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Yahoo: Jilted ex-boyfriend puts up abortion billboard


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I need more comment: Both are legal and required to maintain the body of the (car/person).

(this is with the understanding a legal doctor has recommended the procedure).

(this is with the understanding a Jiffy lube representative has come into the waiting room with a clipboard).

Having the oil filter changed helps the body of the car?

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Having the oil filter changed helps the body of the car?

You're being too superficial:

The care and upkeep of every vehicle requires maintenance and inspection every 3000miles etc.....The care and maintenance of every person requires you get the abortion/pacemaker/hip replacement/chemo.

okay last post: I'll will start an online class on communication today i promise:

Not listening to your doctor/2nd opinion will kill you in most cases.

Not listening to the mechanic/2nd opinion will kill your car in most cases.

Allowing the procedures they recommend does not equal a slanderous lawsuit if pointed out by and ex boyfriend that looks like he just finished saying "fireball/fireball".

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Getting back to the OP.

He didn't know if she had had an abortion or not. All he knows is that the pregnancy ended. So he jumps to conclusions and decides to punish her because anyone who knows him and most likely by extension his ex-GF (not even wife!) will know who his is blaming his non-fatherhood status on. The Ex-GF. And she's not saying anything but her attorney says it was a miscarriage.

No proof, huge billboard with major supposition about private medical business that is not his business.

Her right to privacy trumps his free speech rights.

Also, the Right to Life organization pulled it's name off of the billboard because it found out some things about the relationship. There has been no reporting on what those things might be. Supposing the ex-GF decides to put up an opposing billboard about what those "some things about the relationship" were?

I'm not advocating that 2 wrongs make a right, but really. Is his billboard anything other than a payback for a perceived/supposed wrong? He sounds abusive to me, based on the fact of the billboard alone.

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Any hole will do in a pinch, we get that. You do know that some cultures practice anal sex as birth control, right? Same thing as a bj, right? No risk of pregnancy using those practices.

How about the male birth control pill that is being developed? How many men will take that? That sounds like a good thing.

Why not perform reversible vasectomies on all males? I am not joking. It is a rather painless procedure, takes only a couple days to recover from. Then, you reverse it when both parties agree to procreate. Of course, then you will be mandating a medical procedure on a man....
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Why not perform reversible vasectomies on all males? I am not joking. It is a rather painless procedure, takes only a couple days to recover from. Then, you reverse it when both parties agree to procreate. Of course, then you will be mandating a medical procedure on a man....

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Why not perform reversible vasectomies on all males? I am not joking. It is a rather painless procedure, takes only a couple days to recover from. Then, you reverse it when both parties agree to procreate. Of course, then you will be mandating a medical procedure on a man....

Well, to give you a perfectly serious answer:

I think both sexes should enjoy and be responsible for the exercise of their own reproductive freedom and the choices available to them. I've personnally seen too many times where birth control is left up to the woman, some birth control for women messes with hormones and is dangerous to their health. I don't know enough about the male birth control pill to comment on its safety. Some men will not use condoms, so they are abdicating their procreation and health safety (STDs). I think we need more ways to prevent conception/implantation and more research needs to be done in this area. I am totally against declaring personhood for a bunch of cells that do not live or breathe on their own outside of a woman's body. Besides, most pregnancies result in spontaneous abortions (the medical term for miscarriage) because something goes wrong with the fetus. We just don't hear about them because they happen so early, usually with a few weeks of conception, that the woman thinks she's had her period on time or late. So it makes no sense to declare all clumps of cells persons until there is an actual live birth with a certificate of live birth issued by the appropriate state.

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Any hole will do in a pinch, we get that. You do know that some cultures practice anal sex as birth control, right? Same thing as a bj, right? No risk of pregnancy using those practices.

How about the male birth control pill that is being developed? How many men will take that? That sounds like a good thing.

it sounds like a terrible thing to me, actually.

GIven that the burden of pregnancy is all on the woman, and OFTEN in an uncommitted "relationship" the burden of raising the child ends up falling mostly on the woman, adding a "male pill" just adds an additional element of "sure baby, I've got that covered...." from teh party least affected by the concequences of the act.

