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CSN:McNabb's agent fires back at Redskins


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Statement from Fletcher Smith:

I think it is important to clarify some misinterpretations following Donovan comments made earlier this week on his radio show.

Donovan did say that “he didn’t want to go anywhere” and that he “enjoyed himself” in the Washington DC area. He and his family truly enjoy living in the Washington, DC, area and are overwhelmed by the outpouring of support the fans have shown him this year. He stated that he wishes to stay in Washington because he came to complete a task - and that task has not yet been accomplished.

While Donovan’s feelings about Washington remain the same, the Shanahans - both Mike and more specifically Kyle - have made this an extremely difficult relationship to maintain. Their comments have been beyond disrespectful and unprecedented for a six-time Pro Bowl quarterback such as Donovan.

There have been many reports leaked of Donovan not being in shape and not being able to grasp Kyle’s offense. The fact is Donovan came into camp in the best shape of his career having dropped 10 pounds in the offseason. Donovan spent most of his offseason in Washington working out with the Redskins and never missed a practice. Unfortunately, it appears as though the Redskins coaching staff decided that their 12-year veteran quarterback, who flawlessly executed one of the NFL's most complex offensive systems (in Philadelphia), is unable to grasp Kyle’s offense.

I believe there is tension between Donovan and Kyle that's rooted in the fact that Donovan has suggested modifications to Kyle's offense based on intricacies Donovan has learned in his NFL career. For example, Donovan has asked all year that the team run more screen passes to help manage the pass rush more effectively. Ironically, Kyle decided to employ Donovan's suggestions after he unceremoniously benched him on Sunday.

After Donovan quickly led the Redskins down the field and scored what appeared to be the game saving drive against Tampa Bay, Kyle was quoted as saying “He’ll (McNabb) never take another snap for me again.” Remember that statement came after Donovan led the Redskins on one of their best drives of the entire season.

Donovan is coming off a Pro Bowl season in 2009 where he threw for 3,500+ yards on 60% completions, with a TD:INT ratio of more than 2:1. He also led his team to the playoffs with an 11-5 record, and that's what he hoped to accomplish in Washington.

This year, Donovan was on pace to set the Redskins all-time passing yards mark before being benched.

Every week he went out there in solidarity with his teammates with one goal: to win as much as possible for the fans in this town who deserve a championship caliber team.

Make no mistake, this has been a difficult season for Donovan. Some may say that he has had a down year....that is true specifically because of the high standards that he has set as an elite NFL quarterback in his previous 11 seasons.

Donovan has maintained a high level of professionalism on and off the field. He is determined to continue his relentless commitment to win and looks forward to the opportunity wherever that may be!

Fletcher Smith III


Blueprint Sports Group

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Worst AGENT ever. Now I at least know your name Fletcher and I can stop calling you "McNabb's Agent". WORST EXTENSION LANGUAGE EVER. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

You see Donovan, we are getting to let the skins retain your rights indefenitely and do whatever they want with you without finding out what the market would bear for you for....I dont know.....lets say 3.5 million.



Pro Bowl 2009, 10 lbs lighter. Offensive Guru who knows better than everyone? WHy give all that a pricetag of 3.5 mill to control?

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. This release has more to do with Senior Fletcher being retained as McNabbs agent (and other NFL players) than anything with the redskins.


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Remember that statement came after Donovan led the Redskins on one of their best drives of the entire season.

Course, it was in a game where the team struggled to score despite Torain's 170+ yard performance. A week later, we look a lot stronger in the red zone.

Saying it was one of the best drives of the season isn't saying much about McNabb's performance this season.

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Wow. It wasn't until I read Mr. Smiths remarks that I remembered that D-Mac has gone 10 straight games without an interception and led us to a, 9-1 record before being benched. Please Mr. Snyder, fire the Shannahans! D-Mac likes to run an offense that depends upon screen passes, severe overthrows on deep routes, and receivers able to catch with their feet. We need a Coach that can adapt to McNabbs needs.

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Like ive been saying anybody with a brain can tell that the play calls were different sunday. But i know most are on shannys nutz so he can do no wrong. Wake up people. Kyle doesn't like donovan and he never did.

That was a great observation you made.

