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CSN:McNabb's agent fires back at Redskins


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"Run more screen passes" lol, you mean run more of the short passing routes that McNabb can't complete. The short pass has been his downfall, and he wants the Skins to run more of them?

C'mon dude.

People in this forum go to far at times.

McNabb can't hit short passes?

Do you remember the a guy named Westbrook?

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so you are saying that McNabb could throw a screen pass when in Philly and that should be what we go by, and not the fact that almost every short pass he throws goes straight into the ground or at someones feet...so we shouldnt pay attn to that...no we should look at what he did with Westbrook???

Actually, McNabb did the same thing in Philly. His short, in the ground passes were legendary .

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Torch me if you want, but I never liked Kyle or his offense and I never will. Spoiled little brat working for daddy. JMO

I hate Bill Belichick, but I'd still love to have him coaching my team. Kyle's really young, so he's going to have problems, but I'd rather have a young OC that's going to learn from one of the best, than an older guy that refuses to change anything even if it's not getting the results that we want (ala Zorn and Blache). Kyle's offense hasn't been as advertised, and he obviously felt that it was because of McNabb, for the rest of the season, we get to see if that was the case or not. I don't think the way it was handled was great, but if it works who cares.

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so you are saying that McNabb could throw a screen pass when in Philly and that should be what we go by, and not the fact that almost every short pass he throws goes straight onto the ground or at someones feet...so we shouldnt pay attn to that...no we should look at what he did with Westbrook???

He has thrown ground balls his whole career. I was making fun of him for that 9 years ago. He'd good for two to three of them a game. Those are usually on out routes and over the middle routes not screens.

So first of all that's shannys fault for giving up two picks to get a qb that doesn't fit the system. Second your exaggerating his number of ground balls this year...yea he had his usual amount but not every pass like you said. If that's the case then why is he close to setting the record for passing yards? Why are 3 receivers close to getting 1000 yds this year?

Its common sense to throw screens and slants if your qb is getting killed. But we still had him doing 7 step drops, and we didn't go shotgun enough. That's what I'm saying.

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Dear. Mr. Agent

Shut the **** up.

You don't coach a team.

You have absolutely no say in the day to day workings of the team.

You have absolutely no say in the relationship between your client and his coach.

Your job is limited to the offseason.

Know your place and get the **** back in it.



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Donovan McNabb has said he wants to be here. Clearly he's been lying. Well, maybe he wants to be here if the coaches are gone. To stay in DC, it's the coaches or me, McNabb is saying with this statement.

Folks, this is about fear.

About Donovan McNabb never getting the big money again.

Because other teams watch film. They've seen the bounce passes. The inability to pick up a new offense. The bad fundamentals that can no longer be overcome because of age.

No team is going to trade for McNabb and take on that big contract.

Unless Team McNabb can spin his performance. Blame it on someone else. Make it about nepotism and Kyle Shanahan.

That's the tactic here and it's obvious.

This statement is pathetic, especially the part about Shanahan finally taking McNabb's playcalling suggestions when Grossman was under center. That's message-board nonsense. A last resort to try to somehow explain why the offense looked so much better with Grossman under center.

Wow. Just wow. The circus never stops here in DC.

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Its SHanny's fault for giving up 2 picks on someone he thought could change his tendencies to fit a successful offensive scheme.

He was wrong. McNabb makes his reads way too slow, gambles on long bombs in short yardage situations, holds the ball too long and throws in the dirt.

Lucky we are getting picks back when McNabb gets traded because there are multiple teams out there in need of anything resembling a NFL caliber QB.

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Does everyone think that McNabb is so classy and such a nice guy now? He's a self-centered jerk whose agent is speaking directly for him. Get him out of here. Perhaps now we are seeing what Mike Shanahan has seen for the last eight months. T.O. was right about McNabb.

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Its SHanny's fault for giving up 2 picks on someone he thought could change his tendencies to fit a successful offensive scheme.

He was wrong. McNabb makes his reads way too slow, gambles on long bombs in short yardage situations, holds the ball too long and throws in the dirt.

Lucky we are getting picks back when McNabb gets traded because there are multiple teams out there in need of anything resembling a NFL caliber QB.