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I am totally against declaring personhood for a bunch of cells that do not live or breathe on their own outside of a woman's body. Besides, most pregnancies result in spontaneous abortions (the medical term for miscarriage) because something goes wrong with the fetus. We just don't hear about them because they happen so early, usually with a few weeks of conception, that the woman thinks she's had her period on time or late. So it makes no sense to declare all clumps of cells persons until there is an actual live birth with a certificate of live birth issued by the appropriate state.

Don't want to get too sidetracked, but there's a pretty big difference between the clump of cells at the beginning of a pregnancy and the fetus/baby in the last three months or so.

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Why not perform reversible vasectomies on all males? I am not joking. It is a rather painless procedure, takes only a couple days to recover from. Then, you reverse it when both parties agree to procreate. Of course, then you will be mandating a medical procedure on a man....

personally i think it would be great if everybody (male and female) reached puberty sterile... and then had to make SOME sort effort to temporarily reverse that sterility ---say, solve a soduko or a rubix cube, or you have to hand-write a ten-page essay with a passing (B-) grade... SOMETHING.


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Why not perform reversible vasectomies on all males? I am not joking. It is a rather painless procedure, takes only a couple days to recover from. Then, you reverse it when both parties agree to procreate. Of course, then you will be mandating a medical procedure on a man....

Vsect now are pretty much done that way now they use clips instead of cutting the lines

---------- Post added June-11th-2011 at 09:24 AM ----------

You're being too superficial:

The care and upkeep of every vehicle requires maintenance and inspection every 3000miles etc.....The care and maintenance of every person requires you get the abortion/pacemaker/hip replacement/chemo.

okay last post: I'll will start an online class on communication today i promise:

Not listening to your doctor/2nd opinion will kill you in most cases.

Not listening to the mechanic/2nd opinion will kill your car in most cases.

Allowing the procedures they recommend does not equal a slanderous lawsuit if pointed out by and ex boyfriend that looks like he just finished saying "fireball/fireball".

I have chemo it did not do much for my over all maintenance you are just showing yourself ingnorant on this topic more and more and until i see the so called pro lifers also want to ban all handguns in the name of life their calls for an end to abortion ring hallow.

---------- Post added June-11th-2011 at 09:27 AM ----------

Getting back to the OP.

He didn't know if she had had an abortion or not. All he knows is that the pregnancy ended. So he jumps to conclusions and decides to punish her because anyone who knows him and most likely by extension his ex-GF (not even wife!) will know who his is blaming his non-fatherhood status on. The Ex-GF. And she's not saying anything but her attorney says it was a miscarriage.

No proof, huge billboard with major supposition about private medical business that is not his business.

Her right to privacy trumps his free speech rights.

Also, the Right to Life organization pulled it's name off of the billboard because it found out some things about the relationship. There has been no reporting on what those things might be. Supposing the ex-GF decides to put up an opposing billboard about what those "some things about the relationship" were?

I'm not advocating that 2 wrongs make a right, but really. Is his billboard anything other than a payback for a perceived/supposed wrong? He sounds abusive to me, based on the fact of the billboard alone.

One thing I have learned through years of experience the person that is the bigger douche in a relationship will usually do the most to try and garner sympathy for themselves and make the other person look bad, And will lie if they have to do it and will spread it far and wide

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I have chemo it did not do much for my over all maintenance you are just showing yourself ingnorant on this topic more and more and until i see the so called pro lifers also want to ban all handguns in the name of life their calls for an end to abortion ring hallow.

Its unfortunate it didn't "WORK" for you, but worked for my father and Grandmother so it doesn't make me ignorant.

Do you really want to make abortion the same thing as handgun murder.. I'd not go down that road if I was you.

(sidenote: I am pro-life in all cases), but again would settle for 23weeks based on science.

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I am totally against declaring personhood for a bunch of cells that do not live or breathe on their own outside of a woman's body. Besides, most pregnancies result in spontaneous abortions (the medical term for miscarriage) because something goes wrong with the fetus. We just don't hear about them because they happen so early, usually with a few weeks of conception, that the woman thinks she's had her period on time or late. So it makes no sense to declare all clumps of cells persons until there is an actual live birth with a certificate of live birth issued by the appropriate state.

