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CSN:McNabb's agent fires back at Redskins


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Like ive been saying anybody with a brain can tell that the play calls were different sunday. But i know most are on shannys nutz so he can do no wrong. Wake up people. Kyle doesn't like donovan and he never did.

How were the plays different? Please explain.

---------- Post added December-23rd-2010 at 06:59 PM ----------

This is unbelievable. What an ass that Agent turned out to be, and shame on McNabb for letting him come out like that.

This entire season almost everyone and their mother commented on our offense as either "big play or nothing", and that was on McNabb. How many times did we have a RB/FB wide open and choose to not throw to him? How many drives did that cost us, and how many times was it even pointed out? This has nothing to do with screen passes.

If what he said about Kyle is true, then you know what, I'm with Kyle. The evidence suggests that it was McNabb who was being arrogant and unwilling to listen. This offense has ran almost exactly like the Philly offense the last couple years, either big play or nothing. That can't be coincidence when we have the same QB.

Unbelievable, this agent guy. He blew his cover with the whole "what McNabb learned in his 11 year career" or whatever crap. Basically, he and McNabb have come out and said how they truly feel with that, which is "shut up Kyle, you're young and don't know what you're doing, listen to me damnit". Well, guess what? Kyle just owned McNabb with Grossman's performance. His success didn't come from screen passes. It came from actually hitting guys who were open and not going for the big play every time. How about that redzone offense? Screen passes, huh?

Come on, McNabb, if you want to "finish what you came to accomplish", you be a good soldier and don't turn our offense into Philly's the last couple years. The only thing that worked there consistently were screens to arguably the best screen pass-catching RB ever (Westbrook) and deep passes, and it looks like McNabb was unwilling to change.

If we were face to face i would shake your hand sir! Good post.

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Agent is an advocate for the player not the coaches. He sees his client that has had a great career getting beat up with petty insinuations during the season and keeps his mouth mostly shut. Then he sees his player dropped to 3rd string and basically told he's gone if they find a younger McNabb in the draft. The guy is furious and is clearly thinking the skins are decreasing his clients value. Plus if he came out and said this the relationship between McNabb and Shanny-lite is much worse than this statement makes it out to be.

I see no evidence that they gave a damn about the defensive personnel when installing the system they wanted, don't see why anyone would think these hard headed coaches would give a damn about their offensive personnel either. They seem far more interested in things being done their way then they are in results or success. Shanny-lite didn't fall far from the tree which is not surprising. It's pretty clear he's wanted Rex Grossman in for a while and yes the play calling was indeed different. McNabb was in there to be killed with a moronic "deep first" check system while Rexy was lobbing screen passes and quick hits.

As for McNabb, he's is exactly who we thought he was, a guy that can extend plays but is almost as likely to hit the ground as he is to hit a player. Surround him with inferior talent and make him a year older and the results aren't surprising. He's too old to save this team so he can hit the road as far as I'm concerned.

My trust in this team including owner, toothless GM, head coach, coordinators and players is DEAD. This season of "change" that proved to be exactly the same damn thing we're used to killed it. It won't show signs of life again until I see results via wins and behavior. No homer left in me, I'm going to call it like I see it: I'm not even slightly impressed with this coaching staff. They place the system above anything and everything and there is no city in which that style of coaching should be less respected that Washington. Gibbs made his legend on focusing on what he had and how to get 200% out of it defeating much more talented teams regularly. Shanahan is the anti-Gibbs so far.

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I am somewhat amazed and amused that all that talk about the weak offensive line has seemingly disappeared.

When the focus came on Shanahan for what some viewed as incompetence and questionable ethics, he adeptly deflected it to McNabb. Now, much of the focus is on McNabb, and even his agent. McNabb is not even playing. The agent claims he's been had. They really haven't said much.

Are we going to be 5-11 (or even 7-9), losing four - six straight and blame it on McNabb? Really?

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How were the plays different? Please explain.

---------- Post added December-23rd-2010 at 06:59 PM ----------

If we were face to face i would shake your hand sir! Good post.

More 3 step drops, more screen passes, more shotgun formation, more slants. I have everygame recorded if you do too then watch them and tell me im wrong. Not to mention moss said it on the postgame show.

