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Is anyone even remotely good at picking up women in bars?

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That seems to be the best way to get a woman, especially a younger woman. Be a total jackass, and that will be misinterpreted as "confidence."

Any semblance of kindness, sensitivity, or intelligence will also be misinterpreted; but as weakness.

Best way to get women with low self esteem and character issues maybe. Most women I know who carry themselves well and have a good personality don't date jerks and *******s. I've very rarely seen a girl with good self esteem date a complete tool.

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My brother was a master at it,and certainly had self confidence and a line of bs and empathy that women seemed to love

I never tried and only went to bars for pool or drinking.

Ignoring them seem to work for me,the less interest I showed the more they wanted to hang around.

The wife pestered me enough to sneak past my barriers to more than a physical relationship...sneaky ***** was just supposed to be a friend

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MyThe wife pestered me enough to sneak past my barriers to more than a physical relationship...sneaky ***** was just supposed to be a friend

Never date a woman who's a trained hypnotherapist. It's just a bad idea. Live and learn, twa.

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ok ... if i can figure out how to post my pic somewhere so i can display it here i will.

but yeah, pickin up chiks <yes hot ones> is easy if your confident and know how to work them. i refuse to educate everyone here because that would be aiding the enemy. i only drop the know how on the most desperate of peeps... like i did for homey the other night. not only in his thread but in private as well.

so yeah ... tell me where and how and i will MAN UP and post my pic. im not the greatest.... but for 38 im doin pretty damned good!!

i would like to add that my confidence <or apathy> was increased after my divorce. by then i knew how to talk to women and i honestly didnt care if they rejected me. once you get over the fear of rejection... the rest comes easy. i would say that i bat probably in the .450 range. most of them in the 6- 8 range on a 10 scale. occasionally i hit the grand slam and connect with a 9. but i have to be honest here. i have an advantage. i work security at Coyote Ugly now and oh man are there some hotties that come in there!

i didnt pose for this pic <obviously>. i was tying my shoes and was told to look up and was then blinded by the flash. this pic was taken about a year ago and my hair is about 6 inches longer now than in this pic.


this should prove that you dont have to be good looking.... just have some style that suits you and some confidence and you will do just fine.

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He died in a tragic bed collapse during an orgy in Jamaica with Jameer Nelson and some hedge fund managers from New York. Three supermodels survived with minor injuries.

:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

I now have to buy a new laptop since I just spit Coke all over mine.

This is the funniest thread I've read in a long, long time.

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lol .... did you really just accuse me of lookin like ron jeremy? omg... i dunno if i should be offended or proud lol!

good one zoony!

You should definitely be offended.

And not to bag on you or anything, but I doubt you've ever been with any 9s. If so, you and I probably don't use the same scoring system.

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You should definitely be offended.

And not to bag on you or anything, but I doubt you've ever been with any 9s. If so, you and I probably don't use the same scoring system.

a little charisma goes a long way my friend. and maybe we dont have the same scoring system. i seem to be in the minority on this board as evident in the Kardashian thread. seems the overwhelming majority here are chubby chasers that enjoy cellulite. so if you are one of "them" your right .... my 9 is an 11 compared to your 9.

ron jeremy? so be it lol.... do you think RJ has a hard time picking chicks up in a bar?


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lol .... did you really just accuse me of lookin like ron jeremy? omg... i dunno if i should be offended or proud lol!

good one zoony!

Wait, that was really you? No ****!

I will say that guys who think it is all about looks have already lost... One needs only to be good looking enough. So if you tell me you've got no problems picking up ladies at bars, I say good for you and congrats. :cheers:

I never could. They never seemed to respond well to my questions about Latin American socialism and its effect on the Nixon-Kennedy election.

I think that's a good thing for me, however, as not being able to pick up loose women is the secret to a happy marriage.

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Wait, that was really you? No ****!