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Like ive been saying anybody with a brain can tell that the play calls were different sunday. But i know most are on shannys nutz so he can do no wrong. Wake up people. Kyle doesn't like donovan and he never did.

Or maybe McNabb was really struggling with the offense and they scaled some things back for him.

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Like ive been saying anybody with a brain can tell that the play calls were different sunday. But i know most are on shannys nutz so he can do no wrong. Wake up people. Kyle doesn't like donovan and he never did.

I guess you're choosing to ignore McNabbs horrible short passes that have killed countless drives this season?

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I actually think that some of the things he said about Kyle are true. It certainly shows that this is more a Kyle vs Donovan situation than what the national media are making it. They want to say this is a Mike vs Donovan issue, but it's clearly been Kyle.

I'm not saying that Kyle's right or wrong, but it did seem like the screen passes and things that were mostly absent from the offensive scheme were run this past weekend. And to bench McNabb after he led us to OT with the Bucs (if the high snap hadn't occurred) still doesn't make much sense to me.

It's all turned out fine, so far, since Grossman played a great game, but I'm not sure why Kyle's been so against McNabb this season. I'll go back to, I think, the Lion's game when the tv clearly showed Kyle upset about something happening on the field. It seemed very possible that McNabb had called a different play than what Kyle had called.

I don't think it's been all Kyle, and Grossman showed that this offense can run quickly and is successful, but I don't know if this was a problem that needed to happen.

I hope things turn out for the best for everyone, especially the Skins.

EDIT: I also love the fact that Grossman scored a TD every time we got into the red zone. We haven't seen that in a long long long long time. I'm not advocating a change in the coaches, just to make that clear, I think that would be the worst thing that could happen to the future of this franchise, I just wish things had worked out differently, but if Rex gives us the best chance to win, then so be it.

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Like ive been saying anybody with a brain can tell that the play calls were different sunday. But i know most are on shannys nutz so he can do no wrong. Wake up people. Kyle doesn't like donovan and he never did.

I rarely look at a poster's name. It's usually when a post is either really insightful or when it is rather inept. Over the past week or so I've seen your name quite a bit.

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Oh ok so now mcnabb can't throw a screen pass? I wonder why everybody wanted us to get westbrook...what play did he and mcnabb kill us on year after year? Lmao yall are a joke...its ok to call it like it is people it doesn't mean that you don't like the skins.

But you don't want to call it like it is because your scared that its all true...that the shannys are arrogant pricks who make horrible personnel decisions and your scared that they wont turn this team around so you keep following with blind faith.

Has donovan had a down year? ofcourse...but the question is why. Maybe lack of talent around him, lack of line protection, bad fit for the system and so on. Players just don't get sorry overnight people use some dam common sense.

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Worst third down percentage in the history of the stat is a little more than a "down year". Its a starting QB who cant be broke of his tendencies and in this case that same QB has the worst agent in the history of the game.

Could you imagine Brady or Brees or Rivers or Manning giving away their rights at UFA status for 3.5 million????

This horrible horrible horrible agent, would have you compare McNabb to them in talent, and then put a pricetag on that UFA status for 3.5 million and a salary of 60 % of those guys going forward.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. I would be putting a new letter out to ESPN daily to talk about how the shanahans had them in a locked room and were armed when they signed the extension. That it wasnt his fault. ANYTHING.

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Oh ok so now mcnabb can't throw a screen pass? I wonder why everybody wanted us to get westbrook...what play did he and mcnabb kill us on year after year? Lmao yall are a joke...its ok to call it like it is people it doesn't mean that you don't like the skins.

But you don't want to call it like it is because your scared that its all true...that the shannys are arrogant pricks who make horrible personnel decisions and your scared that they wont turn this team around so you keep following with blind faith.

Has donovan had a down year? ofcourse...but the question is why. Maybe lack of talent around him, lack of line protection, bad fit for the system and so on. Players just don't get sorry overnight people use some dam common sense.

so you are saying that McNabb could throw a screen pass when in Philly and that should be what we go by, and not the fact that almost every short pass he throws goes straight into the ground or at someones feet...so we shouldnt pay attn to that...no we should look at what he did with Westbrook???

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