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CSN:McNabb's agent fires back at Redskins


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C'mon man, 13 games isn't time?

I mean I'd side with you if he sucked in the beginning and was then getting better towards the end. Lets say like his last 4 games where his offense put up like 19, 13, 7 and 16 points in consecutive weeks and had a 5:4 TD/INT ratio.

McNabb has had countless OTA's, 3/4 of a preseason and 13 games of live snaps to learn this offense. Rex Grossman has had a year of holding a clipboard and some preseason games yet somehow he gets it without having to "suggest modifications"

Learn the offense? then learn it. You have to trust and listen to your coaches no matter how much better you "think" you are.

---------- Post added December-24th-2010 at 03:34 AM ----------

Manning fully "learned" the offense that the Coordinator Tom Moore installed before he ever did any of this. I don't think he was saying "hey we ran this at Tennessee!"

Mcnab is not manning coming out of tennessee he's a QB that has been to multiple championships and a super bowl. Kyle is a coordinator who hasnt led a team to the playoffs yet...mcnab giving suggestions should be expected...however, not being a part of the discussions we dont know how he presented his ideas (e.g. "what the **** is wrong with you little man kyle, we need to run a screen" vs. "Hey coach I noticed on our trips right formation they blitz from our right, what do you think about running a screen that way?") I just dont understand why anyone would have a problem with that (2nd one of course) I played football from little league through college and I dont remember one QB that didnt give suggestions...in fact I remember playing for Bob Milloy (high school legend in MD) his QB once yelled at him (it was only once) about a play he didnt like...coach thought it was funny and actually changed the play

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How many times have both been in the redzone this season? Consider your sample size.

Hell of a baseless statement to make.

Here is what I'm saying. I've seen Grossman twice. Both times he throws the game ending pick. Until he wins I really don't have anything to go on but the fact that he can't hold a starting job if his life depended on it and he can't handle the pressure. So before we crown a guy with a career that screams "backup for life" let's get some W's. McNabb has TONS of them as a start while Grossman's only year as a starter featured the leagues best defense and a horrible showing in the post season by grossman.

In my six years on this board, I've never disagreed with you as much as I disagree with you in this thread, on this topic.

With that said, I don't see anyone crowning Grossman. I say a few people riding/hating McNabb hard and a majority THINKING that Grossman might be the better option going forward; that he looked good on Sunday and that perhaps McNabb really was the problem.

I've been a McNabb supporter all year long. But I can't deny what I saw on Sunday. The offense looked crisp and fluid. I haven't seen that all season. It was night and day, point blank. I'm not even going to get into the nutty quasi-conspiracy theories about Kyle calling different plays because he was sabotaging McNabb all along. Or something. I think if there were different plays being called, it was simply because they felt like Grossman could execute them, while McNabb could not.

So is that crowning Grossman? Really? If anyone is jumping to conclusions here, I do believe it is you. Ignoring what you see, ignoring the results on the field and declaring, in no uncertain terms, that Grossman is and will always be a failure. I'm not sure if that also means you have crowned McNabb but it seems like that may be the case as well.

Sorry man. I'm just calling it how I see it.

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Heard Cooley talking about that final pick on 106.7. He said that it was the only place that Rex could go with the ball. That the defense shut the play down and with however many seconds left, Rex had to try to make the throw. Unfortunately the defender played it perfectly.

I thought the pass was on point, the defender just made a very good read and jumped in between.

Why are people holding Rex accountable for that play but not Moss for his huge, bone-headed, momentum-killing drop when he was wide open?

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I thought the pass was on point, the defender just made a very good read and jumped in between.

Why are people holding Rex accountable for that play but not Moss for his huge, bone-headed, momentum-killing drop when he was wide open?

Yeah, he either makes that throw leaving enough time on the clock to give us a shot at a field goal or throws the ball out of bounds leaving a ridiculous long shot at a Hail Mary. Ill take the shot at the field goal any day.

