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I hate when *******s give you a ****ing book to read.


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Nothing makes me more pissed than when douchebags force books on you thinking "Thought you might enjoy this read, Westy".

It creates an uncomfortable situation. I am picky about most things in life. I know what I like to eat, what I like to drink, what I like to read, what ***** I like to ****. I don't need some jerkoff trying to come off as well read projecting his intelligence onto others by means of books they have read.

I'll seriously have a 5 minute conversation with someone in the embassy at lunch about finance or politics and then be forced to tap dance the next day when they thought "I'd enjoy" whatever piece of **** book they had collecting dust on their bookshelf.

The thing is, there is no polite way to get out of not reading the book. You accept it. If you do/don't read the book, eventually you are going to give it back to the guy. Inevitably, he is going to ask you how you enjoyed it. ****! I have like literally 5 books in my house that jerkoffs gave to me. I never do this to anyone else. Get your own goddamn books.

My mom used to do that all the time with her alternative health pamphlets. I finally told her I wasn't going to read anything she gave me because I didn't agree with 99% of it. It took her a little while but she finally stopped.

Although, it's a lot easier to tell your family members that you want them to stop pushing their crazy on you.

Some ******* tried to give me a book written by Bernake. I was like, that guy is the worst human being in America. He belongs in jail. I wouldn't read that book if you paid me.

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a simple no thank you seems to be much more healthy than all this anger.

i dunno... i love to read and i cant say i have ever been upset about someone giving me a book. if it is a political book, which would bore me to tears, i just say no thank you.

its not that hard

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Speaking of pompous book douches, how about the guy with the scarf sitting in Starbucks reading a book and sipping on a an espresso? "hey ********, Hemingway moved to Spain first. The scene just isn't happening for you in pigsknuckle arkansas... or didn't you notice? Matter of fact, why not skip the trip to spain and buy a shotgun and move down to the keys." *edited for good taste*

Or that extra special captain in the douche army, the guy at Panera bread spread out on a table with his laptop pretending like he's doing actual work, and isn't really just trying to escape the miserableness of his existence in his parents' basement.

But none of them can top His Royal Douchiness, the guy with the iPad that lifts it up while he's using it so everyone can see. Spend some time in an airport and you'll spot him.

As for people that recommend books, I enjoy it, actually. I wish more people recommended good books.

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Borrow the book, get a lighter, char the edges just a bit all the way around, and then return it.

Tell the lender that your "other" circle of friends didn't care too much for that book, and it was all you could do to rescue it in the nick of time. Good thing it was on top of the pile, where you could find it by the light of the full moon and flame. Whew!

Word will get around, and nobody will come near you with a book ever again. Also, setting things on fire is a great way to work through that anger issue.

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A friend gave me this book in college and I have subsequently gifted it to a number of friends. I htink you are in need of it.


I recommend it. The first time I read it I was content for like six months. You are so full of grumpitude that a great, insightful, and funny book would do you good.

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