Do you support removing life support from a patient that will likely recover in a matter of months?

The odds of NO miscarriage after medical recognition of pregnancy is about 75-90%....which ain't bad odds


Overall Miscarriages

If you search for information on miscarriage statistics, you will find a wide range -- different sources claim that anywhere from 10 to 75% of conceptions end in miscarriage.

The top of that range sounds scarier than it is; the 75% number is speculated on the number of fertilized eggs that may pass through the woman's body without implanting.

By the time you actually get a positive pregnancy test, your risk of miscarriage will be at the lower end of that range. In a 1988 study, researchers followed 221 women over a combined total of 707 menstrual cycles, with 198 total pregnancies. They found that 22% of the pregnancies ended before they could be detected clinically (such as by standard urine pregnancy tests). The total miscarriage rate was 31% (including the early miscarriages).

Most cited references estimate that anywhere between 10 and 25% of clinically recognized pregnancies will end in miscarriage.

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Its unfortunate it didn't "WORK" for you, but worked for my father and Grandmother so it doesn't make me ignorant.

Do you really want to make abortion the same thing as handgun murder.. I'd not go down that road if I was you.

(sidenote: I am pro-life in all cases), but again would settle for 23weeks based on science.

Poisining their bodies made their bodies that much better?

Hmm all it did for me was lower my blood counts to the point of near death and damaged my lungs and skin, which was a side effect of getting rid of cancer but it was not done to make the bdy look better so comparing abortion to an oil change and or chemo is nothing short of an epic fail on you part.

And I have no problem comparing the though process that goes into hand gun ownership with abortion since I believe for the most part walking around with the means and idea that taking a life to solve your problems is wrong no matter what.

---------- Post added June-12th-2011 at 08:51 AM ----------

Wow this story is getting disturbing it turns out the girl was 18 or 19 at the time has had health problems which will require surgery and it this may have been a miscarraige and not an abortion at all.

By the guy when you are in 30's dating girls in their teens don't lay all you life's failed hope's dreams on their shoulders let them grow up.

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personally i think it would be great if everybody (male and female) reached puberty sterile... and then had to make SOME sort effort to temporarily reverse that sterility ---say, solve a soduko or a rubix cube, or you have to hand-write a ten-page essay with a passing (B-) grade... SOMETHING.


A friend of mine has a very similar idea for a government initiative. He calls it the "read to breed" program. :ols:

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One thing I have learned through years of experience the person that is the bigger douche in a relationship will usually do the most to try and garner sympathy for themselves and make the other person look bad, And will lie if they have to do it and will spread it far and wide

You are absolutely correct about this

But you are wrong about chemo. It has saved millions of lives over the years, including my mom. It is a blunt instrument, and sometimes does not work, but it is the best we got right now.

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The truth hurts.

If she didnt feel guilty about it then I'm sure she would be fine with the billboard.

Plus, the article doesn't mention if the Billboard mentions her by name. If it's just a picture of the father and it doesnt mention her by name or picture, then how would anyone know who's privacy is being invaded?

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The truth hurts.

If she didnt feel guilty about it then I'm sure she would be fine with the billboard.

Plus, the article doesn't mention if the Billboard mentions her by name. If it's just a picture of the father and it doesnt mention her by name or picture, then how would anyone know who's privacy is being invaded?

1 - Greg Fultz is 35 and his ex-girlfriend was 18 at the time she got pregnant. He met his ex-wife while he was in his 20's and she was 16.

2 - The billboard doesn't name her directly you are correct. It should be pointed out however that the name of his group (featured on the billboard) was N.A.N.I or National Association of Needed Information. Wonder where he got that? His teen ex-grilfriend name is Nani. I'm sure that was purely coincidental.

3 - Fultz has no evidence that his ex had an abortion and she has claimed all along she had a miscarriage.

4 - He was charged with stalking and harassment prior to the billboard incident.

5 - His exwife has come out saying he was abusive.