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It's pretty clear he's wanted Rex Grossman in for a while and yes the play calling was indeed different. McNabb was in there to be killed with a moronic "deep first" check system while Rexy was lobbing screen passes and quick hits


Is it even possible that Rex just simply executed the plays? Unless the plays were designed for Donovan to toss passes in the dirt on 3rd down, or over throw his WRs across the middle, or constantly miss wide open WRs....Just sayin'

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It's pretty clear he's wanted Rex Grossman in for a while and yes the play calling was indeed different. McNabb was in there to be killed with a moronic "deep first" check system while Rexy was lobbing screen passes and quick hits.

I just can't get on board with this. Now, it may have looked different because one QB looked comfortable with the offense. The biggest defense to me was how Grossman hit guys in stride and was accurate in the red zone. Both things have always been tough for Donny Mac -- no matter the scheme or playcaller.

It's depressing, my friend. The circus never ends. The Skins will always be my team but I'm definitely looking forward to the Chargers moving to adopted hometown so I can have another team to really get behind.

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More 3 step drops, more screen passes, more shotgun formation, more slants. I have everygame recorded if you do too then watch them and tell me im wrong. Not to mention moss said it on the postgame show.

I have every game recorded as well and the major differece i've seen is EXECUTION. I've seen the all the formations you've described when Mcnabb was playing, but the only problem is that he was inaccurate. But since most people can't compare things objectively, then they will continue to resort to how different the plays were.

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I am somewhat amazed and amused that all that talk about the weak offensive line has seemingly disappeared.

When the focus came on Shanahan for what some viewed as incompetence and questionable ethics, he adeptly deflected it to McNabb. Now, much of the focus is on McNabb, and even his agent. McNabb is not even playing. The agent claims he's been had. They really haven't said much.

Are we going to be 5-12 (or even 7-9), losing five - seven straight and blame it on McNabb? Really?

Lol exactly I'm glad to see that some people are smart enough to see pass the bs. I said the same thing yesterday...its obvious the whole move to bench mcnabb was a effort to throw the heat on him instead of shanny. Zorn went 8-8 and was ridiculed shanny 5-11 loses to a jon kitna led dallas team and he gets a pass everythings all good...lmao what a joke this franchise and fanbase have become.

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I can't believe people are saying that "McNabb is not the answer". This is his first year under the new system. Why is it that Redskins fans never give the QB more than 1 year to prove themselves? It's almost as if they think, you have to come out booming the first year. It's the NFL for crying out loud. Long plays down the field are not easy to do. They take a great deal of practice, before it becomes second nature. Just so most of you know, a lot of people in the NFL have Donovan's side on this. The Shannahan's are not making themselves look good by benching Donovan McNabb. Also, they have two answers for everything that goes on. One answer for the press and another one directly for the player. What they fail to realize is that the player will tell exactly that they said, word from word. So when they tell the media their separate reason, the conspiracy will start.

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Why do I get the feeling Kyle S is a super arrogant little kid....

Like father, like son. Both of these d-bags need to go. Not saying McNabb has been a savior this year, but he really shouldn't have been expected to be one. If anything, I feel it's the attitude of the Shanahans that has been the problem.

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I don't care for K. Shanahan- I don't see anything that makes him any better than the playcallers towards the end of last year. For one, I have heard the "1st read" is ALWAYS the deep route... Seems like that is not so much of a good idea, pretty ****ty one actually.. His "success" from having Schaub to A. Johnson to work with seems kind of unrealistic to base anything off of as well- riding the family name is all he's done IMO. Some of you may know something that I don't, which I hope is the case.

---------- Post added December-24th-2010 at 04:02 AM ----------

Obviously, it's not just Kyle who thinks McNabb isn't up to the task. Andy Reid thinks the same thing.

I couldn't disagree more, Reid is pretty overrated- even if he did think that about McNabb.

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Like father, like son. Both of these d-bags need to go. Not saying McNabb has been a savior this year, but he really shouldn't have been expected to be one. If anything, I feel it's the attitude of the Shanahans that has been the problem.

Good, fire the Shanahans and bring in who?

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Is it even possible that Rex just simply executed the plays? Unless the plays were designed for Donovan to toss passes in the dirt on 3rd down, or over throw his WRs across the middle, or constantly miss wide open WRs....Just sayin'

If you're going to exaggerate reality to the point where you've obliterated any shred of honesty from the discussion then sure you're take on it is correct. I also think that McNabb did it on purpose because the easter bunny and santa told him too. I mean if we're going to just say random **** might as well make it creative.

