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I hate when *******s give you a ****ing book to read.


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A friend gave me this book in college and I have subsequently gifted it to a number of friends. I htink you are in need of it.

I read that in high school and really liked it! Don't remember it at all though.

Back to the OP, people recommend me books all the time and I hate it. Sorry, but I never read them. I rarely read for pleasure, and when I do it's because I've found a book that I am interested in. Not a book that you are interested in.

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Soory but Winnie the Pooh is nothing but a reflection of all of societiy's ills

Seriously, check out the Tao of Pooh. It is an incredibly clever and subtle beginners book on the Eastern philosophy of Taoism. Quite brilliant in its way.

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Here's the deal, I just hate insincere actions. No one hands you a book because they think you will get something out of it or enjoy it. They hand it to you in order to project how special they think they are and hopefully you will think highly of them after reading some thought or idea that they hope you attribute to them. Mother****ers never had an original idea in their life.

I guess this is life though. Guy drives a fast sports car. "Look at me, I'm wild and dangerous!" Guy listens to a certain genre of music. "This represents who I am. I hate my dad too!" Guy views gonzo porn. "Hey, I'm totally down with watersports, babe."

BTW, this is probably the greatest book ever written.


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Here's the deal, I just hate insincere actions. No one hands you a book because they think you will get something out of it or enjoy it. They hand it to you in order to project how special they think they are and hopefully you will think highly of them after reading some thought or idea that they hope you attribute to them. Mother****ers never had an original idea in their life.

Not everyone is like that. Personally I only recommend things my friends will like, and I don't bother asking what they thought. If they like it, they'll tell me. Generally, I have to know someone really well to even think about a recommendation.

Here's one you might find helpful, as an Eagles fan:


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Here's the deal, I just hate insincere actions. No one hands you a book because they think you will get something out of it or enjoy it. They hand it to you in order to project how special they think they are and hopefully you will think highly of them after reading some thought or idea that they hope you attribute to them.

I know a lot of what you write is purposefully over the top, but this is one of the first times I read something of yours and felt honestly sad for you. What a shallow and cynical way to meet the world.

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Here's the deal, I just hate insincere actions. No one hands you a book because they think you will get something out of it or enjoy it. They hand it to you in order to project how special they think they are and hopefully you will think highly of them after reading some thought or idea that they hope you attribute to them. Mother****ers never had an original idea in their life.

I guess this is life though. Guy drives a fast sports car. "Look at me, I'm wild and dangerous!" Guy listens to a certain genre of music. "This represents who I am. I hate my dad too!" Guy views gonzo porn. "Hey, I'm totally down with watersports, babe."

Maybe you need to start hanging out with fewer douchebags.

I'm intelligent and the vast majority of my friends are intelligent. Thus, when we recommend books or movies, it's because we think "If I enjoy this, I bet Person X would. She is smart and has tastes similar to mine."

Here is the better question: Why do you hate your friends?

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I actually agree with Westy about Charlie Sheen. Douchebag.

---------- Post added March-29th-2011 at 02:47 PM ----------

This was Westy's George Carlin impression I guess. Very Carlin-esque.
:slap: Don't insult Carlin.
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Just tell 'em to hang on to their book because you're reading 2-3 books at the moment already and have a half dozen or so on deck. That's what I do when someone recommends a book I'd rather pass on. If it's something I'd consider I'll add it to the list but decline taking their copy as they won't get it back for quite some time. If they don't care then hey, free book.

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Okay, I sort of agree with the OP on this one. But I don't think that every person that gives you a book to read necessarily has bad intentions. I'm just bad at saying 'no, thanks' about anything, and there are just some things that simply don't spark my interest.

It's different with movies; they only take a couple of hours. Bring on any movie you want me to see. If it sucks, I'm pretty good at pretending I didn't hate it. But books are much more of a time investment.

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