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Well after bout 20 years of not sniffing a Super Bowl the team remains in the headlines and gives us all something to be entertained with. Granted it's been more like the morbid curiosity that most have when driving by an auto accident. No matter how bad it is... People always feel compelled to look...

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I don't understand why some of you are freaking out so much over Smith's comments.

The Skins have been "leaking" things about McNabb for months now and I didn't see the same outrage from some of you.

What do guys expect the McNabb camp to do? Just sit there and take it?

I'm not saying which party is correct but I have no problem with Smith's statement.

Heck, he's doing what he's suppose to do: defend his client.

I know some of you don't want to even consider it but there's a possibilty that everything Smith said is true. :2cents:

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I love reading post the validate Mike's desicion because Rex second half performace last week. You guys are so weak! One game doesn't give you validation, that comes with time. And if you look at Mike's history he is over rated. He sucked in Oakland (J. Gruden got the most out of that team), he sucked in Denver after Elway left, and he sucks here. FIRE HIM Now! Here is what will happen. That Jags will shut Rex down. Mike will look like a fool. He will start to scramble. We will go into the off season with question marks at QB, O-line, and Defense. The franchise will become scitzo once again, and we will lose because Mike will try to over coach.

He sucks! How the hell do you trade two high picks for a QB with atleast 3 more prodcutuve years left in him, then turn around and say he's no good. And look folks he threw for over 3,000 yards, behind a suspect line, and a revolving door at running back. And he played through pain. But we are to believe that McNabb was so bad he couldn't play out the last three games???? I mean Mike couldn't play him the last three games to improve his trade value? This whole situation stinks. Bring in Russ Grimm and lets get some sanity back at FedEx field. I can not beleive that people side with the Shannahan's in thsi situatins. It's so transparent that Mike and Kyle have a hidden agdenda, and it not winning, but doing things their way. **** that!, prove something to me. I am tired of this team being laughed at. This nonesens is incredible. These guys are willing to cut off their nose to spite thier face. We don't need that. We had that with Steve Spurrier. Incredible. Bring in Russ Grimm!

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At the end of the day, McNabb couldn't run the offense as the coaches wanted. He wanted to tweak it to suit him, which is fine in some places but obviously not here. Let's make no mistake, this isn't from Donovan's agent. It's from McNabb. Trying to position himself to look better in the open market next year.

On the flip side, Grossman looked good in ONE game. We've been Redskins fans long enough to know better than to crown him.

On the thin edge of the coin, let's remember this when those insufferable "Draft a QB" threads show up. It's not just the QB, the QB has to be in the right system.

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At the end of the day, McNabb couldn't run the offense as the coaches wanted. He wanted to tweak it to suit him, which is fine in some places but obviously not here. Let's make no mistake, this isn't from Donovan's agent. It's from McNabb. Trying to position himself to look better in the open market next year.

On the flip side, Grossman looked good in ONE game. We've been Redskins fans long enough to know better than to crown him.

On the thin edge of the coin, let's remember this when those insufferable "Draft a QB" threads show up. It's not just the QB, the QB has to be in the right system.

So in other words, the Shanahan's are guilty of poor talent evaluation among other things.

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So in other words, the Shanahan's are guilty of poor talent evaluation among other things.

They're not guilty of anything, as fans what happens behind the scenes is none of our business. I would love it if, 1. The Redskins cancelled their affiliation to ExtremeSkins and 2. Stopped talking to the media completely. If they stop talking, all we would have to talk about is what happened on the field, wins and losses. 3. If Shanny stepped up and told the fans to STFU. Wouldn't that be great? There would be a mass exodus of the Redskin Drama Queens. :ols:

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They're not guilty of anything, as fans what happens behind the scenes is none of our business. I would love it if, 1. The Redskins cancelled their affiliation to ExtremeSkins and 2. Stopped talking to the media completely. If they stop talking, all we would have to talk about is what happened on the field, wins and losses. 3. If Shanny stepped up and told the fans to STFU. Wouldn't that be great? There would be a mass exodus of the Redskin Drama Queens. :ols:

GoSkins, they are guilty assuming they actually traded for a QB who apparently can't run thier system.

