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Stephen King's "It" to be brought to the big screen

Commander PK

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I remember watching the 1990 TV Version when it was first broadcast. I actually liked the TV version. Had some genuinely creepy moments. A full blown Hollywood treatment will be interesting.

Stephen King's "It" rises again as movie - Warner Bros . is bringing Stephen King's landmark horror novel "It" to the big screen.

Screenwriter Dave Kajganich will adapt the story, which follows a group of kids called the Losers Club. They encounter a creature called It, which preys on children and whose favorite form is that of a sadistic clown called Pennywise. When the creature resurfaces, the kids are called upon to regroup, this time as adults, even though they have no memory of the first battle.

The novel is set in 1958 and 1985, but the feature version will be set in the present day.

"It" was the best-selling book of 1986 and in 1990 was turned into an ABC miniseries that starred John Ritter , Harry Anderson , Tim Reid, Annette O'Toole and Richard Thomas . Tim Curry played Pennywise.

The screen rights have bounced around since then.

Kajganich has made a name for himself with his dark materials, writing "The Invasion" for Warners and snagging gigs such as the " Pet Semetary " remake. He recently was hired to write New Line's " Escape From New York " remake.

(Editing by Sheri Linden at Reuters)

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The Pennywise casting will be interesting, but I say bring back Curry.

He did a great job. The TV version really was pretty decent. I thought one of the best scenes, was when the female character goes back to her old house and finds the old lady living there. It's pretty creepy when she first realizes that the old lady is not what she seems. The first time I saw that film, that scene totally caught me off guard. Not what you were expecting if you hadn't read the book.

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Good deal. I always hoped for this, and I would love to see the Stand done as a quality effort.
Yeah with the right Director, and Cinematographer The Stand would be epic on the big screen.

I agree, IMO easily his best book. I have yet to see the TV version, I've heard mixed reactions to it from people I know. Hard for me to gauge their opinions, really, because most of them don't have the attention-span for the 700+ pages of the book.

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So the old one with Tim Curry is not a movie but a tv show huh? *I just looked it up...I had no idea it was made for tv.

Why don't they just re-release that one in theatres? It's still a movie. I won't see it regardless, not a big fan clowns. At all. Thanks Cali for ruining my friday.

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I don't see how you could do The Stand, or It in anything but a miniseries. There is just far too much content that would have to be cut out. Even in the tv version of the Stand, there is a lot missing. How can you do 800+ pages in 2 hours?

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I thought the Green Mile as a movie worked well, and they really didn't cut much from that book to bring it to the big screen. It was certainly a long movie but a good one.

I'd love to see both The Stand and It. The hardest part of the Stand is not getting the abbridged version where you don't get the full impact of a disease wiping out most of the world. I just remember the part in the book where they are talking about the need to go to Kmart (I think) to pick up some new underwear...I mean even at the end of the world, we all leave skid marks. Stuff like the mundane day to day living when everybody, and I mean everybody, in a town is dead made the book powerful. The introduction of all the people just to kill them off 100 pages later is powerful, and it's only a 100 pages later because that's how many people were introduced. It really gave a feel of holy crap EVERYBODY is dieing!

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So the old one with Tim Curry is not a movie but a tv show huh? *I just looked it up...I had no idea it was made for tv.

Isn't Tim Curry creepy enough on his own?


I really wish I could find an image of him from the scene in Home Alone 2 when he realizes Kevin's credit card is stolen... :cool:

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Good deal. I always hoped for this, and I would love to see the Stand done as a quality effort.

I think the Stand would work only if they were able to do it over the course of two movies.

I'm a fan of the original "IT" movie(mini-series). There was even a lot left out of that though. Also, the monster at the end left me with a bad taste in my mouth. I read IT when I was 13 during a vacation in OC. To me, the scariest part of that book was that as adults, they were left with almost no recollection of thier childhood. Shortly after they defeat Pennywise at the end, they quickly forget all their old friends and everything that happened that summer.

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Yeah with the right Director, and Cinematographer The Stand would be epic on the big screen.

They would have to do it in multiple parts like Lord of the Rings.

Too Epic for under 3 hours.

Theatre owners would not let it be longer, which would limit the number of showings per screen/day.

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I agree, IMO easily his best book. I have yet to see the TV version, I've heard mixed reactions to it from people I know. Hard for me to gauge their opinions, really, because most of them don't have the attention-span for the 700+ pages of the book.

The Stand TV Miniseries was really good adaptation of the book.

I not only read the 700+ pages, I reread it when King expanded it 10 years later.

Definitely his best book. Also JMO.

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Good deal. I always hoped for this, and I would love to see the Stand done as a quality effort.

The only problem with bringing Stephen King's works to movies is that the books are so detailed and long, the movies just can't keep up.

I think 'It' can be done in one movie, but I almost think that 'The Stand' should be done over two movies (a-la LOTR) in order to capture the nuasances of the characters and make it truer (is that even a word??) to the book.

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Give it to Rob Zombie and let him completely go to town on it.

I loved the book. And loved the miniseries.

Im pretty sure the movie will be good, just dont expect it to live up to the book and miniseries. Just accept it as another thing altogether.

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They would have to do it in multiple parts like Lord of the Rings.

Too Epic for under 3 hours.

Theatre owners would not let it be longer, which would limit the number of showings per screen/day.

I agree I would hate to see too much left out of it.

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