I will say that guys who think it is all about looks have already lost... One needs only to be good looking enough. So if you tell me you've got no problems picking up ladies at bars, I say good for you and congrats. :cheers:

I never could. They never seemed to respond well to my questions about Latin American socialism and its effect on the Nixon-Kennedy election.

I think that's a good thing for me, however, as not being able to pick up loose women is the secret to a happy marriage.

yes that is really me. and yes looks help i guess but being a confident genuine person with a little charisma goes a long way. i dont just pick women up in bars i pick them up at the grocery store and everywhere imaginable. i think a lot of the problem for guys is they tend to try to close the deal too soon. ya gotta learn how to feel that out. if she is hot enough and doesnt repulse me physically or mentally.... yeah ill hit it right away... but ill quit it just as quickly. i enjoy making a woman wait. there was a girl a few years ago that i met and dated a few times before i would give it to her. she later told me that on the night i finally hit it she had decided she was gonna get it from me if she had to TAKE it. funny thing was i played it all along and planned on that night anyway.

point being is that if you dont treat them like they should be on a pedastal and you make them feel like you are the prize <theres that prizability and blue ribbon thing again> then they will chase you for it. women love a challenge. why do you think they always want to change the man they have? because doing so provides a challenge to them. make THEM prove themselves. women are used to guys drooling over them from the day they develop breasts.... dont be that guy!

just to reiterate the prizability thing.... if a woman perceives that no other woman wants or would want you then they wont either. if they think they are getting something that other women would like to have it plays right into their ego!

now mind you.... you have to pull all this off without being a self absorbed douche!

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Ive actually done really well. My friends say I am the best wing man ever. I have zero standards. Its simple. Tell her she is really not that overweight and you like your women with some meat on her bones. Promise her a a trip to the breakfast buffet and your in. Remember its your duty to please that booty!

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a little charisma goes a long way my friend. and maybe we dont have the same scoring system. i seem to be in the minority on this board as evident in the Kardashian thread. seems the overwhelming majority here are chubby chasers that enjoy cellulite. so if you are one of "them" your right .... my 9 is an 11 compared to your 9.

ron jeremy? so be it lol.... do you think RJ has a hard time picking chicks up in a bar?


Last I saw of KK she was pretty damn hot. Yeah, she's had weight issues in the past, but, generally, she's not chubby in any way. I guess you are a Predicto clone, and prefer the rail thin girls. That's not a real woman.

Btw, I definitely don't hate on a guy with long hair. C'mon, man.

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Last I saw of KK she was pretty damn hot. Yeah, she's had weight issues in the past, but, generally, she's not chubby in any way. I guess you are a Predicto clone, and prefer the rail thin girls. That's not a real woman.

Btw, I definitely don't hate on a guy with long hair. C'mon, man.

so are you REALLY trying to tell me that a woman with a caboose that size is natural? thus making her.... a REAL woman? do you really consider someone as superficial as KK real? if that thought wasnt so sad id probably laugh. i dont mind a lil meat on the bone but there are limitations to everything man.

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I consider myself a fairly good looking dude but I've never had that much luck picking up women in bars. Done a little better recently, but on the whole I've probably picked up like 4 girls from a bar in my lifetime.

It helps to be:

1) confident

2) drunk

Once you start talking to a girl the ball gets rolling and everything comes naturally after that. Usually I'm too nervous or there is no opening for me to start that conversation though. Whatever...I'm gonna redeem myself for all my failures starting tomorrow night. :D

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so are you REALLY trying to tell me that a woman with a caboose that size is natural? thus making her.... a REAL woman? do you really consider someone as superficial as KK real? if that thought wasnt so sad id probably laugh. i dont mind a lil meat on the bone but there are limitations to everything man.

Dude, I heard she had been working out lately, and that she is in great shape. That's the KK I'm referring to. And yeah, her caboose is a little on the large side. But it is nice and round. Same with JLo. I guess you think JLo doesn't have a nice body either, huh? You're definitely in the minority, thinking women like this aren't beautiful.

