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CSN:McNabb's agent fires back at Redskins


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God what an idiot. He's talking like he's part of the team. Just handle the contract and shut up, you're his agent, not his daddy.

This guy obviously is going with everything the media's been spitting all year. Does he even talk to Shanahan? Or Donovan for that matter?

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Am I the only one who thinks that maybe the play calling changed a bit because Rex knows the play book better and not because the Coaching staff wanted to see McNabb fail more than they wanted to see the team win?

Besides, in what world do employees get the privilege to tell their bosses what to do and not have to worry about getting replaced?

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Am I the only one who thinks that maybe the play calling changed a bit because Rex knows the play book better and not because the Coaching staff wanted to see McNabb fail more than they wanted to see the team win?

Besides, in what world do employees get the privilege to tell their bosses what to do and not have to worry about getting replaced?

In the NFL world manning does it all the time...not saying mcnab is manning but a QB giving suggestions is not the strange in fact there was a time when a lot of QB's called their own plays

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Funny how quick guys like Moss and Cooley have started to praise Grossman.

Just saying.

They don't seem to upset about McNabb getting benched at all.

Great point. The cold truth is that Rex appears to run the offense much better than McNabb. It's not surprising. Rex has a history with the offense and McNabb is coming from a system he was in for years with a solid run game for much of that time.

Everyone wants to turn this into a respect thing and how the "wet behind the ears" Kyle Shanahan should respect his elders. Bull crap.

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If they deserve time then why doesn't mcnabb?

Answer that for me. You do know it takes time to learn a offense right?

C'mon man, 13 games isn't time?

I mean I'd side with you if he sucked in the beginning and was then getting better towards the end. Lets say like his last 4 games where his offense put up like 19, 13, 7 and 16 points in consecutive weeks and had a 5:4 TD/INT ratio.

McNabb has had countless OTA's, 3/4 of a preseason and 13 games of live snaps to learn this offense. Rex Grossman has had a year of holding a clipboard and some preseason games yet somehow he gets it without having to "suggest modifications"

Learn the offense? then learn it. You have to trust and listen to your coaches no matter how much better you "think" you are.

---------- Post added December-24th-2010 at 03:34 AM ----------

In the NFL world manning does it all the time...not saying mcnab is manning but a QB giving suggestions is not the strange in fact there was a time when a lot of QB's called their own plays

Manning fully "learned" the offense that the Coordinator Tom Moore installed before he ever did any of this. I don't think he was saying "hey we ran this at Tennessee!"

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Torch me if you want, but I never liked Kyle or his offense and I never will. Spoiled little brat working for daddy. JMO

Kyle is an arrogant, ****y SOB. The kind who has the ball 1st and 10 on his own 2 yard line vs the Cowboys and says Eff you dallas! I'm throwing! Resulting in a 12 yard pass play to Moss and a first down that keyed a long TD drive.

If you would rather trade him for someone that runs screens and check downs all day then you must have a short memory. Cause that's about all we've seen for the past 10 years or so. I hope that ****y SOB Kyle is with us for a long, long time!

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Kyle is an arrogant, ****y SOB. The kind who has the ball 1st and 10 on his own 2 yard line vs the Cowboys and says Eff you dallas! I'm throwing! Resulting in a 12 yard pass play to Moss and a first down that keyed a long TD drive.

If you would rather trade him for someone that runs screens and check downs all day then you must have a short memory. Cause that's about all we've seen for the past 10 years or so. I hope that ****y SOB Kyle is with us for a long, long time!

Quoted for truth. People forget how everyone wanted Kyle to be the next head coach, yet now that Sally McNabb doesn't like his offense he is now garbage.

I thought most of the fans that sided with the players over coaches left when Campbell/Brennan went to Oakland?

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Am I the only one who thinks that maybe the play calling changed a bit because Rex knows the play book better and not because the Coaching staff wanted to see McNabb fail more than they wanted to see the team win?

No you're not the only one. However, a lot of idiots who evidently don't know jack crap about football, or sports in general for that matter, are quite vocal on this board about it being otherwise.

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I am beginning to think that one of the Shanahans has a problem with McNabb. He keeps saying the "right" things concerning McNabb, then this....


Shanahan would welcome McNabb back, as a backup

Posted by Mike Florio on December 23, 2010, 1:51 PM EST

Donovan McNabb, Rex Grossman

The indignities keep on coming for Donovan McNabb in D.C. He says he wants to return to the team next year, and coach Mike Shanahan is willing to take McNabb up on that.

If McNabb is willing to serve as a backup.

“I’m not sure he would, which I would understand,” Shanahan said Wednesday, per Jason Reid of the Washington Post. “But I think that’s why we’re talking about hypothetical situations. I don’t think that would happen. But if he was interested in that, obviously, that’d be a possibility.”

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I am beginning to think that one of the Shanahans has a problem with McNabb. He keeps saying the "right" things concerning McNabb, then this....


Go to Redskins.com and watch Shanny's presser from Wednesday, to hear the quote in context. You've been around long enough to know better than to trust what PFT says.

