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CSN:McNabb's agent fires back at Redskins


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Doomed from the start. An experienced, successful know-it-all QB playing for an inexperienced, successful know-it-all coordinator. Clearly, McNabb didn't believe in KShanahan, and KShanahan didn't believe in McNabb.

The Shanahans have looked a mess through this whole ordeal simply by not standing up and saying "McNabb isn't playing well, and either isn't running the offense as called because he is unable to, or because he doesn't want to"

Instead we get "fatigued", "injured", "doesn't know the 2-minute like Rex", and we get leaked "scaled back the offense", "McNabb's on a short leash" etc. Hindsight is 20/20, but I'm thinking by now MShanahan wishes he'd just come out and said it from the get go.

McNabb also made a comment on his interview this week complaining about how he was the only one having to go through the evaluation process. I think that's also ridiculous. I can't remember ever watching a pro team where so many people have been benched for poor performance in between games and also during games.

Speaking of McNabb's classiness, I think letting someone else do your ****ing is about as classless as it gets. Go on the radio and say "sure I'd like to be back in DC" and three days later your agent is still talking about "disrespectful after all that Donovan has accomplished in this league".

I'm still hung up on the fact that he hasn't really accomplished anything for this team, and is deserving of nothing special. Perhaps he's expecting the old Redskins treatment: you play because you're you, and because of your reputation, and because of your salary or because of your draft pick, and if you suck we'll continue to play you because to call you out and to get rid of your sorry ass would be saying we suck as talent evaluators. He could play here ten more years under that mentality. Thankfully times are changing.

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How bad do you think McNabb and his agent are rooting against Grossman right now? They know the better he looks the worse McNabb does. This statement makes that perfectly clear.

I fear this is going to get worse before it gets better. Because simply cutting McNabb isn't what either side wants. The Skins want a draft pick in return and Team McNabb wants to keep his big contract.

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This all comes out because Shanahan said he can come back as a backup...basically we really dont want you back and hope to get something back in a trade...Mcnab cant be singled out as the distraction and has to save face for his future with another team...in steps his agent with these comments...whether or not theyre true only Mcnab and the Shanahans (and M. Shanahan admitted he lies to the media) know...However, if it is true then we may be in trouble

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Once again, what is wrong with a player using his agent to do......gasp....what he or she is paid to do.

But then you say nothing and let your agent do all the talking. You don't say one thing and then let your agent, who is speaking for you, say something totally opposite. That's not classy, that's talking out of both sides of your mouth.

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How bad do you think McNabb and his agent are rooting against Grossman right now? They know the better he looks the worse McNabb does. This statement makes that perfectly clear.

"Mike and Kyle Shanahan colluded with the NFL to arrange that week 15 and 16 the Redskins would face relatively weak pass defenses. Also, Kyle would substitute a concrete-filled football in on random plays forcing Donovan's passes into the dirt."

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Doomed from the start. An experienced, successful know-it-all QB playing for an inexperienced, successful know-it-all coordinator. Clearly, McNabb didn't believe in KShanahan, and KShanahan didn't believe in McNabb.

The Shanahans have looked a mess through this whole ordeal simply by not standing up and saying "McNabb isn't playing well, and either isn't running the offense as called because he is unable to, or because he doesn't want to"

Instead we get "fatigued", "injured", "doesn't know the 2-minute like Rex", and we get leaked "scaled back the offense", "McNabb's on a short leash" etc. Hindsight is 20/20, but I'm thinking by now MShanahan wishes he'd just come out and said it from the get go.

McNabb also made a comment on his interview this week complaining about how he was the only one having to go through the evaluation process. I think that's also ridiculous. I can't remember ever watching a pro team where so many people have been benched for poor performance in between games and also during games.

Speaking of McNabb's classiness, I think letting someone else do your ****ing is about as classless as it gets. Go on the radio and say "sure I'd like to be back in DC" and three days later your agent is still talking about "disrespectful after all that Donovan has accomplished in this league".

I'm still hung up on the fact that he hasn't really accomplished anything for this team, and is deserving of nothing special. Perhaps he's expecting the old Redskins treatment: you play because you're you, and because of your reputation, and because of your salary or because of your draft pick, and if you suck we'll continue to play you because to call you out and to get rid of your sorry ass would be saying we suck as talent evaluators. He could play here ten more years under that mentality. Thankfully times are changing.

