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Stephen King's "It" to be brought to the big screen

Commander PK

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I was tempted to start a thread with the question is Stephen King one of the greatest writers of all time? I mean with stories like Shawshank and Green Mile which are wonderful stories he shows you he doesn't just have a dark and creepy side.

Might as well ask you all what you think and where he ranks among modern writers...I don't think you can compare him to shakespeare or anything but I would say he is up there with the greats.

And like all great writers he is another alcoholic (good for him in getting clean)

He is my second favorite writer of all time, right behind Michael Crichton. I've read many of his books, "It" is my favorite. "Pet Sematary" and "The Shining" were also excellent reads.

It's a shame that his best work happened when he was guzzling tons of booze. Not to say that he didn't produce good work when clean, but "Thinner" is no "The Stand".

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If "The Langoliers" didn't look like dead dandilions the movie might have been OK. I kept waiting anxiously (because its an interesting plot) and then I saw them and shut it off.

like a lot of King adaptations, they didn't put much effort into it hoping just the name of the writer would draw an audience.

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I would love to see it on the big screen. I was (am) a big King fan. The other books I would like to see made into a quality movie are, The Stand I watched the mini series in one night (can't wait to see the walking dude on the big screen)and Salems Lot, IMHO the best vampire story ever.

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I would love to see It on the big screen, I am a big King fan. I watched The Stand mini series in one night and can't wait to see the walking dude brought to life on the big screen. The only other book to movie I would really like to see is Salems Lot, IMHO the best vampire story ever.

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I hope its done with respect the source material deserves as it is one of my all time favorite books.

As great as Tim Curry was, he might be a little too old to play Pennywise again.

The mini series was as creepy as could be done back on television in 1990. The ending was pretty silly with the spider, (which in the novel its not really a spider), but special effects technology of the time and a budget limited what could be done.

It has been stated by King and many other writers, the reader's mind makes up more horrible things than what can be described on paper(or on screen).

Horror movies use this very effectively. Not actually showing the "monster" until the end. Because once the audience sees the "monster" they are somewhat relieved (or even disappointed) that it's not as bad as they thought. Once the sequels come out what was once "scary" becomes "campy" or "cheesy".


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The only other book to movie I would really like to see is Salems Lot, IMHO the best vampire story ever.

There have been 2 movies made about Salem's Lot. The first one was done in the 80's, and a few years ago they remade it (as a TV miniseries) with Rob Lowe. I only watched a few minutes of the new one and couldn't stand it.

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