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Luxury yachts offer pirate hunting cruises off Somali coast.....


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I find it funny reading some of the posters who like this idea.

Pretty sure that the Bible that some of you often quote or get worked up over would have a huge problem with this sort of thing.

I guess I could be wrong though.

Pretty sure the Bible doesn't bring up Somalian pirates attacking unnarmed ships.

I don't think God would have a problem with some of these people defending themselves. Like many have said the idea isn't to open fire on the pirates, if that were the case then I wouldn't really agree with it, but is to take a ride through the area, if attacked, fight back.

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I'm much less concerned regarding the actual killing of the pirates, than the sociopathic behavior of those signing up for the venture.

Parallels would be folks paying money to put down animals (for say animal control) or to have the "privilege" of being the "executioner" at a lawful execution. Things that need to be done, but shouldn't be looked upon as sport/entertainment.

I'm much more concerned as to what else such people would do for kicks?

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And these rich tourists are trained? I doubt the people running the boat would let them use a rocket launcher lest someone blows a hole in the boat.

Your acting as if the crew from The Minnow are going on a hunting cruise. I am willing to bet a lot of these people probably fire guns on a regular basis, some probably ex-military.

How about a 'hunting safari' in US cities? Drive your SUV to a bad part of town and cruise around in the hope of getting carjacked, and then slaughter the attackers.

Is it certain that they will only shoot if the pirates shoot first? I doubt it.

We have laws / rehab / prison for law breakers. The Somalis 1. do not have a government to enforce the laws the pirates break 2. The Pirates do not have anyone to enforce the law for lets say shooting grenade launchers at cruise ships carrying thousands of innocent people

I find it funny reading some of the posters who like this idea.

Pretty sure that the Bible that some of you often quote or get worked up over would have a huge problem with this sort of thing.

I guess I could be wrong though.

The Bible doesn't have a problem with defending and fighting evil. David vs. Goliath comes to mind.

Nice try tough.

If your moral compass is based soley on the law, well nevermind.

In all fairness the pirate thing is getting out of control.

We have two options

1. wait for many years for some government or the UN:laugh: (yeah right) to take action or

2. Vigilantes can take care of the problem

at this point #2 seems like the best option.

Don't forget they are hijcking shipments (cargo boat loads aka thousands of lbs of food) full of humanitarian aid.

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Can someone please post a link on where you can register and take this trip? I got a buddy who also would like to do the same or at least look into it. This is good stuff. Eliminating threats while doing the world a favor, chilling on a ballin yacht boozin until we get there, getting to use machine guns or rocket launchers, this is a no brainer. It's like taking a vacation and being in a video game. What more could you want?

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So basically it's a safari where you try and kill people instead of big game.

Not shedding any tears for the pirates but it does seem kinda creepy.

I'm concerned that there are people who in their minds think that this is such a great idea that they're willing to pay that sum of money to do this. Like you said though, I'm not going to cry for the pirates. If anything, maybe it will help deter some ship hijackings.

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The Bible doesn't have a problem with defending and fighting evil. David vs. Goliath comes to mind.

Nice try tough.

You have a very interesting point of view on a lot of issues.

So you're saying that you believe that this type of thing is moral - based upon the fundamental beliefs of the Christian religion?

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Can someone please post a link on where you can register and take this trip? I got a buddy who also would like to do the same or at least look into it. This is good stuff. Eliminating threats while doing the world a favor, chilling on a ballin yacht boozin until we get there, getting to use machine guns or rocket launchers, this is a no brainer. It's like taking a vacation and being in a video game. What more could you want?

Save yourself the money, and the risk of seasickness, and go hunting criminals in our inner cities.

We should be takin' care of America first!

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"I got three confirmed kills on my last trip. I'll never hunt big game in Africa again. I felt like the Komandant in Schindlers list!" -- Lars , Hamburg Germany

"Six attacks in 4 days was more than I expected. I bagged three pirates and my 12yr old son sank two rowboats with the minigun. PIRATES: 0 - PASSENGERS: 32! Well worth the trip. Just make sure your spotter speaks English" -- Donald, Salt Lake city Utah USA

Another big hoax turned in to a news story.

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You have a very interesting point of view on a lot of issues.

So you're saying that you believe that this type of thing is moral - based upon the fundamental beliefs of the Christian religion?

Nope, I am not saying it all all, my opinions had nothing to do with my Christian values. All I was saying is, defeating evil isn't a bad thing in God's eyes.

Let's face it, they were involved in keeping food away from thousands of starving peoples mouths.

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Can someone please post a link on where you can register and take this trip? I got a buddy who also would like to do the same or at least look into it. This is good stuff. Eliminating threats while doing the world a favor, chilling on a ballin yacht boozin until we get there, getting to use machine guns or rocket launchers, this is a no brainer. It's like taking a vacation and being in a video game. What more could you want?

Weren't you the guy who, awhile ago, was complaining because people on here were dismissing you due to your age? Well, here's example 1 of why that happens. There's supporting the idea, which some people are doing, then there's posting your bloodthirsty rant and talking about it being "like a video game." You shouldn't be surprised that you get ignored.

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Where do I sign?

I much prefer this over big game hunting. At least the pirates are a chance to shoot back, and thus, creating a level playing field. I've never understood the purpose of shooting an unarmed opponent.

If game hunters are so tough, just go in with a knife and see who wins!

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Where do I sign?

I much prefer this over big game hunting. At least the pirates are a chance to shoot back, and thus, creating a level playing field. I've never understood the purpose of shooting an unarmed opponent.

If game hunters are so tough, just go in with a knife and see who wins!

Thats a good point. Although, I will always value a human life more than an animals. I know, I know, a life is a life. **** that. Human life > than animals. I don't condone animals to suffer. As long as the animal is later used for consumption am I OK with that.

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While pirates should be imprisoned and, if necessary, killed, I can't imagine why people would PAY to kill a criminal. It's one thing to patrol the waters, fight off pirate attacks, and capture/kill pirates as part of a job (e.g., Navy sailor), it's quite another to kill another human being for sport, even if that human being is a criminal.

Hold on, hold on. Let me get this straight.

When Special Ops guys kill pirates after they've attacked, they're heroes.

When normal people do it, they're murderers.

Would I sign up for this? Hell no, because I'm a girly-man. But if someone else is going to be sitting in a ship and only shoot at pirates IF ATTACKED, what the hell is wrong with that? Just because they wanted the action doesn't change the morality of it. If you root for various navies to fight pirates, you also root for private citizens to fight pirates. The difference in status doesn't equate to a difference in right or wrong.

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How about a 'hunting safari' in US cities? Drive your SUV to a bad part of town and cruise around in the hope of getting carjacked, and then slaughter the attackers.

Is it certain that they will only shoot if the pirates shoot first? I doubt it.

You, uh... you do realize that shooting at someone who shoots at you first is legal pretty much everywhere, right? Whether or not you were hoping that someone would shoot at you is irrelevant.

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