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Thanks to all of you for the hard work!

In the move to vbulletin v4, the way that styles and templates are coded has changed dramatically.

As a result templates used in version 3 are incompatible with version 4 of vbulletin.

We will be working this morning on creating version 4 vbulletin styles to get the extremeskins look and feel back. This will likely take until tomorrow. Maybe faster. Depends on how much Red Bull gets consumed. ;)

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Good work guys. I think the site looks cleaner.

I didn't get to see what it looked like first thing this morning but it seems that you all have made huge progress. Good luck on the continued great work from the staff. The only thing I wish was different is I wish the usernames in the posts were larger like the old format. If it doesn't happen, meh, no big deal. I'm glad with all the hard work that you guys have put in so far.

Doesn't seem that we've lost any of the major smileys which is a feat in and of itself. Great work.

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For the main stadium page, the burgundy title with black background, yellow thread titles, white body text looks best, just like you have in the Sub Forum Section. They Burgundy background for each thread has got to go.

Mods, Not sure if you acted upon what I suggested or if you already had it planned, but thanks!! looks much better now :)

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In the move to vbulletin v4, the way that styles and templates are coded has changed dramatically.

As a result templates used in version 3 are incompatible with version 4 of vbulletin.

We will be working this morning on creating version 4 vbulletin styles to get the extremeskins look and feel back. This will likely take until tomorrow. Maybe faster. Depends on how much Red Bull gets consumed. ;)

Scared the hell out of me when I logged in. Good to know things will be back to normal, but don't kill yourself doing it. Life is too short, and there's real football to watch tonight.

Cheers !

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Much better now from when I first logged back in at 1830 this evening.

At first I was like WTF?

Still not sure about the grey on burgundy for submitting/previewing posts though :whoknows:

Usernames could be 1 or 2 font sizes bigger.

I like the new Smilies format but IMHO it needs to remain a black background.

all in all, a very nice improvement.

thanks to all.

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So are the chat rooms gone for good or have they just not been integrated in to the update yet?

When last discussed,the chat feature was going away. This was because of the company that supported the chat,not us if memory serves. Vendor went out of business. Unsure if anything will take its place being that like you all,I'm just a spectator watching others do all the work. Or at least watching the results. Which of course,are probably ongoing,(keeping mind I could be talking out my arse where the chat is concerned).

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Chat was an important part of gameday events, the GDT's move so fast and you can barely participate in conversation, the chat is more convenient for those type of gameday events

I for one will miss the chat if it does not come back, hopefully it returns

A lot of us here love that chat there and it will sure be mighty sad without it around anymore

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Chat was an important part of gameday events, the GDT's move so fast and you can barely participate in conversation, the chat is more convenient for those type of gameday events

I for one will miss the chat if it does not come back, hopefully it returns

A lot of us here love that chat there and it will sure be mighty sad without it around anymore

What he said.... Chat really never was used much, but was a great tool for game days

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