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Stephen King's "It" to be brought to the big screen

Commander PK

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They would have to do it in multiple parts like Lord of the Rings.

Too Epic for under 3 hours.

Theatre owners would not let it be longer, which would limit the number of showings per screen/day.

They could break it up like Kill Bill.

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I remember reading IT cover to cover in about three days. I was so hooked on that book that I couldn't put it down. Given the amount of detail in that book I just don't see how you can possibly do it justice with a movie.

Me personally, I'd rather they take on Bachman/Kings The Running Man and give it the proper treatment it deserves. Schwarzeneggers version was a complete and utter joke and didn't even come close to the source material.

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Me personally, I'd rather they take on Bachman/Kings The Running Man and give it the proper treatment it deserves. Schwarzeneggers version was a complete and utter joke and didn't even come close to the source material.

You could say the same thing about The Shawshank Redemption and that was a hell of a good movie.

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Good deal. I always hoped for this, and I would love to see the Stand done as a quality effort.

I was just going to post that. The Stand is his best work (imho) and I'd love to see somebody do it justice. King once said his biggest regret was not keeping more control over the books when they were optioned into movies (he apparently hates what Hollywood did to some of his books back in the 70's and 80's).

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You could say the same thing about The Shawshank Redemption and that was a hell of a good movie.

I don't know how long it's been since you read the novella, but the differences between the book and the movie are almost negligible.

Yes, the film added quite a few things that weren't in the book but the story is essentially the same.

The same cannot really be said for Running Man the book and movie.

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Scary book - Pennywise was done well in the TV version I thought. The ending was very lame though.

Yea I agree that the ending was horrible. I liked that movie a lot and still watch it when it comes on TV but the ending just made you wonder why you sat through the whole thing just for that!

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I was just going to post that. The Stand is his best work (imho) and I'd love to see somebody do it justice. King once said his biggest regret was not keeping more control over the books when they were optioned into movies (he apparently hates what Hollywood did to some of his books back in the 70's and 80's).

He hated The Shining with Nicholson, directed by Kubrick, and he liked the TV miniseries version of it with Steven Weber.

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I agree, IMO easily his best book. I have yet to see the TV version, I've heard mixed reactions to it from people I know. Hard for me to gauge their opinions, really, because most of them don't have the attention-span for the 700+ pages of the book.

That's what might scare me off from seeing it on the big screen. Even a two hour movie is going to be based off a lot less than 700+ pages. I'd think that the probability of them missing several important things would be very high.

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Yeah with the right Director, and Cinematographer The Stand would be epic on the big screen.

Interesting bit of trivia. It is thought King got the idea of a super plague from a British series called survivors that aired in the mid 70s and the BBC has now re-imaged it for a new series filmed last year.

"Set in the present day, the series focuses on a group of bewildered survivors living in the aftermath of a devastating virus which wipes out 99.9% of the world's population.[1] The series sees the characters struggling against terrible dangers in a world with no society, no police and no law and order[2] led by the de facto mother of the group, Abby Grant."

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This thread caused me to look up the plot to IT... pretty messed up. Is it true that there is a pre-teen orgy in that book? Isn't that a little... weird? Like did that actually have to be in the book for the plot to work?

Yes. Thats "true". Although...it's not so much an orgy.

And it was somewhat uncomfortable to read.

And acually, it did add to the plot. Although just a little.

You have a group of 12-13 year olds. preparing for battle. They did this in an attempt to be more adult, and solidify their bond...which is key to their quest.

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Like Ren, I thought IT was a movie already. Albeit a really long one. 4 hours or something?

"You want a ballon?

"Kiss me, fat boy!"

"I believe in Santa Claus. I believe in the Easter Bunny. I believe in the Tooth Fairy. But I don't believe in you. This is battery acid. Now, you disappear!"

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Just too much plot to cram into 120 minutes, and do well.

It's no wonder that King's best literary adaptations have been his novellas* and short stories** ... or 9 part mini-series.

*Rita Hayworth and The Shawshank Redemption

*The Body (Stand By Me)

**The Running Man


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One other novella I'd love to see turned into a movie would be The Breathing Method. The Last story in Different Seasons (King's best book, by far)... and the only of the 4 novellas not turned into a movie. (Apt Pupil, Stand By Me, Shawshank Redemption)

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I was tempted to start a thread with the question is Stephen King one of the greatest writers of all time? I mean with stories like Shawshank and Green Mile which are wonderful stories he shows you he doesn't just have a dark and creepy side.

Might as well ask you all what you think and where he ranks among modern writers...I don't think you can compare him to shakespeare or anything but I would say he is up there with the greats.

And like all great writers he is another alcoholic (good for him in getting clean)

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