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Besides, in what world do employees get the privilege to tell their bosses what to do and not have to worry about getting replaced?
Considering the experience of the employee is almost half the age of the boss, [ DMac vs Kyle ] it might be a wise decision for the boss to at least hear him out. I guarantee you there is plenty that McNabb could teach Kyle. Any man or any coach who won't allow himself to listen and learn from someone more experienced is a fool and will learn all lessons the hard way.

As far as Dmac, it doesn't look like this system fits him too well. As far as Kyle, this kid has only 5 years experience being a coordinator, and that isn't nearly enough to convince me that he's the man we need. Only time will tell if he's the right guy to lead our offense, but I'm starting to have a bad feeling about this father and son thing. In just 1 season we all have seen some crazy things go down. It's going to be interesting to see how this team plays next season, and who is even playing for us.

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Go to Redskins.com and watch Shanny's presser from Wednesday, to hear the quote in context. You've been around long enough to know better than to trust what PFT says.

You are right, someone e-mailed it to me. Just got home from work and haven't had time to peruse all the websites yet. Just thought it sounds kind of crappy. It also was reported in the Washington Post, by Jason Reid, so, does that make it more or less plausible?


Edit: Just listened to the presser, it was taken WAY out of context.

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Great point. The cold truth is that Rex appears to run the offense much better than McNabb. It's not surprising. Rex has a history with the offense and McNabb is coming from a system he was in for years with a solid run game for much of that time.

Everyone wants to turn this into a respect thing and how the "wet behind the ears" Kyle Shanahan should respect his elders. Bull crap.

Nope, the main reason they're praising Rex, is because they want their jobs.

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Considering the experience of the employee is almost half the age of the boss, [ DMac vs Kyle ] it might be a wise decision for the boss to at least hear him out. I guarantee you there is plenty that McNabb could teach Kyle. Any man or any coach who won't allow himself to listen and learn from someone more experienced is a fool and will learn all lessons the hard way.

As far as Dmac, it doesn't look like this system fits him too well. As far as Kyle, this kid has only 5 years experience being a coordinator, and that isn't nearly enough to convince me that he's the man we need. Only time will tell if he's the right guy to lead our offense, but I'm starting to have a bad feeling about this father and son thing. In just 1 season we all have seen some crazy things go down. It's going to be interesting to see how this team plays next season, and who is even playing for us.

That's probably true in a general sense.

But Kyle has a reputation at this point as a pretty solid offensive mind. He comes from a strong background in coaching and offensive scheming.

McNabb meanwhile, was traded out of a division rival while they didn't seem to think twice about doing so.

The early evidence seems to point towards Kyle knowing what he's doing, while McNabb just doesn't fit into that or isn't capable of doing what's asked of him, and Kyle's not willing to surrender his scheme and coaching simply to appease the guy who can't cut it. If that really is the case, it's hard to blame Kyle. Especially when Grossman comes in and starts throwing TDs and 2 point conversions while McNabb can barely get out of his own way after taking the snap.

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That's probably true in a general sense.

But Kyle has a reputation at this point as a pretty solid offensive mind. He comes from a strong background in coaching and offensive scheming.

McNabb meanwhile, was traded out of a division rival while they didn't seem to think twice about doing so.

The early evidence seems to point towards Kyle knowing what he's doing, while McNabb just doesn't fit into that or isn't capable of doing what's asked of him, and Kyle's not willing to surrender his scheme and coaching simply to appease the guy who can't cut it. If that really is the case, it's hard to blame Kyle. Especially when Grossman comes in and starts throwing TDs and 2 point conversions while McNabb can barely get out of his own way after taking the snap.

thats what was so eye opening to me last week. mcnabb has shown flashes and i still think hes "got it" but the system we run doesnt look like its for him. hes got the big play part down but that is about it. rex looked much better in one game than mcnabb has all season. i mean 4 TDs in his first start, mcnabbs most was 2 in a game.

its a shame but this is definitely over. i guess its good we cut bait when we did becasue itd be a waste of time to continue with someone that we had no faith in.

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Am I the only one who thinks that maybe the play calling changed a bit because Rex knows the play book better and not because the Coaching staff wanted to see McNabb fail more than they wanted to see the team win?


But in all seriousness, you're not alone thinking that. I mean, Rex better know the playbook better, seeing as how he has played in it longer than McNabb. Although, Rex's knowledge of the system might be hampered by him being, ya know, Rex.:silly:

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Lol you can't be serious. Your asking me why can't I trust a guy who admitted that he's a liar, a guy who has showed that personal grudges persuade his coaching decisions.

And are you seriously asking me why I think mcnabb is better than grossman lmao. Have you watched them both play their whole career? If you have then you answered your own question.

Don't worry about my credentials if I told you and told you how many things ive been right about the last 20 years you wouldn't believe me anyway simply because im not on tv or radio (yet) so I won't even bother.

No i don't watch practice but if you have an eye for the game then you have a eye for the game.

Yes i think grossman looked like garbage the first half and serviceable the second half...but I also put his performance in context...he played a horrible dallas defense, the gameplan was suited to his strengths, most of his stats came against a prevent defense when we were down by 20. He still had 3 turnovers 2 of in which led to dallas putting points on the board.