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So in other words, the Shanahan's are guilty of poor talent evaluation among other things.

It certainly wouldn't be the first time. He's definitely had more than a few flops when he was signing free agents in Denver.

Oh well. He's human. Hopefully Bruce Allen can help prevent this sort of thing in the future.


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GoSkins, they are guilty assuming they actually traded for a QB who apparently can't run thier system.

Well maybe they should have spoke with Clarissa the Crystal Ball Reader before making the trade? It's over now, they made a mistake, why do we need to talk about it anymore?

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I don't understand why some of you are freaking out so much over Smith's comments.

The Skins have been "leaking" things about McNabb for months now and I didn't see the same outrage from some of you.

What do guys expect the McNabb camp to do? Just sit there and take it?

I'm not saying which party is correct but I have no problem with Smith's statement.

Heck, he's doing what he's suppose to do: defend his client.

I know some of you don't want to even consider it but there's a possibilty that everything Smith said is true. :2cents:

Thank you.

Once again, I find it comical people going crazy about DM5's camp when that is exactly what the Redskins did (by leaking enough to the media). Admittedly, I also want to be an agent so maybe I am biased, but I really see nothing wrong with this. Though the timing was a bit odd.

---------- Post added December-24th-2010 at 12:18 PM ----------

There is a big communication problem with Shanahan, this mess shouldn't have happened in the first place. Just wondering if Shanahan would pass a polygraph test.

Probably not.

Which I am OK with. His job is to win games, not to be honest with the media or the fans

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At the end of the day, McNabb couldn't run the offense as the coaches wanted.

I love these statements. How does a guy run an offense when Joey Galloway is your deep threat? How does he do anything with the screen door that is our offensive line? How does he get any playaction passing when everyone knows we don't have a running back? (Torrain looks like the real deal, but hasn't been starting all season)

I'm not a McNabb fan, but come on. For 3 months everyone has been on here saying we have no talent. Now, everyone is blaming McNabb. What happened to the talent level? Because Rex did okay against a bottom tier defense, it's all on McNabb now?


---------- Post added December-24th-2010 at 12:28 PM ----------

Well maybe they should have spoke with Clarissa the Crystal Ball Reader before making the trade? It's over now, they made a mistake, why do we need to talk about it anymore?

Oh we don't. But you will in April when those picks, like all the others come back to haunt us. Plus, we could have drafted a QB and been losing with a rookie who's learning. Not wasting yet another season.

That's why we won't stop talking about it. It's yet another setbacks in the 18 year history of setback for this team.

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I love these statements. How does a guy run an offense when Joey Galloway is your deep threat? How does he do anything with the screen door that is our offensive line? How does he get any playaction passing when everyone knows we don't have a running back? (Torrain looks like the real deal, but hasn't been starting all season)

I'm not a McNabb fan, but come on. For 3 months everyone has been on here saying we have no talent. Now, everyone is blaming McNabb. What happened to the talent level? Because Rex did okay against a bottom tier defense, it's all on McNabb now?


---------- Post added December-24th-2010 at 12:28 PM ----------

Oh we don't. But you will in April when those picks, like all the others come back to haunt us. Plus, we could have drafted a QB and been losing with a rookie who's learning. Not wasting yet another season.

That's why we won't stop talking about it. It's yet another setbacks in the 18 year history of setback for this team.

Maybe because Rex made better reads and throws to our lack luster WR core? Let's see how he does this weekend and next before ruling out the possibility of him being the guy for the next 4 to 8 years. Or we could just assume that Rex isn't the answer.

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Dear Fletcher Smith III.

**** you.

Dear Donovan McNabb.

**** you too, for putting him up to this. I don't give a **** what you did for the Eagles. You haven't done **** for the Redskins.

- Mad Mike

Where is our head coaches for the trade not working out and for the multiple excuses instead of just saying, "He doesn't get it"

Or for leaking crap tot he media (and I doubt it was the first time this happened)

I am not just messing with you Mike, but everyone who has gone off the deep end of Fletcher and DM5.

