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Indiana Lawmaker's Anti-Girl Scout Screed Goes Viral - Ft. Wayne Journal-Gazette

Dan T.

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INDIANAPOLIS – A Fort Wayne lawmaker's rant against the Girl Scouts went viral Monday after he called them a "radicalized organization" that supports abortion and promotes "homosexual lifestyles."

Rep. Bob Morris, R-Fort Wayne, sent a letter to Indiana House Republicans on Saturday explaining why he was the only member in the chamber not to sign onto a resolution last week celebrating the 100th anniversary of the Girl Scouts.

The resolution applauded the group "for the strong positive influence it has had on the American woman."


State Representative Bob Morris

Morris, saying he "did a small amount of web-based research," claims to have found that the Girl Scouts has "a close strategic affiliation with Planned Parenthood." He makes that assertion even as he concedes "you will not find evidence of this on the [Girl Scouts'] website — in fact, the websites of these two organizations explicitly deny funding Planned Parenthood."

Morris said he found allegations that the Girl Scouts are a tactical arm of Planned Parenthood, that they allow transgender females to join, "just like any real girl," and encourage sex.

Morris also said the fact that first lady Michelle Obama is honorary president "should give each of us reason to pause before our individual and collective endorsement of the organization."

"I challenge each of you to examine these matters more closely before you extend your name and your reputation to endorse a group that has been subverted in the name of liberal progressive politics and the destruction of traditional American family values," he said in the letter.

When The Journal Gazette first posted the story Monday, it spread quickly on Twitter and Facebook, often accompanied with incredulous comments or ones disparaging Morris.

Rep. Win Moses, D-Fort Wayne, said his daughter was a Girl Scout and he appreciates how it helps young girls to grow into fine young women with leadership qualities.

"To politicize it, to demonize it, is unfair," he said. "I'm shocked they would be treated in this manner."

Rep. Kathy Richardson, R-Noblesville, spoke in support of the resolution last week as a former Girl Scout member herself.

"I guess he's entitled to his opinion," she said. "They are out selling cookies – not sex and abortions."


Verbatim text of Morris' letter: http://www.journalgazette.net/article/20120220/BLOGS01/120229962/-1/blogs

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So....he's bat-**** crazy and a republican? The hell you say. :pfft:

Yet there's more than one side and there is hope. :cool:

Rep. Kathy Richardson, R-Noblesville, spoke in support of the resolution last week as a former Girl Scout member herself.

"I guess he's entitled to his opinion," she said. "They are out selling cookies – not sex and abortions."


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Morris also said the fact that first lady Michelle Obama is honorary president "should give each of us reason to pause before our individual and collective endorsement of the organization."

What the **** is wrong with some elected officials? He thinks it's inappropriate that the First Lady is honorary president of the Girl Scouts Association? What does he have against Michelle Obama? That she encourages kids to eat their vegetables?

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If you've ever been to Fort Wayne Indiana, this story will not shock you.

---------- Post added February-21st-2012 at 04:03 PM ----------

morris also said the fact that first lady michelle obama is honorary president "should give each of us reason to pause before our individual and collective endorsement of the organization."

what the **** is wrong with some elected officials? He thinks it's inappropriate that the first lady is honorary president of the girl scouts association? What does he have against michelle obama? That she encourages kids to eat their vegetables?

she and her muslim bretheren are a threat to traditional american values and must be eraticated!

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Morris also said the fact that first lady Michelle Obama is honorary president "should give each of us reason to pause before our individual and collective endorsement of the organization."

What the **** is wrong with some elected officials? He thinks it's inappropriate that the First Lady is honorary president of the Girl Scouts Association? What does he have against Michelle Obama? That she encourages kids to eat their vegetables?

She's married to that Muslim, Barak Hussein Obama. The Muslims are infiltrating the Girl Scouts and teaching them to be godless.

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Actually, for anyone who has older daughters, shed some light for me. Is this a worthwhile activity for my daughter in the future...we're talking a few years, she's almost. My only knowledge of the Girl Scouts is that they sell cookies, and even that is kind of sour since I've heard they get a very small percentage of the profits and that the cookie company basically exploits them. Maybe it's gotten better, just what I've heard.

I'd rather not teach my daughter how to get exploited by a corporation that early in life, but I have no idea what else Girl Scouts do, I only ever see them selling those irresistable tagalongs.

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Actually, for anyone who has older daughters, shed some light for me. Is this a worthwhile activity for my daughter in the future...we're talking a few years, she's almost. My only knowledge of the Girl Scouts is that they sell cookies, and even that is kind of sour since I've heard they get a very small percentage of the profits and that the cookie company basically exploits them. Maybe it's gotten better, just what I've heard.

I'd rather not teach my daughter how to get exploited by a corporation that early in life, but I have no idea what else Girl Scouts do, I only ever see them selling those irresistable tagalongs.

I was a Girl Scout in 2 different states. And the leader has a lot do with the quality of the troop, but leaders have handbooks too. The girls earn different badges and they are way different than when I was a Scout (early to mid 60s). I loved Scouts, it was an all girls place where I could go camping, sell cookies (yes, that's part of it and it partly funds the troop), have experiences within a group that was supervised and organized. I learned to get along with and work with lots of different girls. I think your daughter would enjoy it very much for as long as she wanted. I made it through middle school and stopped when I was in high school. And like the Boy Scouts have Eagle Scouts for HS boys, the Girl Scouts have a similar program.

One thing about Girl Scouts these days is that they are a non-discriminatory organization, unlike Boy Scouts. It teaches girls to get along with all kinds of folks, which they will need to do in this 21st Century.

Here's their website, for your edification. http://www.girlscouts.org/

I think I still have my GS sash with all my badges on it and I definitely still have my GS knife!

[edited to add] non-discriminatory Sheesh!

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LSF, I think you meant ".. are not a discriminatory org..".

My girls are scouts. My wife is one of the troop leaders. They sell cookies. They camp. They build friendships. That's about it.

Yep, thanks, fixed that. I was re-reading and was horrified to see that what I wrote was the direct opposite of what I intended!

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You're right, Hubbs, lesbians are just fake girls, not real at all. ;)

They guy is a loon, just like the rest of them that are coming out of the woodwork this election season.

Heaven forfend that girls learn some skills other than cooking, laundry, cleaning and performing the sex acts that their husbands might want. Oh wait, that last part wasn't supposed to be revealed. Girls shouldn't learn to use power tools, start a fire, put up a tent, shoot guns or arrows, or use computers, or any of a thousand other things that are not deemed "feminine." Thank God for Girl Scouts!

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Heaven forfend that girls learn some skills other than cooking, laundry, cleaning and performing the sex acts that their husbands might want. Oh wait, that last part wasn't supposed to be revealed. Girls shouldn't learn to use power tools, start a fire, put up a tent, shoot guns or arrows, or use computers, or any of a thousand other things that are not deemed "feminine."

Look, if you'll at least agree to never ask for the right to vote I'm sure we men-folk could grudgingly agree to let you do one or two of those things.

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