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Is anyone even remotely good at picking up women in bars?

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This....You don't go to a bar to meet quality girls.. You go there to get laid. I've myself have been successful on a few occations.

BTW.. If you met your wife/gf in a bar... she's cheating on you right now!

your signature is too big. Better you fix it than me.

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I cannot read anymore without replying to you. You come across as a complete douche, someone who really should seek help. Most guys? Ycomment removed by staff. See you in 2 weeks . Any "man" over the age of 14 who doesn't have the fortitude to go up and speak to a woman forfeits the right to procreate. Two hours for a rejection? Give me a break man. Speak for yourself, not "most guys." Sad.

Wasn't this the same guy that wore skinny jeans?

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Hercules is right - the dance floor is where to be. Guys that dance (and look like they have fun doing it) will attract women. I guess guys that dance are somewhat confident? We all know that women love confidence!

Otherwise, I have met a few girls who I've dated at bars. I will usually get a few in me and use a funny line "i dont know if you follow professional rollerderby, but i'm ___ ______." Or just say hey and ask for the damn number. We're all at bars for the same reason, you just gotta keep that in mind yea?

picture as requested - ...screw the 'boys!


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This....You don't go to a bar to meet quality girls.. You go there to get laid. I've myself have been successful on a few occations.

BTW.. If you met your wife/gf in a bar... she's cheating on you right now!

This mindset makes no sense to me.

I would actually say that for a lot of guys, taking this approach is why they fumble around when trying to talk to girls at bars. It puts women on this weird pedestal where a guy has to either bring her home that night or he struck out and he's a loser. Being at a bar just means you like being out with other people (probably around your own age) and socializing. If I myself like to go out and have a couple beers with friends once in awhile, why wouldn't I want to date a girl who enjoys doing that as well?

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only time I've had success was when I kinda sorta knew the girl before hand

otherwise big fat 0%

it's not like you can really convince a girl to hook up... they know before hand (maybe not with who, but they know whether they want it that night), if they do, then you just have to meet their standards. Unfortunately, very few % of girls at any bar really want to get laid on any particular night.

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This mindset makes no sense to me.

I would actually say that for a lot of guys, taking this approach is why they fumble around when trying to talk to girls at bars. It puts women on this weird pedestal where a guy has to either bring her home that night or he struck out and he's a loser. Being at a bar just means you like being out with other people (probably around your own age) and socializing. If I myself like to go out and have a couple beers with friends once in awhile, why wouldn't I want to date a girl who enjoys doing that as well?

Exactly. Its a strange point of view that encourages objectifying, if you ask me. As if because YOU'RE only at the bar to find a woman and get laid, everyone else is there for that same reason, including all the women. So if you don't succeed in that endeavor, you're a loser and nothing was gained.

Like its some kind of drunk super-market where you go with a shopping list, and if you can't come home with something that fits on that list, you've failed. And if you do, it must be because the girl came with a similar list and you fit on it.

Now, I'm inclined to believe that unless you're with a bunch of friends, you probably ARE only at the bar to get laid if you're over 30. But if you're a young person in your early twenties, you go to the bar to socialize, meet people, have fun, hang out with friends outside the confines of class, work, or a dorm, and if you meet a girl who catches your interest, sweet! If you bring her home, even better!

But if you succeed or not shouldn't say anything about you or the women you met (unless a loose girl just falls into your arms and what she wants is obvious), or your experience that night...you should be trying to have fun.

For the people who really measure the night's "success" on whether they got laid or not, I think it says more about them as a person, than anything else. That's just desperate. And if you're that desperate, I think it would be a good thing just to get some general human contact in a social setting...and bars are great for that, whether it leads to something more or not.

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I hate being at bars on amateur drinking holidays... Just as much as I hate working them...

I worked during the day yesterday and it was DEAD until 6 thank god. I wanted to get home around 1am, so I could wake up and go to yoga at noon, but I ended up helping bounce at the bar next to mine, because they had three fights, one of which was super nasty. Damn wedding parties.

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  • 1 year later...

This thread has brought me lots of insight and humor. Just wanted to thank all involved, even if the conversation died out two months ago.

I've been in a pretty big slump lately, so I'm trying to find out ways to correct it. Definitely agree the dance floor helps, and also agree with whoever said a successful night shouldn't be based on whether you took a girl home or not, but if you enjoyed yourself that particular evening.

This whole post-college dating world thing is a whole different ballgame. It's like going from raking in AAA to batting under the Mendoza line in the Bigs.

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This thread has brought me lots of insight and humor. Just wanted to thank all involved, even if the conversation died out two months ago.

I've been in a pretty big slump lately, so I'm trying to find out ways to correct it. Definitely agree the dance floor helps, and also agree with whoever said a successful night shouldn't be based on whether you took a girl home or not, but if you enjoyed yourself that particular evening.

This whole post-college dating world thing is a whole different ballgame. It's like going from raking in AAA to batting under the Mendoza line in the Bigs.

