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CSN:McNabb's agent fires back at Redskins


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Ofcourse he ran those plays from time to time the difference is in how often and the timing when they were ran...

Now i think you're grabbing for staws. Its no longer about whether they called the plays, but what time of the game they were run...Come on man with the excuses! He had an opportunity to succeed and he did not. Now that someone else is in there, with the SAME personel, executing the plays better, now we pull out all of the excuses out of the woodwork.

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I didn't say that it was all his fault or that all of his passes where ground balls. I'm even on record for defending him vs our putrid Oline. However, you can't deny that alot has was HIS fault. Not going through his progressions, over throwing short passes over the middle, and tossing passes into the ground. How can you blame that on the coaches?

Hey I can't argue most of what your saying because he did over throw balls, he did miss some open players and threw to the wrong guy...and ive said that plenty of times.

I don't think MOST of it was on him though I believe it was a mixture of things. What I blame on the coaches is not giving him much talent to play with and not running more shotgun, screens, slants and three step drops once they saw that the line couldn't hold up. Not adjusting the system to what donovan does well...in my opinion that's on the coaches.

And I'm more so speaking to the fans that act like shanny has no blame in this and that mcnabb is a bum who forgot how to play overnight.

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That's kind of funny because Grossman's execution of said "screen passes" were way better than McNabb's and I previously stated that in another thread prior to this article.

I didn't see great execution as much as I see a loss capped off by a game ending pick to a open receiver thanks to a horrible under thrown ball. His second game ending pick I might add. In fact... that's the only way skins games have ended with Grossman under center.

Let's talk about brilliant execution when the QB doesn't make a game ending mistake.

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you mcnabb homers/shanny bashers are hilarious.

frankly i find mcnabb's performance on the field beyond disrespectful and unprecedented for a six-time Pro Bowl quarterback

---------- Post added December-23rd-2010 at 06:58 PM ----------

I didn't see great execution as much as I see a loss capped off by a game ending pick to a open receiver thanks to a horrible under thrown ball. His second game ending pick I might add. In fact... that's the only way skins games have ended with Grossman under center.

Let's talk about brilliant execution when the QB doesn't make a game ending mistake.

how have the redskins been in the redzone with mcnabb vs. grossman?

you know money time. how about when mcnabb gets those short fields from the most turnovers in the handful of years?

mcnabb is overrated, underachieving, and doesn't care enough about learning a new offense to be a successful qb at this point in his career.

unless a team like AZ or MN lets him do whatever the hell he wants, he's going to be a bum.

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Now i think you're grabbing for staws. Its no longer about whether they called the plays, but what time of the game they were run...Come on man with the excuses! He had an opportunity to succeed and he did not. Now that someone else is in there, with the SAME personel, executing the plays better, now we pull out all of the excuses out of the woodwork.

Ok so you don't think theres a difference between throwing 1-2 a game and throwing 2-3 a drive especially when you have a bad oline? You don't think that's different playcalling?

I never once said that they never ran those plays with mcnabb. And once again are you calling moss a liar?

---------- Post added December-23rd-2010 at 07:07 PM ----------

If you're going to exaggerate reality to the point where you've obliterated any shred of honesty from the discussion then sure you're take on it is correct. I also think that McNabb did it on purpose because the easter bunny and santa told him too. I mean if we're going to just say random **** might as well make it creative.

What I saw is the same McNabb we've been watching for years in terms of some of his passes hitting the dirt. In terms of long ball he's 10th in over 20 yards and 3rd in over 40. So pretending he couldn't hit the broad side of a barn is kind of stupid. How the hell did he get those numbers though with no line, bad wide outs, etc etc? Could it be because the system he was running demanded he look deep first? Something every talk radio and media outlet in DC has been talking about for a while now? Nah... couldn't be.

Even Sonny and Sam were talking about the differences they were seeing during the game. Everyone noticed.

---------- Post added December-23rd-2010 at 11:36 PM ----------

Kyle has Rex Grossman. Andy Reid has Mike Vick (in the argument for MVP) and a promising young prospect.

I don't think Andy Reid thinks McNabb can't do it. He thinks McNabb is on the downside of his career and some moron coach wearing a GM hat will give up big time value for a QB the eagles simply don't need.

Great post

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Kyle has Rex Grossman. Andy Reid has Mike Vick (in the argument for MVP) and a promising young prospect.

