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Luxury yachts offer pirate hunting cruises off Somali coast.....


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You don't see anything wrong with killing someone for a "sport?" That's all this esentially is.

I see them more as a group of vigilantes, part of the issue is how the article is worded and no I don't see a problem with people blowing up the pirates heavily armed wooden boats.

edit: nevermind sick thought about taxidermy

edit 2: I was going to say if they were making trophys out of the pirates that would be sick.

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No, I figured people would be for it....my opinion is that it's extremely inhumane. You sign up for one of these trips with the premeditated notion to commit murder. I just hope that no one sheds a tear if any one of these voyages ends in a disaster.

In humane? I dont think so.

I think it is fair to question what type of person would WANT to pay to be a part of the trips, but even so, this is a good thing for all ships that go by.

If pirates have to worry about if a ship will be under cover or not, then they will have to think twice about attacking a real ship that goes by without wepons.

It isn't murder if you are attacked first. If riding a yatch is enough to get attacked in pirate territory, the people at fault are not the prepared people in the yatch, it is the pirates that think they have the right to attack anything in the water that are at fault.

I am glad there are groups doing this.

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I am not sure they need the special forces guys, lets face it, the pirates are not very well trained. A lot of them are just kids. The special forces are there just in case something does go wrong.

And these rich tourists are trained? I doubt the people running the boat would let them use a rocket launcher lest someone blows a hole in the boat.

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In humane? I dont think so.

I think it is fair to question what type of person would WANT to pay to be a part of the trips, but even so, this is a good thing for all ships that go by.

If pirates have to worry about if a ship will be under cover or not, then they will have to think twice about attacking a real ship that goes by without wepons.

It isn't murder if you are attacked first. If riding a yatch is enough to get attacked in pirate territory, the people at fault are not the prepared people in the yatch, it is the pirates that think they have the right to attack anything in the water that are at fault.

I am glad there are groups doing this.

as a hunter, what's your primary objective? In this case, people are hunting humans as a sport. You say it isnt murder if you attack first, but if you are doing nothing but provoking the attack with the preconceived notion of killing your "prey," i fail to see how this is NOT considered murder or inhumane. I see what you're saying, but i respe tfully disagree.

Hopefully i can get on a computer an type more on this, but im on my phone. Excuse the typos etc.

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as a hunter, what's your primary objective? In this case, people are hunting humans as a sport. You say it isnt murder if you attack first, but if you are doing nothing but provoking the attack with the preconceived notion of killing your "prey," i fail to see how this is NOT considered murder or inhumane. I see what you're saying, but i respe tfully disagree.

Hopefully i can get on a computer an type more on this, but im on my phone. Excuse the typos etc.

I don't think they are provoking an attack, they are merely using the yacht as bait, hoping to be attacked (to me that is different than provoking someone). The pirates choose to attack the yacht, thinking it will be an easy score. Too bad for them.

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Wouldn't a better solution be to use these ex-military types, and the citizen vigilantes, and employ them as guards on shipping boats? You know, what pirates have been attacking in the first place. Then they're making money, and handing the issue in slightly less murderous fashion.

What they're doing now is like the poo dollar trick.

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Only problem I have is that the author needs to brush up on geography. Djibouti (city), is located in the country of Djibouti, not Somalia.....Been there....its hot sweaty and poor as hell, but I made some good friends with the locals.

Anyways, this reminds me of that horrible Ice-T movie, surviving the game.

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You don't see anything wrong with killing someone for a "sport?" That's all this esentially is.

I disagree. it would be one thing if they started the attacks by firing first. But all they are doing is explaining how if attacked they would respond. Yes, you can make the claim they are provoking an attack but I feel as long as they shoot second then all they are doing is protecting their ship.

If the pirates didn't try to steal things and murder people this wouldn't be an issue because the vigilante boat would sail by and no one would attack it.

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How about a 'hunting safari' in US cities? Drive your SUV to a bad part of town and cruise around in the hope of getting carjacked, and then slaughter the attackers.

Is it certain that they will only shoot if the pirates shoot first? I doubt it.

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How about a 'hunting safari' in US cities? Drive your SUV to a bad part of town and cruise around in the hope of getting carjacked, and then slaughter the attackers.

Is it certain that they will only shoot if the pirates shoot first? I doubt it.

This isn't sanctioned or happening in US cities, this is off of a pirated coast on the other side of the world and is for sale through a russian company.

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Wouldn't a better solution be to use these ex-military types, and the citizen vigilantes, and employ them as guards on shipping boats? You know, what pirates have been attacking in the first place. Then they're making money, and handing the issue in slightly less murderous fashion.

What they're doing now is like the poo dollar trick.

NM. Misread

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Yup, that's why you're defending the pirates killing people in unnarmed boats.

I understand your logic now.

Questioning vigilante behavior is defending the murderous actions of pirates.

Just like anyone asking disagreeing with our president or foreign policy is on the side of the terrorists.

Got it.

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I understand your logic now.

Questioning vigilante behavior is defending the murderous actions of pirates.

Just like anyone asking disagreeing with our president or foreign policy is on the side of the terrorists.

Got it.

Way off topic, which president are you talking about BTW? Both recent ones have done a bang up job!

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