The conversation died out in March of 2011 dude. lmao check the previous few posts. But I feel you! I graduated last May, and it's been damn hard to get women at the rate that I did in college (being a twin worked wonders). Especially now that I have a full time job and most of my good college freinds moved back to their respective homes. Didn't realize so many others met their future wives in college. I almost had the chance, but don't wanna go back to try to rekindle the burnt out flame.

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I live on an island and all 3 of the pretty girls are taken, so it's not an issue. I can't wait for November when all the new girls move down here. :ols:

I've already had three visitors and have about 4 more planned at least in the next two months.

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The conversation died out in March of 2011 dude. lmao check the previous few posts. But I feel you! I graduated last May, and it's been damn hard to get women at the rate that I did in college (being a twin worked wonders). Especially now that I have a full time job and most of my good college freinds moved back to their respective homes. Didn't realize so many others met their future wives in college. I almost had the chance, but don't wanna go back to try to rekindle the burnt out flame.

Hahaha, my bad, I didn't count correctly. Take it from me - you DEFINITELY don't want to try and rekindle anything from college ex's. I made that mistake last fall (a couple months after we graduated), and it just reopened a huge emotional can of worms.

If you guys aren't still together, it's for a reason. As hard as that may be to understand at times, you can't let yourself fall into that trap of believing there's a chance it should work out. Some bridges are just better left burned.

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This thread has brought me lots of insight and humor. Just wanted to thank all involved, even if the conversation died out two months ago.

I've been in a pretty big slump lately, so I'm trying to find out ways to correct it. Definitely agree the dance floor helps, and also agree with whoever said a successful night shouldn't be based on whether you took a girl home or not, but if you enjoyed yourself that particular evening.

This whole post-college dating world thing is a whole different ballgame. It's like going from raking in AAA to batting under the Mendoza line in the Bigs.

It's all about expanding your social circle. Broaden your horizons beyond just bars and you will do just fine.

And believe me when I say, rec sports leagues are the single best place to meet people your age. And they have leagues for every sport you can imagine. I have friends who are on skeeball teams.

Not saying you won't pick up women at bars anymore, but ask everyone your age and older how they meet girls/guys, and I bet the majority will say it wasn't at a bar. In fact, most will likely say it was through mutual friends.

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It's all about expanding your social circle. Broaden your horizons beyond just bars and you will do just fine.

And believe me when I say, rec sports leagues are the single best place to meet people your age. And they have leagues for every sport you can imagine. I have friends who are on skeeball teams.

Not saying you won't pick up women at bars anymore, but ask everyone your age and older how they meet girls/guys, and I bet the majority will say it wasn't at a bar. In fact, most will likely say it was through mutual friends.

Yeah I've heard about rec sports leagues, especially the intramural ones. I definitely need to oin a few of the falg football, or kickball ones (heard the kickball leagues are always a great place to meet new women)

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i'm not a good looking guy, but i highly recommend 1 simple trick to picking up women.

be in your early 20's and go to college.

other than that, just talk to people. the more people you talk to the more likely one of those people will enjoy continuing talking to you.

but seriously. go to college.

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It's all about expanding your social circle. Broaden your horizons beyond just bars and you will do just fine.

And believe me when I say, rec sports leagues are the single best place to meet people your age. And they have leagues for every sport you can imagine. I have friends who are on skeeball teams.

Not saying you won't pick up women at bars anymore, but ask everyone your age and older how they meet girls/guys, and I bet the majority will say it wasn't at a bar. In fact, most will likely say it was through mutual friends.

Good advice on the rec sports league.

I'll throw one more nugget out there..... normal people do internet dating these days. I've never done it personally, but wish I did before I got married. I know a lot of people that met their wives that way as well.

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I have 2 friends who are actually very good at picking up women from bars. In fact I saw it on back to back nights out in Cali a few weeks ago.

One of the nights I was in LA visiting my brother, my buddy and I drove down to San Diego to check out and go out in the city that night. I kid you not it must have been the most boring night in San Diego as nobody was out.

However, he somehow managed to find one girl at the place we had dinner who was at the bar. Girl clearly was DTF, it was obvious from the moment he said hello to her. After about 20 minutes of "conversation" they snuck off like ninjas and I got a text saying "keep her friend occupied as long as possible" (note: I am in a very serious relationship so I had 0 intention of doubling up)

Needless to say I didn't get to go back to my room till 4 AM. And this dude seriously isn't that good looking, is stocky, and losing some of his hair

The next night back in LA, another friend of mine who is a tall 6'4 black guy and only sleeps with women 5'9 and up, found a 5'9 girl and took her back to his place. She was crazy drunk, but I don't think he was charged with any crime next day.

Moral of the story, have low standards.

And this really isn't uncommon for the 2 of them. I'd say combined they have slept with over 300 women, probably 200 of which they met at bars/clubs over the past 6 or 7 years. The stories usually end up like this

"So as we were leaving I just said hello to this girl. She said she wanted a bag of potato chips so I went to 7-11 with her and then back to her place and hit it"

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