahlburg's daughter was delicious looking.

I posted about that disaster earlier in this thread and people responded with funny links about how awful it was. Definitely check out the honest trailer for that movie.

I came away thinking it was written by a team of writers that each handled a portion of the movie, but refused to talk to eachother at all. The movie makes absolutely no sense and seems to forget what happened earlier at random intervals. It's basicly a series of "and now this happens" followed by "that's nice but THIS is louder and uses more special effects!"

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Saint Vincent with Bill "freaking" Murray and Melissa McCarthy.  The story stuck to a somewhat predictable format, but it was great to see Bill Murray given the lead in a film again.  He can still do it. I thought he put in a fantastic performance and have been recommending this one to others. 

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Loved interstellar, need more time to talk about it. Spent a good hour reading theories online afterwards. 9.0/10

What Maise Knew - REALLY good movie. About a little girl caught in the middle of an ugly divorce/custody battle. Julianne Moore and Alexander Skarsgard were a few of the big names. This movie was really sad, but unfortunately probably a common one. 8.5/10

All is Lost - Bobby Red was all by himself in this one. I liked it. Picture Open Water....but better. Movies like this are weird because Redford isn't really acting...we just watch him do stuff lol. 8/10

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Children of Men was pretty good, not your typical post-apocalyptic film.  not much else to say without giving away anything.


Magnolia is old(er), gotta be early 2000s.  i saw it years back, remember it being pretty good.  One of Phillip Seymour's underappreciated joints.  coincidence but I think Julianne Moore is in both those movies. 


both are worth watching for sure.

I second Children of Men same vein as the old classic Soylent Green.

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Just saw this great documentary about a few guys that made up KNB effects and how the work they have done in the movie industry.  They have worked on the Walking Dead, Inglorious Basterds, Death Proof, etc.....


If you are into movies, I recommend this documentary:




Also, it is streaming on Netflix

Edited by Fan since a Fetus
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Saint Vincent with Bill "freaking" Murray and Melissa McCarthy.  The story stuck to a somewhat predictable format, but it was great to see Bill Murray given the lead in a film again.  He can still do it. I thought he put in a fantastic performance and have been recommending this one to others.

Saw Vin last night. There were some solid laughs, and man is Bill Murray good.

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I know. Days of Future past was one of the better (if not best) Xmen movies. I think it's scoring in the 90's also on Rotten Tomatoes and metacritic has it highly ranked also.


It played fast and loose with the comic version of the story, but I thought it was a solid Xmen movie, nonetheless.


edit..plus I can't wait for the Rogue edition of the Blu Ray to come out next year. I'm curious what they cut of her story since she was barely in the movie.

Edited by The Evil Genius
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The Neighbors - pretty funny movie. Zac Efron was really good, so is baby Franco. And though I love a raunchy, disgusting R-rated Seth Rogan film, there was too much penis and too little bewbs. Still a solid DVD rental. 7.5/10

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The Neighbors - pretty funny movie. Zac Efron was really good, so is baby Franco. And though I love a raunchy, disgusting R-rated Seth Rogan film, there was too much penis and too little bewbs. Still a solid DVD rental. 7.5/10

We watched this Friday night. I was going to put almost exactly what you said.

Solid DVD rental, nothing special or must see

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