I don't think Andy Reid thinks McNabb can't do it. He thinks McNabb is on the downside of his career and some moron coach wearing a GM hat will give up big time value for a QB the eagles simply don't need.

andy reid had a young team loaded with speed and talent and watched an old qb waste a year of that by getting blown out back to back weeks against a division opponent.

he made the choice to go with two relatively unknown commodities without a safety net rather than risk wasting another season with mcnabb.

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how have the redskins been in the redzone with mcnabb vs. grossman?

How many times have both been in the redzone this season? Consider your sample size.

mcnabb is overrated, underachieving, and doesn't care enough about learning a new offense to be a successful qb at this point in his career.
Hell of a baseless statement to make.

Here is what I'm saying. I've seen Grossman twice. Both times he throws the game ending pick. Until he wins I really don't have anything to go on but the fact that he can't hold a starting job if his life depended on it and he can't handle the pressure. So before we crown a guy with a career that screams "backup for life" let's get some W's. McNabb has TONS of them as a start while Grossman's only year as a starter featured the leagues best defense and a horrible showing in the post season by grossman.

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he made the choice to go with two relatively unknown commodities without a safety net rather than risk wasting another season with mcnabb.

Unknown? What planet are you on? Reid had both QBs for more than a year. They weren't just "known" to him but he knew more about them than their mothers did in terms of what they could do on a football field by the time he made the decision. There is no more well known in pro sports than players on your own team.

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Here is what I'm saying. I've seen Grossman twice. Both times he throws the game ending pick. Until he wins I really don't have anything to go on but the fact that he can't hold a starting job if his life depended on it and he can't handle the pressure. So before we crown a guy with a career that screams "backup for life" let's get some W's. McNabb has TONS of them as a start while Grossman's only year as a starter featured the leagues best defense and a horrible showing in the post season by grossman.

first off 4 out of 4 in one game is pretty damn impressive compared to what the teams done with a different guy behind qb. i can't find our RZ efficiency, but i'm willing to bet it's not good.

now let's move on to being baseless. mcnabb is having a career worst year, i would say that is underachieving unless your definition is so convoluted from watching this team for so long. even with that fact talking heads are coming out in droves to say that he's way better than rex grossman, which makes him overrated. he may appear to be better, and he may even be slightly, but that doesn't change the fact that someone you so easily look down on like grossman came in and put up 30 points in his first start in 2 years basically coming off the bench. and i'm just going by the media says about mcnabb not taking it seriously enough. and if you want to argue that then you can stop arguing now because every thread on this site is filled with things from the media.

grossman was set up to fail in the detroit game. i think that was clear as day.

as for his "game ending" pick in the dallas game. that game was over when banks didn't take the ball to house on the ensuing kick off. he threw the pick with 13 seconds left on his own 47. this isn't boise state where the cowboys are going to blow coverage and give up the play.

and speaking of game ending. mcnabb has looked attrocious at the end of games and halves. he moves too slowly when they're in the hurry up and wastes a ton of time between plays. not to mention all the burned timeouts and delay of games.

but he's working super hard right?

and mcnabb with the eagles has a ton of W's

mcnabb with the redskins has 5.

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This is just another situation just like Kurt Warner for the NYG.

Warner was 33 years old, didn't fit what NY wanted mid way through the season in 2004. Doesn't mean hes a garbage qb just like Warner wasn't--It also doesn't mean that Shanny is making a bad decision either, as he is laying the ground work for a long term "product".

Same as here, if you think about it the similarities are striking:


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Unknown? What planet are you on? Reid had both QBs for more than a year. They weren't just "known" to him but he knew more about them than their mothers did in terms of what they could do on a football field by the time he made the decision. There is no more well known in pro sports than players on your own team.

hindsight is 20/20, but he had no clue that vick was going to do this when he made the trade for mcnabb. he was still on the kolb train, which shows you he didn't know what he had.

stop fooling yourself. reids deal was a gamble, but mcnabb was bad enough that it was worth it to him.

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Exactly, they say give shannahan time but don't give mcnabb that same time and benefit of the doubt.

If you don't think mcnabb gives a better shot at winning next year than grossman does then you are a blind homer. And not ONE nfl exec would agree with you.

When mcnabb has a rebound year somewhere else and rex shows to be what he has been his WHOLE career i don't want to hear the complaints.

Why can't you trust the coaches?

What are your credentials that allow you to say mcNabb will be more successful in this system than Grossman?

Do you watch the Skins practice every day?

If you don't think Grossman ran the offense better than McNabb than you're not being honest.

