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Is anyone even remotely good at picking up women in bars?

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The tricky part is getting them outside the bar.

If you can get past that part, the rest is gravy.

'I have a knife, get in the damn van' is hard to argue with. :paranoid:


Old joke warning ......

If you bundle your girlfriend into a van, blindfold her and then keep her locked in a hotel room in Wigan all weekend keeping her drugged you get charged with kidnap and rape. If you blindfold your girlfriend, bundle her onto a train to Paris, keep her in the bedroom all weekend plying her with Champaign you get called a romantic. The only real difference is budget.

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I used to be okay at it when I was younger. I never had one night stands, but I frequently got phone numbers and made out with girls that I met the same night at some bars I used to go to. I probably could've had one night stands at times but it's really nothing I ever desired to do. There were several reasons why I had decent success at some of the bars I went to when I was younger. In particular, my friends and I went to this one rock bar frequently. It was our main hangout. This was a long time ago, very early 90's. It was back when rock was very popular. Pearl Jam was a brand new band and such. My friends and I looked the part. We had long hair, played guitar, and wore our flannel shirts. We weren't dirty hippies. We were clean. We were very popular at the bar we went to. We got to know the bartenders and such. I think all of that was the key to success. We were kind of fixtures at that club. We were the cool guys. Many girls, even if they didn't know us personally, knew of us. We were familiar faces there. Of course as the years passed, the ease of meeting girls at bars passed too lol. My friend's younger brother went through the same thing. Of course him and his friends thing was more looking like N Sync and Backstreet Boys back when they were popular lmao. They went to dance clubs and such, where they met a lot of girls.

I think that men who have success at bars are probably familiar faces at the bar they go to. The bartenders know them by name. If girls see the guy having a friendly conversation with the bartender, they feel much more comfortable when you approach them or say hi to them when they go up to the bar to get a drink. Today, I don't think many women will go home with a guy they just met, unless the guy is a very familiar face at the bar. Then a woman, even if she doesn't know the guy personally, still has some type of familiarity with the guy, which allows her to feel more safe and comfortable. Of course you have a very small minority of women who might live very high risk lives and go home with a guy that they have no clue about. Some women who get smashed, live a high risk lifestyle, and not too bright might go home with a complete stranger who they aren't familiar with at all. I don't think that's the norm though.

So in a nutshell...

1) Be a familiar face at the bar. Get to know the staff at the bar you hang out at. This is easily done by being friendly and being a decent tipper. If you don't tip your bartender, they aren't going to be interested in knowing you.

2) Fit in at the bar. If it's a country cowboy bar, look like a cowboy. If it's a business casual bar, dress business casual, etc... Of course, you want to be yourself. Don't go to a cowboy bar dressed as a cowboy if you aren't a cowboy.

3) Be clean.

4) Be friendly and nice.

5) Be relaxed.

All of those things should be enough to get things started.

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I used to be in my younger years. At age 60, it's a little hard now. Besides, I don't hang out in bars like I did in my younger days, and if I did it would be in the gay boy bars because I like that music. Hard to find women in the gay boy bars that are lesbian.

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I used to be in my younger years. At age 60, it's a little hard now. Besides, I don't hang out in bars like I did in my younger days, and if I did it would be in the gay boy bars because I like that music. Hard to find women in the gay boy bars that are lesbian.

Come down to Babe's in Richmond! :ols:

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I was POSITIVE Kosher Ham was going to school us all.

oh well :kickcan:

I will later. It is rather simple to pick up women in bars. I just have a ton of stuff to do this week. Should finish up this afternoon.

I guess I completely forgot about this.

Questions first :

Are you trying to pick up a keeper or a fling (which includes a tonight girl) ?

I personally have never dated a girl I met in a bar. Just never been my thing and it is a pain in the butt to have a real conversation in most bars.

Getting numbers and girls however is relatively easy.

Your approach and delivery could be completely different or completely the same depending on the girl or who she is with, or who you are with.

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Cleanliness doesn't mean jack squat. Girls tend to like a little scruff, some messy comfy clothes and a bit of an attitude. Be interesting, be confident, be funny and be comfortable. That's how you meet anybody, not just girls you want to pick up.

Be yourself and have fun, it's the key to almost everything. That and always smile, it'll come right back to you.

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