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For some reason the term "we" doesn't bother me one bit when I see it here or other boards, but when I hear someone say it out loud it does bother me.

I always try to use "my Redskins" or when I am here "our Redskins". I don't know if that is much better but it feels more confortable to me.

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If I think about it, I'll go back and change what I'm writing from "we" to "they" but I often don't catch it.

I don't think it's a bad thing, I use it frequently, especially around draft time or when I'm discussing the game in the stands. The only reason I ever go back and change what I type is because I'm not on the field, putting my body on the line, etc.

However, I am pretty emotionally invested, and I drop enough money on this team each year, so I don't feel guilty for letting it slip out every once in awhile.

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Cause you are not part of the team. WE are Redskins fans - not Redskins.

Total tools need an identity and have burning desire to fit in - hence: "We beat the Cowboys..." You are a complete tool if you use WE.

Um, no - you didnt. The Skins did and you sat at home yelling your ***** off... thats it - get over it. That is all the involvement you had.

Is it worse to say "we" when referring to a sports team or to come on an internet site and call someone a "tool" over something so frivelous?

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This is an honest question, so what's the criteria for using "we" when discussing the Skins? "Man, we had a bad season this year." "I hope we don't resign so-and-so." "We suck." "We're number one."

Is it just being a fan of the team? Is it a certain amount of money spent supporting the team? Is it a fan's right? Why not say "I hope the Skins....." instead?

Gibbs saids, fans are part of the team, and saying we is acceptable

by the way, players, coaches, even owners come and go.... only the fans stay a constant part of the team

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Is that Steve Czaben starting the thread? Andy Polin?

Who gives a ****!? If you don't like it, go home and cry about it. People feel as if they are apart of the team. We spend time, money, and emotions into the team. If not for the fans, the team would not exist. So in essence, we are just as much part of the team as the team itself.

Get over yourself.

:applause: Zabe is starting to remind me of Rush Limbaugh without the politics. Polin is just a choad. I used to never say we. Give in and say it, it feels good!

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I find myself using both the name of the team and "we" to reference the team.

When they've done something well, it's we/us; when they've done something poorly, it's they/them. :)

Frankly, I don't really pay too much attention to these kinds of things, but I do understand this certain sense of fan entitlement and understand that it may annoy some.

Otherwise, it doesn't matter...

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Is that Steve Czaben starting the thread? Andy Polin?

Who gives a ****!? If you don't like it, go home and cry about it. People feel as if they are apart of the team. We spend time, money, and emotions into the team. If not for the fans, the team would not exist. So in essence, we are just as much part of the team as the team itself.

Get over yourself.

POW! That's what I'm talkin' about right there.

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My wife complains when I say "we" in reference to the Skins, so for those of you who also get annoyed you're comparable to a lovely lady who can't stand sports! :silly:

Technically she's right (of course) but COME ON! It's too awkward to always say "the Redskins" or whatever, and hard to police yourself. Get over it and loosen up a bit. :cheers:

That said, I do find it truly annoying when some chucklehead goes on and on about how to improve a team (I'm thinking yah-dood Pats fans here) and says "we" all the way through, as if they really were on the team. I can see that getting you annoyed and even angry, but most of the time this really isn't so bad.

Besides "we" all know what "we" mean by using it. :)

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"We" are supposed to be the 12th man which is supposed to give an advantage and help "our" team. "We" also are the ones who fund the entire franchise. Even through corporate deals, we are funding the franchise because the corporations pay the team to be able to advertise and flash their logos at "us."

So, it should go without saying that any fan, especially a die-hard one, should feel as though they are part of this team. Hell, most of us have been around longer than anyone involved with the team, coaches, players and owner included. Without "us" there is no "them." "We" are part of this team. Anyone who has a problem with that should really look in the mirror and ask themselves "Why?"

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Without fans there is no team. We are part of what makes a franchise what it is. I put money, time, and pure emotion into this every day of my life. I have taken emotional beatings over losses and delivered them over wins.

Ok, so maybe its not that serious but really, we all put a lot of time into this organization and without us putting money into it then it wouldn't be possible. If you want to say we sometimes I have no problems with it. Those who think its such a big deal are just being ridiculous. Everybody wants to feel like they are part of something and if you still want to say we after we've been bad for so long then you're a true fan.

boom goes the dynamite ...that's dead on Madi.

I was born in D.C.

My first recollection of watching the skins was the Riggo Super Bowl.

I go to at a minimum two games a year.

My parents painted their house in Puerto Rico burgundy and gold (no joke)

I have a giant skins helmet on a pretty damn nice car that most would not put a giant skins magnetic helmet on

I can name all 22 starters and probably 15-20 reserves on the team

and lastly, YES, I use the skins on Madden. :)


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