It is a business. Both sides realize this. This was simply a business move (as was the response by our coach, though I am not sure why he responded at all)

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It certainly wouldn't be the first time. He's definitely had more than a few flops when he was signing free agents in Denver.

Oh well. He's human. Hopefully Bruce Allen can help prevent this sort of thing in the future.


The thing that concerns me the most is that Bruce Allen isn't a talent evaluator either. :(

He's known as a contract guy.

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For those of you asking about the agent, here is his bio:


Fletcher N. Smith III is the founder and owner of Blueprint Management Group, LLC, sports management, marketing and consulting group. Smith conducts contract negotiations with teams for all football clients, assists with securing endorsement deals, and manages the careers of Blueprint’s professional football clients.

Smith gained significant transactional experience in general corporate law, real estate, as well as sports and entertainment law while an attorney at DLA Piper (formerly Piper Rudnick). It was there that he also gained his most recognizable client, Donovan McNabb, of the Philadelphia Eagles. There, he negotiated McNabb’s first contract, making the quarterback the highest paid player in Eagles history. In 2000, Smith joined CSMG. In 2002 he renegotiated McNabb’s Eagles contract which became the largest contract in NFL history at $115,000,000 over 12 years, including a record $20.5 million signing bonus. That year, Smith and the football department negotiated over $130.06 million in free agent and rookie contracts including $43.4125 million in total signing bonus dollars.

A Chicago native, Smith earned his Bachelors of Science degree from the University of Illinois at Champaign. He then went on to earn his MBA and Juris Doctor from Loyola University in Chicago. Smith has been featured in Crain’s magazine annual “Forty Under Forty” issue, Vibe magazine and other notable publications. In addition, he has been a member of the American Bar Association, Illinois State Bar Association and the Chicago Bar Association.

One of the key agents in the group actually played in the NFL: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jason_Fletcher

Oddly enough there is no client list, but from the website it looks like he represents

ARE, C. Carter and Gaines Adams. There are a bunch of other player images but it is hard to make out which one, if either of their homepage, they represent

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The thing that concerns me the most is that Bruce Allen isn't a talent evaluator either. :(

He's known as a contract guy.

Well Shanny is, so don't worry, he just made a mistake with McNabb, oh well, let's move on.

Did you read the Shanahan draft history thread? Pretty impressive if you ask me.

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I love these statements. How does a guy run an offense when Joey Galloway is your deep threat? How does he do anything with the screen door that is our offensive line? How does he get any playaction passing when everyone knows we don't have a running back? (Torrain looks like the real deal, but hasn't been starting all season)

I'm not a McNabb fan, but come on. For 3 months everyone has been on here saying we have no talent. Now, everyone is blaming McNabb. What happened to the talent level? Because Rex did okay against a bottom tier defense, it's all on McNabb now?


---------- Post added December-24th-2010 at 12:28 PM ----------

Oh we don't. But you will in April when those picks, like all the others come back to haunt us. Plus, we could have drafted a QB and been losing with a rookie who's learning. Not wasting yet another season.

That's why we won't stop talking about it. It's yet another setbacks in the 18 year history of setback for this team.

I'm not saying he had all the tools he wanted. But, to me, that's beside the point. I wasn't one of the people that said McNabb was the man. Look I don't revel in the fact that DM isn't cutting it here, but it's KS or MS's call whether or not a particular player is playing the way they would like. A player can make all the excuses, valid or not, on why he didn't succeed but DM could def. had fallen in a run the offense like they asked.

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Why do we care what the agent to our third string QB has to say? :)

Go Rex!!!!!

EXACTLY....... This is what have you done for me league and #5 has underperformed and came in overweight again. Respect only goes so far and IMO hes had his chances to prove hes our starter. We are eliminated so why not see what Rex or more importantly what Beck has??? He better pump his client up to other teams so they trade for him as I would draw a line in the sand and say WE ARE NOT RELEASING McNABB OR ALBERT.

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