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Of course the playcalling was different with Grossman as the QB, just as it was different with Todd Collins as the QB after replacing Campbell. The reason for the difference is this: McNabb is just limited in what he can do. He just can't make those short passes. He either throws it on the ground or throws it too hard. Guy is just not very good. IMHO, the eagles were winning inspite of McNabb. The QB (meaning McNabb) was so limited that they just could not win the big one.

Completely agree with that entire post, it is irritating to say the least that he cannot seem to hit a guy 5 yards away.

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Why can't you trust the coaches?

What are your credentials that allow you to say mcNabb will be more successful in this system than grossman?

Do you watch the Skins practice every day?

If you don't think Grossman ran the offense better than McNabb than you're not being honest.

Lol you can't be serious. Your asking me why can't I trust a guy who admitted that he's a liar, a guy who has showed that personal grudges persuade his coaching decisions.

And are you seriously asking me why I think mcnabb is better than grossman lmao. Have you watched them both play their whole career? If you have then you answered your own question.

Don't worry about my credentials if I told you and told you how many things ive been right about the last 20 years you wouldn't believe me anyway simply because im not on tv or radio (yet) so I won't even bother.

No i don't watch practice but if you have an eye for the game then you have a eye for the game.

Yes i think grossman looked like garbage the first half and serviceable the second half...but I also put his performance in context...he played a horrible dallas defense, the gameplan was suited to his strengths, most of his stats came against a prevent defense when we were down by 20. He still had 3 turnovers 2 of in which led to dallas putting points on the board.

So overall he showed that he can be a serviceable backup but not a starter in this league. He played the same way he did in preseason so I don't know why everyone is shocked.

Hope i answered your questions.

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Donovan McNabb's agent blasts the Shanahans

By Jason Reid

Updated: 8:04 p.m.

In response to Fletcher's comments, Coach Mike Shanahan issued a statement of his own Thursday evening, saying he stands by his decision to bench the veteran quarterback for the team's final three games.

"As I stated earlier, when I traded for Donovan McNabb I had hoped that he would lead us to the playoffs. No one wanted him to be more successful than me," Shanahan said in the statement. "When the team was 5-8 and mathematically out of the playoffs, I made the decision to evaluate our other two quarterbacks. This was not personal, but strictly professional. The decision was made in the best interest of the Washington Redskins and I stand by my decision."

Shanahan did not address specific points and accusations in Smith's statement, nor did he defend Kyle Shanahan.

"I will attempt to talk to Fletcher Smith directly to clear up every one of his misconceptions," Mike Shanahan said in the release.


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Lol you can't be serious. Your asking me why can't I trust a guy who admitted that he's a liar, a guy who has showed that personal grudges persuade his coaching decisions.

And are you seriously asking me why I think mcnabb is better than grossman lmao. Have you watched them both play their whole career? If you have then you answered your own question.

Don't worry about my credentials if I told you and told you how many things ive been right about the last 20 years you wouldn't believe me anyway simply because im not on tv or radio (yet) so I won't even bother.

No i don't watch practice but if you have an eye for the game then you have a eye for the game.

Yes i think grossman looked like garbage the first half and serviceable the second half...but I also put his performance in context...he played a horrible dallas defense, the gameplan was suited to his strengths, most of his stats came against a prevent defense when we were down by 20. He still had 3 turnovers 2 of in which led to dallas putting points on the board.

So overall he showed that he can be a serviceable backup but not a starter in this league. He played the same way he did in preseason so I don't know why everyone is shocked.

Hope i answered your questions.

First, you have been making predictions about the Redskins since you were 6?

Shanny isn't lying, he just isn't telling people what they want to hear. They watch these guys throw balls every day, and based on Grossmans debut, his passes were a lot nicer and the offense ran A LOT smoother than what we have seen over the past 13 weeks.

Ill give Rex at least the next two weeks before I pass judgement, you should also, especially since your credentials can't touch Shannys.

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"As I stated earlier, when I traded for Donovan McNabb I had hoped that he would lead us to the playoffs. No one wanted him to be more successful than me," Shanahan said in the statement. "When the team was 5-8 and mathematically out of the playoffs, I made the decision to evaluate our other two quarterbacks.

Wait...does he mean that he was trying to get us to the playoffs this year?

So that was why he brought in Donavon?

Not to help us rebuild or for him to be a caretaker?



(of course I side with Shanny over the long haul.

I hope this situation works itself out before this drags on for too long and that he gets things right sooner rather than later)

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