Like I said, you must be a Predicto clone, and think women that are 5'7" 110 lbs are where its at. Tell you what, keep an eye on the Babe Draft contest, and watch how quickly he's done. Most men want a real woman.

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Dude, I heard she had been working out lately, and that she is in great shape. That's the KK I'm referring to. And yeah, her caboose is a little on the large side. But it is nice and round. Same with JLo. I guess you think JLo doesn't have a nice body either, huh? You're definitely in the minority, thinking women like this aren't beautiful.

Like I said, you must be a Predicto clone, and think women that are 5'7" 110 lbs are where its at. Tell you what, keep an eye on the Babe Draft contest, and watch how quickly he's done. Most men want a real woman.

well.... Jlo is pretty hot. her booty isnt quite as freakish as KK's. i would say at 5' 7" 110 IS a bit thin yes. at that height i would look more in the range from 125 to 135. but 5'7" is relatively tall for a woman. im actually more into petite women.... the weight you listed but a couple inches shorter.

im 5'10" and 200 lbs.... im not lookin for a woman 150lbs +. KK has 35 - 40 lbs of ass......

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I'd go ahead and say that I can pick up a girl in a bar.

Two things that I believe work for me:

1- I'm not afraid to walk up to a girl I'm interested in and just introduce myself. I'm not going to do it completely randomly, I'll obviously wait and see if she's out with another guy already, but I'm also not afraid to get turned down if the girl's simply not interested. You never really know until you start up a conversation and see what's going on there. Not enough guys are willing to take that risk. Actually, I'm usually more concerned that she'll just be really boring or have a terrible sense of humor. It's pretty hard for me to keep my interest up in a woman, no matter how good looking she might be, if all she can bring is completely dead end conversation.

2- I'll probably get crushed for this by someone, but I can absolutely tear up a dance floor, even when I'm completely sober. A lot of guys go to bars or clubs and like to just post up along the wall or by the bar with their friends, but most girls are out on the floor dancing, waiting for those same guys to come and make a move. Honestly, even if a guy sucks at dancing, a lot of women can at least appreciate the effort, and it sparks a pretty big interest to the point where sometimes the girl will come up and initiate the conversation with you, making things even easier.

I'm no Kosher Ham in terms of pulling gymnasts and beauty pageant queens, but I'd say that I've pulled a fair share of good looking women in my time, mostly using those two things. And getting drunk or finding drunk girls isn't a necessary element either, I don't think.

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Ah' date=' the Stephon Marbury approach. I knew volume shooters like this. It's effective but you need a preternatural level of self confidence and a unhealthy lack of self awareness to pull it off. For most guys, one outright rejection will put them on their heels for two hours.[/quote']

I cannot read anymore without replying to you. You come across as a complete douche, someone who really should seek help. Most guys? Ycomment removed by staff. See you in 2 weeks . Any "man" over the age of 14 who doesn't have the fortitude to go up and speak to a woman forfeits the right to procreate. Two hours for a rejection? Give me a break man. Speak for yourself, not "most guys." Sad.

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Girls who are looking to get laid, get laid. It has almost nothing to do with any witty repartee.

This....You don't go to a bar to meet quality girls.. You go there to get laid. I've myself have been successful on a few occations.

BTW.. If you met your wife/gf in a bar... she's cheating on you right now!

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This....You don't go to a bar to meet quality girls.. You go there to get laid. I've myself have been successful on a few occations.

BTW.. If you met your wife/gf in a bar... she's cheating on you right now!

My husband met me at a bar (he was out celebrating with his wrestling teammates as they had just returned from nationals) and I was out celebrating a friend's birthday. He got my number before we left with our separate parties. We met the next week and went bowling (I beat him :D ). The rest is history.

Katie, is there something you're not telling us? :pfft:

Can someone let her husband know? Thanks. :D

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