What I saw is the same McNabb we've been watching for years in terms of some of his passes hitting the dirt. In terms of long ball he's 10th in over 20 yards and 3rd in over 40. So pretending he couldn't hit the broad side of a barn is kind of stupid. How the hell did he get those numbers though with no line, bad wide outs, etc etc? Could it be because the system he was running demanded he look deep first? Something every talk radio and media outlet in DC has been talking about for a while now? Nah... couldn't be.

Even Sonny and Sam were talking about the differences they were seeing during the game. Everyone noticed.

---------- Post added December-23rd-2010 at 11:36 PM ----------

Obviously, it's not just Kyle who thinks McNabb isn't up to the task. Andy Reid thinks the same thing.

Kyle has Rex Grossman. Andy Reid has Mike Vick (in the argument for MVP) and a promising young prospect.

I don't think Andy Reid thinks McNabb can't do it. He thinks McNabb is on the downside of his career and some moron coach wearing a GM hat will give up big time value for a QB the eagles simply don't need.

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I have every game recorded as well and the major differece i've seen is EXECUTION. I've seen the all the formations you've described when Mcnabb was playing, but the only problem is that he was inaccurate. But since most people can't compare things objectively, then they will continue to resort to how different the plays were.

Ofcourse he ran those plays from time to time the difference is in how often and the timing when they were ran. So your saying moss is lying about it? Lets talk about all the times balls were dropped that killed drives this year. Earlier in the post I said that mcnabb had a bad year for his standard. But you have to ask why. Nobody is doing that.

And if your saying EVERY or even MOST of his passes were groundballs then your wrong. How is he so close to the top of the league in yards (7th)? How are 3 receivers close to 1000 yds? Ill wait for an answer.

And if grossman had the year mcnabb had then it would be his best of his career

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Of course the playcalling was different with Grossman as the QB, just as it was different with Todd Collins as the QB after replacing Campbell. The reason for the difference is this: McNabb is just limited in what he can do. He just can't make those short passes. He either throws it on the ground or throws it too hard. Guy is just not very good. IMHO, the eagles were winning inspite of McNabb. The QB (meaning McNabb) was so limited that they just could not win the big one.

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Ofcourse he ran those plays from time to time the difference is in how often and the timing when they were ran. So your saying moss is lying about it? Lets talk about all the times balls were dropped that killed drives this year. Earlier in the post I said that mcnabb had a bad year for his standard. But you have to ask why. Nobody is doing that.

And if your saying EVERY or even MOST of his passes were groundballs then your wrong. How is he so close to the top of the league in yards (7th)? How are 3 receivers close to 1000 yds? Ill wait for an answer.

And if grossman had the year mcnabb had then it would be his best of his career

I didn't say that it was all his fault or that all of his passes where ground balls. I'm even on record for defending him vs our putrid Oline. However, you can't deny that alot has was HIS fault. Not going through his progressions, over throwing short passes over the middle, and tossing passes into the ground. How can you blame that on the coaches?

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Ok, so i will ask you....If it was SOOOO bad and the Shanahans are so evil and wicked, then why sign the extention? According to many reliable sources, Fletcher Smith and the FO were in talks about the extention for months, so you mean to tell me that with all of this going on, he would allow his client to sign, which means that the team has his rights no matter what? Give me a friggin break with the BULL....

I believe it was said after the fact that McNabb signed the deal that had been on the table for some time. It was definitely them going for the money grab. An easy 3.5 mil for nothing basically. Perhaps McNabb was more in the know about what was about to happen than he lets on. It certainly looks that way to me.

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I can't believe people are saying that "McNabb is not the answer". This is his first year under the new system. Why is it that Redskins fans never give the QB more than 1 year to prove themselves? It's almost as if they think, you have to come out booming the first year. It's the NFL for crying out loud. Long plays down the field are not easy to do. They take a great deal of practice, before it becomes second nature. Just so most of you know, a lot of people in the NFL have Donovan's side on this. The Shannahan's are not making themselves look good by benching Donovan McNabb. Also, they have two answers for everything that goes on. One answer for the press and another one directly for the player. What they fail to realize is that the player will tell exactly that they said, word from word. So when they tell the media their separate reason, the conspiracy will start.

Exactly, they say give shannahan time but don't give mcnabb that same time and benefit of the doubt.

If you don't think mcnabb gives a better shot at winning next year than grossman does then you are a blind homer. And not ONE nfl exec would agree with you.

When mcnabb has a rebound year somewhere else and rex shows to be what he has been his WHOLE career i don't want to hear the complaints.

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