Great Post, but 2 points

Are the Shanahans really that bad of people for making up fatigue niner excuses for McNabb sucking. I think it shines well on them that they protect their own.

I believe the mixed messages between McNabb and Fletcher Stupid are signs that Fletcher Stupid is on the way OUT as McNabbs agent. This is just a last gasp. Worst contract extension ever.

Walking on out to the star last week, knowing he was the #3 and a Captain...all for only 3.5 millon McNabb must of been saying "****ing ****ing FLetcher Stupid, thanks for nothing."

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I actually think one of the reasons Shanny decided to bench McNabb after the Bucs game was partly because he wanted to let Donovan end on a good note. That way the last thing other teams could see of him was a solid game, which included a potential game-tying drive along with his only multi-td game (when not down by 40 points) of the season, so that the trade value may be a little higher. Say all you want about Shanny hurting McNabb's trade value by benching him, McNabb's continuous poor play has hurt his trade value as much, if not more. Might as well let him end on his highest note so that they maybe we have a bargaining chip.

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This is unbelievable. What an ass that Agent turned out to be, and shame on McNabb for letting him come out like that.

This entire season almost everyone and their mother commented on our offense as either "big play or nothing", and that was on McNabb. How many times did we have a RB/FB wide open and choose to not throw to him? How many drives did that cost us, and how many times was it even pointed out? This has nothing to do with screen passes.

If what he said about Kyle is true, then you know what, I'm with Kyle. The evidence suggests that it was McNabb who was being arrogant and unwilling to listen. This offense has ran almost exactly like the Philly offense the last couple years, either big play or nothing. That can't be coincidence when we have the same QB.

Unbelievable, this agent guy. He blew his cover with the whole "what McNabb learned in his 11 year career" or whatever crap. Basically, he and McNabb have come out and said how they truly feel with that, which is "shut up Kyle, you're young and don't know what you're doing, listen to me damnit". Well, guess what? Kyle just owned McNabb with Grossman's performance. His success didn't come from screen passes. It came from actually hitting guys who were open and not going for the big play every time. How about that redzone offense? Screen passes, huh?

Come on, McNabb, if you want to "finish what you came to accomplish", you be a good soldier and don't turn our offense into Philly's the last couple years. The only thing that worked there consistently were screens to arguably the best screen pass-catching RB ever (Westbrook) and deep passes, and it looks like McNabb was unwilling to change.

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Are the Shanahans really that bad of people for making up fatigue niner excuses for McNabb sucking. I think it shines well on them that they protect their own."

No, but saying one thing and leaking another really is no different from McNabb saying everything's cool and his agent crying bloody murder.

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After Donovan quickly led the Redskins down the field and scored what appeared to be the game saving drive against Tampa Bay, Kyle was quoted as saying “He’ll (McNabb) never take another snap for me again.” Remember that statement came after Donovan led the Redskins on one of their best drives of the entire season.
Quickly? It took 4:39
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This all comes out because Shanahan said he can come back as a backup...basically we really dont want you back and hope to get something back in a trade...Mcnab cant be singled out as the distraction and has to save face for his future with another team...in steps his agent with these comments...whether or not theyre true only Mcnab and the Shanahans (and M. Shanahan admitted he lies to the media) know...However, if it is true then we may be in trouble

Please go to Redskins.com and watch Shanny's PC where he makes that quote. The media spun it completely dirty to make it sound like Shanny said that McNabb could only come back as a back up. 100% not what he said. The agent is spouting off bull****, and the fact that McNabb allows this to happen really hurts my opinion of him because I truly have always liked the guy, but this is completely underhanded by him.

Plus I'd like to know who supposedly heard him say that.

Agreed. Considering how the media spun the comments from Shanny Wednesday I know better than to listen to what they "supposedly" heard.

