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The Avengers movie


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Expendables 2 is rated PG-13 :(

You can blame that on Chuck Norris.

---------- Post added February-29th-2012 at 11:54 PM ----------

Looks cool, but that end scene always makes me laugh. How corny is it that you got all these superheroes with awesome powers...and Hawkeye and Black Widow are rocking a ****ing bow and arrow and pistol. :ols:

Well they are members of SHIELD, not really suppose to be superheros.

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You can blame that on Chuck Norris.

---------- Post added February-29th-2012 at 11:54 PM ----------

Well they are members of SHIELD, not really suppose to be superheros.

I know. Screw you Chuck! :mad:

And as for Hawkeye, his trademark is the bow and arrow :ols:

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Ohhhh man. Just watched the UK trailer, got me completely hyped. Loved the end with the super beast thing and Stark, "Guys, I'm bringing the party to you."

So we get this in May and Dark Knight Rises in July? Summer should be great.

Also, Prometheus comes out June. And The Hobbit in December. I saw a 3D trailer for The Hobbit and oh my god it was stunning.

The Avengers looks absolutely badass

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That's odd and too bad. I'd rather they replace Hulk with another super hero altogether.

Because of the absence of Edward Norton? I can let that pass easily. He was a lot better than Eric Bana but he wasn't "amaaaaazing." In a perfect world I agree with you, CB. It would be great to have him onboard. Ruffalo is a strong actor though. He can absolutely handle the role, especially in an ensemble cast.

Here's where your statement about replacing the character might be appropriate though- Hulk didn't stay an Avenger for very long at all. He left them almost immediately. I wonder if that plot point will be reflected during (or at the end of) the movie. I suppose Ant/Giant Man and Wasp would have done but they just don't pack the sexy of an Incredible Hulk. :)

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  • 1 month later...

I still don't know about it. I'll probably get strung up for this but it looks like a tamed version of a Michael Bay flick, and I totally appreciate the Avengers comics (I'm a Marvel buff) but I guess I just don't buy all of these worlds being brought together. That said, I'll probably take my son to see it in 3-D, I'll wait for my judgment then.

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  • 2 weeks later...


The Avengers: Early Reviews Are In—Marvelous or Not?

With apologies to a certain Marvel supervillain who's not in the film, Joss Whedon has hit a bull's-eye with The Avengers.

Marvel's highly anticipated first outing for its band of superheroes known as S.H.I.E.L.D.—directed by the man who brought you TV's Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Serenity—isn't out in theaters yet, but it's already a big hit with critics.

E! News has a roundup of the early reviews, which by the sound of them, should guarantee Hollywood will be off to a stellar start at the box office this summer when The Avengers unspools May 4.

  • "The Avengers is humongous, the film Marvel and its legions of fans have been waiting for. It's hard to imagine that anyone with an appetite for the trademark's patented brand of fantasy, effects, mayhem and strangely dressed he-men will be disappointed," writes the Hollywood Reporter's Todd McCarthy, heaping glowing praise on the blockbuster. "Director Joss Whedon has adroitly balanced the celebrity circus to give every single one of the superstar characters his or her due. Worldwide box office returns will be, in a word, Marvelous."

  • "As the first of this summer's three superhero blockbusters (the others are The Dark Knight Rises and The Amazing Spider-Man), Avengers sets the bar impressively high, and that it does it with a smile is all the more refreshing. A lot of this stuff has been done before, and recently—but never quite as well as this," says Robbie Collin of the U.K.'s Telegraph.

  • "The Avengers have been assembled and, for the most part, they fit together superbly. A joyous blend of heroism and humour that raises the stakes even as it maintains a firm grip on what makes the individual heroes tick," offers James White of Empire Magazine.

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Not surprised. Anything Joss Whedon is involved in usually it well made, written, produced, etc.

Except for those lines in the first X-Men film he takes credit for.

Personally, I have some doubts about Whedon's transition to the big screen, but I've actually liked what I've seen from the trailers. Looks like fun.

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While I do agree with the opinion that Hollywood is nothing but sequels, remakes, and superhero movies which has their own sequels and remakes, I forget that as long as a movie is well made. I'm real glad to see the early buzz for The Avengers is positive which even though I'm not a comic book guy, have been looking forward to seeing.

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