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Multiple Sources: Multiple shot including Congress Woman


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"He did not watch TV, he disliked the news," Osler said. "He didn't listen to political radio, he didn't take sides, he wasn't on the left, he wasn't on the right."


Just goes to show, the hatred is soooo pervasive, it's in the air. You don't even need to watch TV to be paranoid and filled with hatred of the government :silly:

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Very interesting story in the WSJ about the shooter's postings on an online gaming forum:

On April 24, Mr. Loughner titled a new online thread: "Would you hit a Handy Cap Child/ Adult?" He wrote: "This is a very interesting question….There are mental retarded children. They're possessing teachers that are typing for money. This will never stop….The drug addicts need to be weeded out to be more intelligent. The Principle of this is that them c— educators need to stop being pigs."

Later that day, he posted a rant titled "Why Rape," which said women in college enjoyed being raped. "There are Rape victims that are under the influence of a substance. The drinking is leading them to rape. The loneliness will bring you to depression. Being alone for a very long time will inevitably lead you to rape."

Some participants in the forum suggested that he must be on drugs, while others said he may be mentally impaired. One forum participant who has read his postings says it was only in retrospect, after the shootings, that he realized that Mr. Loughner appeared mentally unstable in his messages.

On April 28, Mr. Loughner wrote: "How many stars are in the universe?" Other posters responded with mathematical calculations. Later in the thread, Mr. Loughner shifted gears: "What do Chocolate cookies taste like?"

On May 2, Mr. Loughner wrote: "This forum made me feel better....," followed by the emoticon for a smiling face.

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More from the people in the KNOW.

"He did not watch TV, he disliked the news," Osler said. "He didn't listen to political radio, he didn't take sides, he wasn't on the left, he wasn't on the right."



Hmm Loughner is a fan of Zeihtgeist the movie and user of the drug Salvia

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And David had his son turn on him....actions have consequences despite remorse


Interesting Aredskin....I know there have been other FOI requests on those

Time will tell

Actually his son turning on him and the discord in his house were part of his discipline but he was never abondoned and the son he had with Bathsheba after the first one died was Solomon who went onto become king.

---------- Post added January-12th-2011 at 01:42 PM ----------

Great who keeps an eye on Hanna Montanna

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Police pulled the freak over for running a red light the morning of the shooting.

Wow, what an incredible series of almosts that could have stopped this. Mind you, there's no reason for the cop who pulled him over to suspect anything, but I do suspect if I were the guy planning to do just the close call of getting pulled over would have panicked me enough to stop and turn around. Then again, I am about as far from a homocidal maniac as one can be.

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Wow, what an incredible series of almosts that could have stopped this. Mind you, there's no reason for the cop who pulled him over to suspect anything, but I do suspect if I were the guy planning to do just the close call of getting pulled over would have panicked me enough to stop and turn around. Then again, I am about as far from a homocidal maniac as one can be.

You would think Loughner would have showed some type of anxiety/jitters that would have tipped the cops off.

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You would think Loughner would have showed some type of anxiety/jitters that would have tipped the cops off.
I don't think you're allowed to arrest people for being nervous.

Even if they searched the car, they only would have found a gun that he legally owned, right?

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I don't think you're allowed to arrest people for being nervous.

Even if they searched the car, they only would have found a gun that he legally owned, right?

You never know what could have happened, I'm just surprised he didn't show any nervousness that would usually tip a cop off.


As for breaking a law, who knows?? maybe Arizona law prevents people from carrying multiple fully loaded 32 round clips, or carrying a loaded gun in a vehicle. In many states, ammunition needs to be located in a separate compartment. .

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Fox: WBC will not protest at 9 year old's funeral.


Shirley Phelps-Roper, of Topeka's Westboro Baptist Church, says her church has agreed to avoid Thursday's funeral of 9-year-old Christina Taylor Green in exchange for live radio interviews in Canada and Arizona.

The church also promised to not protest the funeral of U.S. District Judge John Roll or other victims of the shooting after a nationally syndicated radio show agreed to host church members Monday.

What slimeballs.

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I found this kind of funny

Ms. Palin quoted former President Ronald Reagan as saying that society should not be blamed for the acts of an individual. She said, “It is time to restore the American precept that each individual is accountable for his actions.”

Now correct me if I am wrong, but wasn't Reagan blaming rap music for the decay of the inner city and rises in crime?

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I found this kind of funny

Ms. Palin quoted former President Ronald Reagan as saying that society should not be blamed for the acts of an individual. She said, “It is time to restore the American precept that each individual is accountable for his actions.”

Now correct me if I am wrong, but wasn't Reagan blaming rap music for the decay of the inner city and rises in crime?

How long was the Catcher and the Rye banned?

How many hearings and outrage was there over Body Count's Cop Killer or how about video games and goth music after Columbine

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I wonder if subcosciously he ran the red light on purpose. Maybe some last vestige of humanity in him wanted to be stopped. Maybe it's just me and maybe it's a coincidence, but it seems to me with tragedies like this that there is always a "almost had him right before..." part of it.

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