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Is anyone even remotely good at picking up women in bars?

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Right so now you are going compare me to Ike Turner. Since you don't have a really argument I am just going to bow out from this back and forth. Really no point.

I did not compare you to Ike Turner. I simply coined a phrase for your move.

Though this suddent outburst of temper makes me wonder if employing the Ike Turner leads to becoming Ike Turner.

As I am not a licensed psychologist nor a degreed sociologist, I should probably refrain from commenting further.

---------- Post added March-16th-2011 at 01:00 PM ----------

Ive just started going to bars since I hit 21 in october. I have never been good with ladies but for what ever reason I have been very good with having hours long conversations with women and hooking up with them at bars. Unfortuantly I have not been good at bringing them home. Given I go to college bars in Towson and CP maybe that is what makes it so easy. I dont know

I officially no longer know what "hooking up" means apparently.

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Oh, and to add to the discussion. I did one time pick up a girl at a bar in college. It was a couple of weeks after my GF of a year or so dumped me. I was wasted and close to blackout drunk. She was big. Pretty sure she was on the female rugby team. :ols: Been trying to get that image out of my mind for 1/2 a decade now. Every other hook-up in college and post-college came from house parties, being set-up, work, etc.

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I did not compare you to Ike Turner. I simply coined a phrase for your move.

Though this suddent outburst of temper makes me wonder if employing the Ike Turner leads to becoming Ike Turner.

As I am not a licensed psychologist nor a degreed sociologist' date=' I should probably refrain from commenting further.

---------- Post added March-16th-2011 at 01:00 PM ----------

I officially no longer know what "hooking up" means apparently.

I am not mad at all. Just don't see the point in having a back and forth discussion with someone, who asked a question and rejects your answers, because he feels the need to label you based on a word you used.

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:ols: at this thread

True story- I met my gf of almost 4 years now on Craigslist's Rant and Raves

What was your rant about?

I hope it wasn't about lazy black people receiving welfare. That would be disappointing.

(Note: 93.5 percent of Craislist rants are abour lazy black people receiving welfare).

---------- Post added March-16th-2011 at 01:06 PM ----------

I am not mad at all. Just don't see the point in having a back and forth discussion with someone, who asked a question and rejects your answers, because he feels the need to label you based on a word you used.

Just chill. Go work on your abs or something.

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I just always walked right up to the prettiest girl in any bar and let her know right away that I was interested. Don't beat around the bush. When she says no, turn around and go for another good looking girl. This is cant lose. Women like men who can make a lot of friends, so go with a lot of your friends or where people like you. when you talk to girls, don't stick your chest out. instead talk with your stomach out and exposed.[trust me on this one]

Do these things all of the time and you will develop a level of comfort that will make you seem more attractive.

Women want men, not a whinny, insecure little boy.

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I live in a fun little drinking river town. I live right behind the bar I work at, which is a super cool rock and roll club, where you can get away with anything. This town is also very heavy with gay men and pretty girls, but not a lot of honest cool guys and I am. I also look a little like Tommy Lee, so I'm not bad looking. I make an effort not to pick up any of the girls who come into my bar and rather just be friends with them. That leads to a lot of sex, with different girls. I'm lucky on one hand, but I have trouble with intimate relationships, especially with all the temptations around here.

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I've done it before... Several times... I'll be the first to admit, I'm not the best looking guy, and honestly it's a bunch of "I'm really F'ing hammered, I don't really care" on the bright side, I sound relatively sober when I'm hammered...

As far as your request for a pic for you to laugh at... I think you'll have a hard time laughing at me....


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One time when I was in law school, I came out of the W hotel bar in New Orleans, and this blonde in a white mercedez convertible pulls up. Me and all my friends basically were like "dammmmn." I'm ****faced and just said, "hey, can i get a ride somewhere." And she said "yea, get in and hurry." My ass jumped in that car in a second, and then one block later she came to her senses and was like "what the **** am i doing, i'm taking you back." fun for a block.

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Threads like these make me laugh. If you want to talk to a girl, just go talk to her. Say hi, see if you can get a conversation rolling. If you can't, then go talk to someone else. If it's goin well and you wanna take her home, try not to sound like a sleazy jerk and just invite her back. If she says no, go find someone else.

It's not really rocket science. I talk to random people all the time. And I know y'all will probably say it's easier being a girl, but I have met some huge *******s at bars tryin to start conversations with people. If they're a ***** or an ******* you probably don't want to take her/him home anyway. But people are just people, no one is better than you, so don't let them intimidate you. Meeting people at a bar is supposed to be fun. :cheers:

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Threads like these make me laugh. If you want to talk to a girl, just go talk to her. Say hi, see if you can get a conversation rolling. If you can't, then go talk to someone else. If it's goin well and you wanna take her home, try not to sound like a sleazy jerk and just invite her back. If she says no, go find someone else.

It's not really rocket science. I talk to random people all the time. And I know y'all will probably say it's easier being a girl, but I have met some huge *******s at bars tryin to start conversations with people. If they're a ***** or an ******* you probably don't want to take her/him home anyway. But people are just people, no one is better than you, so don't let them intimidate you. Meeting people at a bar is supposed to be fun. :cheers:

This is right on. I said earlier in the thread, if you just go out looking for a good time and trying to make friends, it's much easier. Most people are at the bar to have fun and meet people anyway.

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My husband met me at a bar (he was out celebrating with his wrestling teammates as they had just returned from nationals) and I was out celebrating a friend's birthday. He got my number before we left with our separate parties. We met the next week and went bowling (I beat him :D ). The rest is history.

He was the first guy I ever actually "met" at a bar who I dated...I typically only dated guys I met through friends or beer-league sports :D. Usually I never gave out my number as I wasn't interested in meeting people at bars; I didn't think there were guys looking for long term relationships in bars...and that's more what I was interested in. So, I pretty much took the bar experience for just going out with friends and having fun. I'd talk to random guys, but I rarely gave out my number and I never went home with them like that, even at the height of my partying days in college.

Anyway, it's really incredible how compatible my husband and I ended up being. I personally think it's a pretty rare scenario that two people who are marriage-compatible randomly meet at bars, but since I met my husband there, I can't knock it. Just caution it.

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The way I see it, any given female knows within the first 5 minutes of meeting you if she likes you or not. What you say or do from there is inconsequential. If she's into you, you can be an obnoxious a-hole and she will still be attracted. If she's not, you can be the sweetest man on Earth and she still won't be interested.

So just be yourself. You'll save a ton of time either way.

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The way I see it, any given female knows within the first 5 minutes of meeting you if she likes you or not. What you say or do from there is inconsequential. If she's into you, you can be an obnoxious a-hole and she will still be attracted. If she's not, you can be the sweetest man on Earth and she still won't be interested.

So just be yourself. You'll save a ton of time either way.

I do agree....to a point, Yes, women make their minds up fairly quickly. On the other hand, most guys blow it before they open their mouth.

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