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Fletcher needs to get a clue, when your play on the field is subpar that's when change happens. You get replaced by someone that can give the team a lift, enter grossman. Now I know why he is doing what he is doing is because he wants the big fat payday that alot of these lousy agents get, so of course he will defend donovan. If he were to coach a team and he had to make a call on benching a player in order to give the team the best chance of winning, you can bet ur *** that he would have done what shanahan did. Hey Fletch, just shut up!

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It's funny. I've been listening to both local sportstalk stations. On there--without reading the full comment fro the agent--they talked like the agent just killed the Skins and the Shanahan's. That McNabb is the good guy, the franchise/coaches the bad. Then I come on here to see what the fans are saying and read the whole comment. Wow. What bull****. I tell you what, I feel like going into this year I was still a naive child when it came to the media. This Skins season has really pulled the curtain back on them for me. And not just when it comes to sports.

Anyway, I feel like Kyle's passion on this, is this: He always wanted to coach with his dad. But he didn't want it to seem like nepotism so he set out to prove himself on his own. He felt like he had done that in Houston. So he comes here, full belief in himself and his offense. Then he is embarrassed. His offense looks like ****, he looks like a little a boy, it looks like nepotism. He's angry, he's embarrased, he blames McNabb. Going by the Sex Cannon's performance on Sunday, he may be right. We'll see going forward.

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Important question for Fletcher Smith: Why did you allow your client to an extention with said team, knowing the circumstances? What a fool!!! hahaha

Cause he gets 3% :ols:

The audacity of any agent even thinking for a second they should, could, or even would second guess even the worst coach in the league is a joke.

I'd also love to know when Kyle Shanahan said McNabb would never take a snap for him again. Considering how this fan base on this site over-reacts to most anything, something like THAT would be a 50 page thread, on the front page for a week.

i never saw it once, never heard of it til Secret Agent man here pulled it out of his ass.

Get lost Donovan. Nothing personal. Just beat it.


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Doomed from the start. An experienced, successful know-it-all QB playing for an inexperienced, successful know-it-all coordinator. Clearly, McNabb didn't believe in KShanahan, and KShanahan didn't believe in McNabb.

The Shanahans have looked a mess through this whole ordeal simply by not standing up and saying "McNabb isn't playing well, and either isn't running the offense as called because he is unable to, or because he doesn't want to"

Instead we get "fatigued", "injured", "doesn't know the 2-minute like Rex", and we get leaked "scaled back the offense", "McNabb's on a short leash" etc. Hindsight is 20/20, but I'm thinking by now MShanahan wishes he'd just come out and said it from the get go.

McNabb also made a comment on his interview this week complaining about how he was the only one having to go through the evaluation process. I think that's also ridiculous. I can't remember ever watching a pro team where so many people have been benched for poor performance in between games and also during games.


Ok, so i will ask you....If it was SOOOO bad and the Shanahans are so evil and wicked, then why sign the extention? According to many reliable sources, Fletcher Smith and the FO were in talks about the extention for months, so you mean to tell me that with all of this going on, he would allow his client to sign, which means that the team has his rights no matter what? Give me a friggin break with the BULL....

---------- Post added December-23rd-2010 at 06:54 PM ----------

Cause he gets 3% :ols:.


Got it, so he pockets his money first and then run his mouth about how his client is being disrespected after the fact....Great!

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If what he said about Kyle is true, then you know what, I'm with Kyle. The evidence suggests that it was McNabb who was being arrogant and unwilling to listen. This offense has ran almost exactly like the Philly offense the last couple years, either big play or nothing. That can't be coincidence when we have the same QB.

Unbelievable, this agent guy. He blew his cover with the whole "what McNabb learned in his 11 year career" or whatever crap. Basically, he and McNabb have come out and said how they truly feel with that, which is "shut up Kyle, you're young and don't know what you're doing, listen to me damnit". Well, guess what? Kyle just owned McNabb with Grossman's performance. His success didn't come from screen passes. It came from actually hitting guys who were open and not going for the big play every time. How about that redzone offense? Screen passes, huh?

Come on, McNabb, if you want to "finish what you came to accomplish", you be a good soldier and don't turn our offense into Philly's the last couple years. The only thing that worked there consistently were screens to arguably the best screen pass-catching RB ever (Westbrook) and deep passes, and it looks like McNabb was unwilling to change.

Quoted for truth.

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