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Is anyone even remotely good at picking up women in bars?

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The sad dude's thred about choking when talking to women in public got me thinking.

Is anyone even remotely good at picking up a woman in a bar?

I'm not terribly interested in college stories. 20-year-old blind drunk people are either going to hump each other or the cushions of a couch. That's like telling me that you are a good hunter and when I ask for a hunting story you tell me about emptying a 12-gauge into your little sister's rabbit hutch.

I want to know your approach - as an adult - to going to, I dunno, Johnny McCrotchrockets, nursing a 7 and 7 and getting a 26 year old paralegal to either a) give you a handy in your Camry or, less impressively, B) an actual working phone number which will eventually be answered.

I started dating my wife when I was 31 (I met her at work) so I've been out of this awful awful racket for a while now. But I tried it from 22 to 31. I think I had something resembling success all of three times. I saw my friends have success at something resembling a 5 percent clip - except for two of my whorish female friends, which doesn't really count.

Mixers don't count. Grad school parties don't count. In those instances you are hooking up with people that you already have some kind of established relationship/interest with.

I want to know about the times you went into Crazy Charlie's Wackadoodle House, put on "The Rain King" on the jukebox, and worked your magic on the comely lass drinking a 7 dollar glass of Chardonnay.

If you claim to be really good at this, I demand that you post a picture. I will either acknowledge your Brad Pitt-like good looks (I am comfortable enough in my sexuality to admit when another dude is attractive. Also, I am 37 and too ****ing tired to act cool and above it all any longer).

More likely, I will mock you.

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Nope...my wife and I met in college. I have some success stories from college (as well as some spectacular flameouts) but like you said, it's not as difficult then. I never had to deal with the post-college bar scene, though I don't think I would have even tried, since I can't imagine meeting a future wife/whatever in a bar. I probably would have gone the route of most people, work and online dating.

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i never was... didn't really even want to play that game. met and dated my wife in college, so never had to enter the fray.

now a buddy of mine (i know, i know), he has amazing success in bars. not that good looking (avg to above avg), doesn't boast of being part equine, but the kid's money when he wants to. i'm not sure how he does it.

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I plead the 5th, because I don't want to be mocked. But I will say if you have confidence and have a chill personality, all you have to do is walk up to a girl and say hi. The rest will take care of itself.

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Good god no. My fiance approached me while we were interns together in college. I was around 22 years old.

She walked up to me and said "Hey, one day we are going to date."

I responded "uhh, ummmm, uhhhh . . . . . . I am sort of seeing someone right now." I had a GF at the time, she knew that because we occasionally got lunch together and chatted. We were friendly lunch buddies.

She said "Yea, I know. Not now. But in the future we will date."

1 1/2 years later we started dating sort of out of the blue. :ols: By that time we lived 3,000 miles apart and just started talking again and it all sort of happened. True story. The best part, she is soooooooooo much hotter than I am. I am a 5'10 pale skinny white guy. She is a stunning bi-racial (Portuguese-black) sexy as hell woman. I don't get it. No one really does. :ols::ols:

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I plead the 5th, because I don't want to be mocked. But I will say if you have confidence and have a chill personality, all you have to do is walk up to a girl and say hi. The rest will take care of itself.

Don't think two sentences will allow you to escape my wrath. Explain how your personality is better than mine. (Because it is obvious that I have an awesome personality).

You've "iced" one of your bros before, haven't you?

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Girls who are looking to get laid, get laid. It has almost nothing to do with any witty repartee.

A few weeks back there was a special on Nat Geo about the Science of Lust. Basically little things like a woman's complexion and voice pitch actually change during her fertile period that make her more attractive to men. Other things like scent were affected as well. Point being is that if you found a girl that was looking to get laid, you might've been in for more than you bargained for if you weren't careful.

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Good god no. My fiance approached me while we were interns together in college. I was around 21 years old.

She walked up to me and said "Hey, one day we are going to date."

I responded "uhh, ummmm, uhhhh . . . . . . I am sort of seeing someone right now" (had a GF at the time).

She said "Yea, I know. Not now. But in the future we will date."

1 1/2 years later we started dating. :ols: True story. The best part, she is soooooooooo much hotter than I am. I am a 5'10 pale skinny white guy. She is a stunning bi-racial (Portuguese-black) sexy as hell woman. I don't get it. No one really does. :ols::ols:

God bless you. I've known anyone who dated one of those Lisa-Bonet-earthy-hippy-no-boundaries-artsy chicks that ever made it out of the relationship alive.

It always seems like the sex is great at first but then you wake up one Saturday with plans to watch the Penn State-Wisconisn game and find out that she's shaved your balls in your sleep for use in some art project.

And, really, who needs that?

(Also, like Predicto, I don't believe you).

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Good god no. My fiance approached me while we were interns together in college. I was around 22 years old.

She walked up to me and said "Hey, one day we are going to date."

I responded "uhh, ummmm, uhhhh . . . . . . I am sort of seeing someone right now." I had a GF at the time, she knew that because we occasionally got lunch together and chatted. We were friendly lunch buddies.

She said "Yea, I know. Not now. But in the future we will date."

1 1/2 years later we started dating sort of out of the blue. :ols: By that time we lived 3,000 miles apart and just started talking again and it all sort of happened. True story. The best part, she is soooooooooo much hotter than I am. I am a 5'10 pale skinny white guy. She is a stunning bi-racial (Portuguese-black) sexy as hell woman. I don't get it. No one really does. :ols::ols:

Not only do we not "get" your story - most of us don't even believe it. :ols:

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Don't think two sentences will allow you to escape my wrath. Explain how your personality is better than mine. (Because it is obvious that I have an awesome personality).

You've "iced" one of your bros before' date=' haven't you?[/quote']

No I have never "iced" someone, I think it is pretty douchy, but most guys at bars fall into the category and that is their downfall. I am just chill when talking to a girl. I don't put her on a pedstal, I don't buy her a drink, and don't make her think she is the hottest chick in the bar. I think a lot of guys waste time talking to a girl too long. Get in about enough time to make her interested and then walk away. She will come find you. The more you talk to women the easier it gets. I don't read books on pick-up lines and don't believe in "pea****ing." I am just me and it works.

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No I have never "iced" someone, I think it is pretty douchy, but most guys at bars fall into the category and that is their downfall. I am just chill when talking to a girl. I don't put her on a pedstal, I don't buy her a drink, and don't make her think she is the hottest chick in the bar. I think a lot of guys waste time talking to a girl too long. Get in about enough time to make her interested and then walk away. She will come find you. The more you talk to women the easier it gets. I don't read books on pick-up lines and don't believe in "pea****ing." I am just me and it works.

You also appear to be the kind of man who uses the word "chill" quite cavalierly. I find your success in any endeavor highly unlikely.

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Not only do we not "get" your story - most of us don't even believe it. :ols:

Trust me, I don't either. . . . not that I am ugly. I am a pretty normal guy, but she is actually hot. The weird part is she really does love me. :ols: :ols: :ols:

If you come down to Austin one day you can see for yourself.

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You also appear to be the kind of man who uses the word "chill" quite cavalierly. I find your success in any endeavor highly unlikely.

So if you are just going to turn people's answers away, why would you ask the question?

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