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Indiana Lawmaker's Anti-Girl Scout Screed Goes Viral - Ft. Wayne Journal-Gazette

Dan T.

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Morris also said the fact that first lady Michelle Obama is honorary president "should give each of us reason to pause before our individual and collective endorsement of the organization."

What the **** is wrong with some elected officials? He thinks it's inappropriate that the First Lady is honorary president of the Girl Scouts Association? What does he have against Michelle Obama? That she encourages kids to eat their vegetables?

Pretty insane. Plus there's this:

Michelle Tompkins, a spokeswoman for the Girl Scouts, responded to Morris' assertions by telling NBC station WISE of Fort Wayne, "Not only is Rep. Morris off the mark on his claims, it's also unfortunate in his limited research that he failed to discover that, since 1917, every first lady has served as the honorary leader of Girl Scouts, including Nancy Reagan, Barbara Bush and Laura Bush."


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Girls shouldn't learn to use power tools, start a fire, put up a tent, shoot guns or arrows, or use computers, or any of a thousand other things that are not deemed "feminine." Thank God for Girl Scouts!

Wait, the Girl Scouts teaches power tool use? I'm sold. There's a ton of **** around my house that needs fixing, I just needed the cheap labor.

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Michelle Tompkins, a spokeswoman for the Girl Scouts, responded to Morris' assertions by telling NBC station WISE of Fort Wayne, "Not only is Rep. Morris off the mark on his claims, it's also unfortunate in his limited research that he failed to discover that, since 1917, every first lady has served as the honorary leader of Girl Scouts, including Nancy Reagan, Barbara Bush and Laura Bush."

If I remember correctly, this is also true of the Boy Scouts and the President.

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He did research on the INTERNET. So you KNOW that **** is true.

Wiki, wiki, wiki- wow!!!

---------- Post added February-23rd-2012 at 11:30 AM ----------

Sadly in this age of twitter (twit is in there), myspace, facebook and reality TV, everyone needs/wants their 15minutes of fame. I just don't understand why people have to think this way. I mean, if he didn't want to endorse them, cast your "no" vote, shut your yap and move on. I know someone WILL get offended at this, but it seems like more often than not the person is some kind of uber christian trying to press their beliefs on the rest of society. You have your views, I have mine, keep them to yourself. You have your religion, I have mine (I don't go to church), keep it to yourself and stop trying to recruit me to come to your church or join your cult.

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Wait, the Girl Scouts teaches power tool use? I'm sold. There's a ton of **** around my house that needs fixing, I just needed the cheap labor.

Yeah - yardwork is one thing, but I think I might only want the kids who already have the Eagle Scout badge for Bathroom Remodelling before I let them rip out the tile and drywall.

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For his part, Morris was asked for proof yesterday to support his claim that the Girl Scouts support abortion rights. "They're not against it," he said. "If you're not against it, you're for it."

I would guess this dude is serving his last term in the Indiana state legislature.

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For his part, Morris was asked for proof yesterday to support his claim that the Girl Scouts support abortion rights. "They're not against it," he said. "If you're not against it, you're for it."

Similarly, I've always between troubled by the American Horticultural Society's support for abortion.

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His rationale for being anti girl scout is pretty stupid.

Now, if he had said it was due to the fact they seem only to be cookie focused rather than actually focused on helping girls learn about life and all the skills and cool things that come with it, then I'd be less critical.

From parents in the know, I've heard that the GS has changed way too much in their cookie money greed and it's ruined a once respected organization. One local Mom that I know pulled her daughter out because the leaders were treating her daughter poorly for low cookie sales numbers.. ridiculous!

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From parents in the know, I've heard that the GS has changed way too much in their cookie money greed and it's ruined a once respected organization. One local Mom that I know pulled her daughter out because the leaders were treating her daughter poorly for low cookie sales numbers.. ridiculous!

As noted ... it's all down to the troop leader. It's not like the Girl Scouts of America set goals for the kids. Just like any other activity, some parents will want to raise big bucks to that the troop can go on a major trip somewhere. But many others will have a different focus that doesn't require selling cookies. My daughter had a number of enjoyable years and the cookie selling was no more than ask some neighbors on the street and help staff a table outside the local supermarket for a couple of hours. No pressure at all.

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