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You are absolutely correct about this

But you are wrong about chemo. It has saved millions of lives over the years, including my mom. It is a blunt instrument, and sometimes does not work, but it is the best we got right now.

I happen to be one of those people whom chemo has saved I had it for both my cancers and it can also kill you, it is designed to attack fast growing cells in the body so it can do and does long term damage to the body.

Now I am more pron to skin cancer and diseases associated with high blood pressure

As for comparing abortion to chemo it is ironic because some chemo drugs will attack a baby and kill it

The only comparisons for both we be the the fact that the decision to have either medical procedure done is between the person who recieves it, thier doctor and their God.

And no matter how much other people think it is their business to tell another person what medical procedures to have it is not.

If a person chooses to get pregnant and then end it you and I or anybody else has no right to tell them to get or not get pregnant and to end or not to end the pregnancy

The same as you and I and everyone else does not have the right to tell a person to take or not take chemo.

If the anti abortion crown were really so noble they would not have to intimidate, lie and use racisim and seek the law to force their views on others,

Because at the end of the day morally speaking doing the above makes you no better than the person who has an abortion whom many of the anti think they are better than.

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  • 2 weeks later...

A man who put up a controversial road side billboard accusing his ex-girlfriend of having an abortion has been ordered by a judge to take it down.

Greg Fultz, 35, took out the sign in Alamogordo, New Mexico in mid-May that read 'This Would Have Been A Picture Of My 2-Month Old Baby If The Mother Had Decided To Not KILL Our Child!'.

His ex-girlfriend, student Nani Lawrence, took Mr Fultz to court for harassment and invasion of privacy - as her friends claim she had a miscarriage.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2007744/Greg-Fultz-roadside-anti-abortion-billboard-accusing-ex-girlfriend-killing-child-ordered-down.html#ixzz1QCL00zi7

How dare this woman mis carry without the man's approval.

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1 - Greg Fultz is 35 and his ex-girlfriend was 18 at the time she got pregnant. He met his ex-wife while he was in his 20's and she was 16.

2 - The billboard doesn't name her directly you are correct. It should be pointed out however that the name of his group (featured on the billboard) was N.A.N.I or National Association of Needed Information. Wonder where he got that? His teen ex-grilfriend name is Nani. I'm sure that was purely coincidental.

3 - Fultz has no evidence that his ex had an abortion and she has claimed all along she had a miscarriage.

4 - He was charged with stalking and harassment prior to the billboard incident.

5 - His exwife has come out saying he was abusive.

as the guy you quoted said,, the truth hurts.

Unless you don't really care about the truth to begin with.


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Alamagordo New Mexico is not a big town. It maybe has 35 thousand people in it. Holloman A.F.B. makes up a good number of the people who live there. If there is any truth to this man's claims, the people of that town will know it. If there is no truth to it, they will know that too. Either way, nothing stays a secret for long in little towns like this. The party who is untruthful will suffer the consequences of their actions before it's all said and done with. You can count on that.

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Alamagordo New Mexico is not a big town. It maybe has 35 thousand people in it. Holloman A.F.B. makes up a good number of the people who live there. If there is any truth to this man's claims, the people of that town will know it. If there is no truth to it, they will know that too. Either way, nothing stays a secret for long in little towns like this. The party who is untruthful will suffer the consequences of their actions before it's all said and done with. You can count on that.

Will they shun the woman? Is New Mexico like Amish Country?

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Just pointing out, Cowboy, that what you're saying there also says something about the folks claiming that "well, he never mentioned the woman's name". (Or the folks who go even further to blame the woman, by claiming that it's the woman's fault for complaining about the billboard.)

If everybody in town knows who the guy's ex is, then yeah, he's publicly "calling her out".

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Legality aside.... i can't believer that there are actually people in this thread that don't think this is an a-hole prick move by the child rapist.

I swear some people will just defend ANYTHING if they think it either has some component that aligns with some vauge "ideal" that they have.. or even more whorishly.. will support anything that they think makes people they disagree with uncomfortable.

This dude is an absolute scum bag, and it isn't even close. And your position on abortion shouldn't alter this basic fact.

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