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All Things North Korea Thread


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I'm not disputing they would cause casualties, in the event of war they would probably cause several thousand civilian casualties in northern Seoul and the communities south of the DMZ and more if they use WMDs. I was just pointing out they're not 10 feet tall (5'1 actually). Too many think the nK Army would roll over the Americans and annihilate South Korea forgetting that South Korea has an army too. The destruction of 8th Army or 2ID in six hours is just not going to happen.

We would crush them if they attacked, lets not confuse that :ols: all I was saying was if they struck first they would take many South Koreans with them before we could stop them firing missiles. We should be trying to avoid a war at all costs though.

Edited by Zazzaro703
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North Korea suspends works at Kaesong industrial zone

A shame... the only remaining gesture of unification, as well as a huge moneymaker for DPRK. Something is going down on Wednesday...

North Korea has announced it is withdrawing all its workers from the joint-Korean Kaesong industrial zone and suspending operations there.

The move follows weeks of warlike rhetoric from Pyongyang after it was sanctioned by the UN for carrying out its third nuclear test in February.

Kaesong was established almost a decade ago and had been a symbol of co-operation between the two Koreas.

But a North Korean official said it could now be closed permanently.

In a statement, South Korea's Unification Ministry said the decision "cannot be justified in any way and North Korea will be held responsible for all the consequences," the AFP news agency reports.

The complex, just over the border in the North, employs more than 50,000 North Korean workers but is funded and managed by South Korean firms.

Pyongyang has already banned South Koreans from entering, but during a visit to the site, Kim Yang-gon, secretary of the party's Central Committee, said the North would now "temporarily suspend the operations in the zone and examine the issue of whether it will allow its existence or close it".

more at link

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Ol' boy really wants his homeland turned into a crater. I just hope there are at least a few reasonable generals that will keep him from doing something he'll regret later.

IMO, some of the top generals are really the ones pulling the strings / heavily influencing KJU.

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Link isn't working for me.

North Korea warns foreigners to leave South amid new threats of war

(Reuters) - North Korea intensified threats of an imminent conflict against the United States and the South on Tuesday, warning foreigners to evacuate South Korea to avoid being dragged into "thermonuclear war".

Click on the link for the full article

---------- Post added April-9th-2013 at 01:26 PM ----------

Shall we play a game?


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Link isn't working for me.

North Korea warns foreigners to leave South amid new threats of war

(Reuters) - North Korea intensified threats of an imminent conflict against the United States and the South on Tuesday, warning foreigners to evacuate South Korea to avoid being dragged into "thermonuclear war".

Click on the link for the full article

---------- Post added April-9th-2013 at 01:26 PM ----------

Shall we play a game?


Tic Tac Toe *****

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Link isn't working for me.

North Korea warns foreigners to leave South amid new threats of war

(Reuters) - North Korea intensified threats of an imminent conflict against the United States and the South on Tuesday, warning foreigners to evacuate South Korea to avoid being dragged into "thermonuclear war".

Click on the link for the full article

---------- Post added April-9th-2013 at 01:26 PM ----------

Shall we play a game?


Funny because that's what some of the computers in some of their photos look like


Except of course for the imac in Jr's office.

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"Them" will most definitely involve others beside N/S Korea, most notably us, as well.

And, the last time we intervened on the peninsula to help the south, we ended up in a war with China who does not want us there, at all costs.

Edited by Stadium-Armory
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N.Korea 'Planning Fresh Missile Test Soon'

North Korea notified foreign diplomats from several countries of its plan to launch a missile over Japan toward the Pacific Ocean around Wednesday, the Sankei Shimbun reported citing informed sources.

The North on Friday urged foreign embassies to evacuate their missions in Pyongyang, saying it cannot guarantee the safety of staff.

South Korea believes the North may test a Mudusan-type missile with a range of 3,000 to 4,000 km as early as Tuesday, given that communication on the east coast has been on the increase.

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North Korea notified foreign diplomats from several countries of its plan to launch a missile over Japan toward the Pacific Ocean around Wednesday, the Sankei Shimbun reported citing informed sources.

I have to confess that, when I read about things like this (launching missiles over the country which you're trying to threaten), that the fantasy I have is of their missile being shot down before it makes it halfway there, and profuse apologies explaining that gee, the missile defense system is automatic, and fires on anything launched towards Japan.

I'm smart enough to understand that actually doing that would be really dumb. No reason at all to give potential enemies (China, cough, cough) the opportunity to study our technology.

But the fantasy occurs, anyway.

Edited by Larry
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And, the last time we intervened on the peninsula to help the south, we ended up in a war with China who does not want us there, at all costs.

Well One major difference from the 50's is that China's and our economies are much more closely tired. I don't think China would risk a war due to the economic impact it would have on them.

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Well One major difference from the 50's is that China's and our economies are much more closely tired. I don't think China would risk a war due to the economic impact it would have on them.

Good point. If we found our selves in a war with China, we might pass a law to 'wipe clean' all the t-bills we owe the Chinese government or to its citizens.

Might effect our credit rating though :)

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If NK does provoke war with SK and the United States... where would China stand on this? They have already come out and said they condemn the actions of the North, but if it came to blows....?

What if China is secretly pulling the strings to escalate this conflict while publicly chastising NK?

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Good point. If we found our selves in a war with China, we might pass a law to 'wipe clean' all the t-bills we owe the Chinese government or to its citizens.

Might effect our credit rating though :)

Well think of how much stuff we import from China...that would all stop. Plus we would engage any ships bringing oil to them or other natual resources. We have the ability to cut off all sea based traffic and there is not really much they could do to us. Our economy would be hurt, but theirs would be crippled with no imports or exports via sea based routes. Land routes would be targeted with drones and cruise missiles so few things would get through, but not near enough to supply the needs of 1.5 billion people. I am sure the cease fire would call for a clean slate as far as how much money we owe them. This is why China desperately needs a blue water navy and they know it.

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