So overall he showed that he can be a serviceable backup but not a starter in this league. He played the same way he did in preseason so I don't know why everyone is shocked.

Hope i answered your questions.

McNabb is over-rated. And always has been. Ask any true Philly fan. Sulked when replaced by Garcia who saved their season that was tanking until McNabb got hurt. He's not clutch. Was horrible in two final games last year against Dallas. (Two blow outs). He was often bailed by Westbrook and DeSean. Then when Westbrook got hurt last year they struggled because he's not adept in the short game. Dirt passes. Accuracy issues. Already two respected coaches have virtually given up on the guy. I personally don't think he's going to excel wherever he goes because he's now a one trick pony. I personally think his success was due to more Reid then himself. Reids going to have much more success with Vick then he had with McNabb.

All Chicago quarterbacks have sucked because Ron Turner was a terrible offensive coordinator. Cutler last year was terrible and was looking like a bust. Then Lovie got smart and hired Martz and Cutler has looked decent this year and they won their division. Both Rex and Orton were very ordinary in Chicago under Turner and whoever. Orton (now in Denver) is still the fourth ranked passer in the NFL despite his recent benching. Rex might just excel with the Shannahans. In one start he's done things quarterbacks have not done here in six years. Throw four touchdown passes -- not to mention convert two two point conversions. That's basically like throwing six. Where Donovan was zero for three on two point conversions.

I like the fact they're cutting their losses and moving on. This organization wasted five years hoping Jason Campbell would turn into a premier quarterback only to realize he's a journeyman quarterback. The Shanahan's want a lot out of of their quarterbacks and Donovan was not giving them enough hope and promise to stay the course with a 34 year old quarterback.

All Rex can do is make it hard for people to continue to diss him. Haters gonna hate. Who's to say, this just might be the "Right" system for Rex to excel in -- and the Shanahans have NFL offensive pedigree to make it happen for him. Mike could do with Rex what he did with Plummer. We will see.

After all, he once was a first round draft pick. Like Vick he too may be revived. Perhaps this could be Grossman's time. We will see. I know in the Dallas game offensively I saw things our offensive did that hasn't been done in years. All in his first game.

---------- Post added December-24th-2010 at 03:19 AM ----------

I didn't see great execution as much as I see a loss capped off by a game ending pick to a open receiver thanks to a horrible under thrown ball. His second game ending pick I might add. In fact... that's the only way skins games have ended with Grossman under center.

Let's talk about brilliant execution when the QB doesn't make a game ending mistake.

Why argue. McNabb is gone. Just like Campbell supporters defending him, then he was traded. I want to win. McNabb just wasn't getting it done. Three straight drives. Haven't seen that in years.

---------- Post added December-24th-2010 at 03:23 AM ----------

I didn't see great execution as much as I see a loss capped off by a game ending pick to a open receiver thanks to a horrible under thrown ball. His second game ending pick I might add. In fact... that's the only way skins games have ended with Grossman under center.

Let's talk about brilliant execution when the QB doesn't make a game ending mistake.

Game ending mistakes.

Wasn't as bad as McNabbs game ending 92 yard pick to Ronde Barber in the NFC Championship game in Philly that decided the game. Game ending pick against Dallas in Philly in which he got hurt on and Garcia came in and saved their season. Terrible game ending pick in Detroit game, triple coverage. At least Rex's was a pass he had to make to the sidelines because we had no time outs. Dallas was playing the sidelines anyway. We can go tit for tat. What's the point, McNabb is gone. I can see you've probably already made up your mind in regard to Rex against the Jags haven't you?

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Since when is anything an agent says credible? They're all vultures. This guy is an absolute putz. Perhaps he should look at his own performance when he gets owned in contract negotiations.

---------- Post added December-24th-2010 at 05:16 AM ----------

Also, we've all made excuses for McNabb this entire season--me included. If it's not the offensive line, it's the lack of talent. If it's not Kyle's playcalling, it's Mike's stubborness. Rarely was the lack of production blamed on our quarterback, yet here he is waiving off responsibility for his failures after Rex throws four touchdowns against the same defense Donovan struggled against. When is it YOU?

I'm siding with the coaches on this one. And T.O. And all the players in the Eagles locker room that hated McNabb. Thanks for lobbying to bring Vick to the Eagles, Donovan. It's clear now that your only motivation was to go back to Philly and beat your former team.

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Wasn't as bad as McNabbs game ending 92 yard pick to Ronde Barber in the NFC Championship game in Philly that decided the game. Game ending pick against Dallas in Philly in which he got hurt on and Garcia came in and saved their season. Terrible game ending pick in Detroit game, triple coverage. At least Rex's was a pass he had to make to the sidelines because we had no time outs. Dallas was playing the sidelines anyway. We can go tit for tat. What's the point, McNabb is gone. I can see you've probably already made up your mind in regard to Rex against the Jags haven't you?

Heard Cooley talking about that final pick on 106.7. He said that it was the only place that Rex could go with the ball. That the defense shut the play down and with however many seconds left, Rex had to try to make the throw. Unfortunately the defender played it perfectly.

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