Now this is something we can agree on.

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McNabb is a SUCKER. Dude was spitting all this PC nonsense on the radio on Wed, but meanwhile...has his AGENT fighting his battles. I hope someone calls him out on this. Good riddance.

How do you know he had his agent say those things? There is no proof to even think that

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Lucky we are getting picks back when McNabb gets traded because there are multiple teams out there in need of anything resembling a NFL caliber QB.

I don't think we are. I don't think any team is going to watch the game film and think Donny Mac is a guy they want to pay franchise QB money to. In fact, that's what I think this statement is about. McNabb's agent is trying to make this about scheme and nepotism instead of performance. Because if we can't trade McNabb, we have to cut him. Which means Donny Mac will be playing for a lot less money next year and beyond.

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Donovan McNabb has said he wants to be here. Clearly he's been lying. Well, maybe he wants to be here if the coaches are gone. To stay in DC, it's the coaches or me, McNabb is saying with this statement.

Folks, this is about fear.

About Donovan McNabb never getting the big money again.

Because other teams watch film. They've seen the bounce passes. The inability to pick up a new offense. The bad fundamentals that can no longer be overcome because of age.

No team is going to trade for McNabb and take on that big contract.

Unless Team McNabb can spin his performance. Blame it on someone else. Make it about nepotism and Kyle Shanahan.

That's the tactic here and it's obvious.

This statement is pathetic, especially the part about Shanahan finally taking McNabb's playcalling suggestions when Grossman was under center. That's message-board nonsense. A last resort to try to somehow explain why the offense looked so much better with Grossman under center.

Wow. Just wow. The circus never stops here in DC.

Nail meet head.

Let's do a little role-playing here. You are one of the other 31 teams and you briefly consider McNabb as your starting QB in 2011. Here are some recent development to consider:

- his long time advocate, Andy Reid, thought enough of him to trade him in the division. Reid is a competitor. If he thought McNabb could do very well here he would not have pulled that trade.

- Mike Shanahan, a SuperBowl winning coach who also turned Jake Plummer into a viable QB in this league, was unable to get Donovan to execute this offense

- If you bring in McNabb, you have to cater to his every whim, lest you get railed in the media. McNabb will make it an issue by insisting it's not an issue yet speaking as much as he can about the situation. His agent will fire off press releases.

- McNabb was having his worst season since he was a rookie. We're talking about either age or the inability to run a new offense, and neither of those are good for #5. (Passing yards? Jon Kitna and Kerry Collins are going to be in the top ten for passing yards in NFL history. That's why they have this thing called QB rating, while not perfect it's a heck of a lot better than passing yards)

McNabb and his agent aren't dumb, they are just fighting for the last big contract. It's a QB needy league and the more inept they can make us look, the more likely they can hookwink another team into believing that we were the ENTIRE problem and he's worth the big bucks.

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Dear. Mr. Agent

Shut the **** up.

You don't coach a team.

You have absolutely no say in the day to day workings of the team.

You have absolutely no say in the relationship between your client and his coach.

Your job is limited to the offseason.

Know your place and get the **** back in it.



I agree, weird timing. Why release this during the season

---------- Post added December-23rd-2010 at 05:01 PM ----------

McNabb is a SUCKER. Dude was spitting all this PC nonsense on the radio on Wed, but meanwhile...has his AGENT fighting his battles. I hope someone calls him out on this. Good riddance.

You do realize that is EXACTLY what agents are for.....

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McNabb has to be the most overrated QB of all time. Grossman last week did a much better job than McNabb has done the whole season, and Grossman is supposed to be bad based on his past. This tells me that McNabb isn't even as good as Grossman. Never was. Andy Reid was able to mask McNabb's deficiencies, making him look better than he really was.

McNabb can't even throw short passes. At least Jason Campbell could do that much.

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Does everyone think that McNabb is so classy and such a nice guy now? He's a self-centered jerk whose agent is speaking directly for him. Get him out of here. Perhaps now we are seeing what Mike Shanahan has seen for the last eight months. T.O. was right about McNabb.

Once again, what is wrong with a player using his agent to do......gasp....what he or she is paid to do.

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