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This is an honest question, so what's the criteria for using "we" when discussing the Skins? "Man, we had a bad season this year." "I hope we don't resign so-and-so." "We suck." "We're number one."

Is it just being a fan of the team? Is it a certain amount of money spent supporting the team? Is it a fan's right? Why not say "I hope the Skins....." instead?

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I've had people try and give me **** for using the term 'We' when talking about the team and it's an asinine argument IMO.

I don't think there's a certain amount of money or time that a fan invests in their team to earn that right (although I spend plenty of both on the Redskins), I'd like to think that I, along with the team, the organization and the rest of the fans out there are one group when it comes down to it.

We may argue about personnel moves or coaching or this and that, but when gameday rolls around we're all standing by passionately screaming for our team to win.

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For some reason i use the word "we" alot when talking about drafting players or free agency and other personell moves. "we need to do this" or "we need to do that" type of stuff is said on here alot and i am def one of them who says it.

but when it comes down to the playing on the field i always say " they" or "the skins" when talking about their gameplay.

not really sure why.....

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Is that Steve Czaben starting the thread? Andy Polin?

Who gives a ****!? If you don't like it, go home and cry about it. People feel as if they are apart of the team. We spend time, money, and emotions into the team. If not for the fans, the team would not exist. So in essence, we are just as much part of the team as the team itself.

Get over yourself.

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It used to annoy the crap out of me when people said we when they were referring to their favorite team. But I just gave up because its so commonplace and its just easier to say. It still doesn't make alot of sense but I'm fine with it now. Besides, I got a lot of time and emotion invested in this team. It is a part of me even if I'm not a big part of it. So I say we.

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Cause you are not part of the team. WE are Redskins fans - not Redskins.

Total tools need an identity and have burning desire to fit in - hence: "We beat the Cowboys..." You are a complete tool if you use WE.

Um, no - you didnt. The Skins did and you sat at home yelling your ***** off... thats it - get over it. That is all the involvement you had.

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Cause you are not part of the team. WE are Redskins fans - not Redskins.

Total tools need an identity and have burning desire to fit in - hence: "We beat the Cowboys..." You are a complete tool if you use WE.

Um, no - you didnt. The Skins did and you sat at home yelling your ***** off... thats it - get over it. That is all the involvement you had.

And on the other hand, someone could also say that a person is a complete tool if they get their panties in a wad over something like semantics.

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Why would it bother a fellow fan that anyone talk's about OUR team as "we?" :whoknows:

That amuses the Hell out of me, this perceived notion that the teams seperate and were only in effect cutomers partaking in a "hobby", and have no right to look upon them as our own.

In many instances, outside of one's own family, the bond between fan and team is like NO other in life; often passed down from father to son. It's only natural that we should talk about them as lovingly as one of own.

Without us there is NO Washington Redskins.

Heck, without us there is NO football, 'least not as we know it today. To name but one thing, there'd be no TV spectacle for one, as an empty stadium doesn't fly with the ambience filled arena needed for TV to work.

I'm as much a part of this team as ANY of the current staff or players, and I'll be here a LONG time after they've all gone investing WAY more time and money in this franchise than any "sane" person really should.

And as such, I'll continue to talk about them as if they were one of my own.


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Cause you are not part of the team. WE are Redskins fans - not Redskins.

Total tools need an identity and have burning desire to fit in - hence: "We beat the Cowboys..." You are a complete tool if you use WE.

Um, no - you didnt. The Skins did and you sat at home yelling your ***** off... thats it - get over it. That is all the involvement you had.


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Without fans there is no team. We are part of what makes a franchise what it is. I put money, time, and pure emotion into this every day of my life. I have taken emotional beatings over losses and delivered them over wins.

Ok, so maybe its not that serious but really, we all put a lot of time into this organization and without us putting money into it then it wouldn't be possible. If you want to say we sometimes I have no problems with it. Those who think its such a big deal are just being ridiculous. Everybody wants to feel like they are part of something and if you still want to say we after we've been bad for so long then you're a true fan.

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Cause you are not part of the team. WE are Redskins fans - not Redskins.

Total tools need an identity and have burning desire to fit in - hence: "We beat the Cowboys..." You are a complete tool if you use WE.

Um, no - you didnt. The Skins did and you sat at home yelling your ***** off... thats it - get over it. That is all the involvement you had.

So you are upset at what exactly? The improper use of the word "we"? Or the fact that perhaps you don't have the kind of connection others do with the team? You sound like a sad person to be upset over something like that. I wish the best to you.:(

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It's up to the individual. If someone wants to consider them self to be a part of a team, fanbase, and movement, then so be it. I consider myself part of "redskin nation" (call it whatever you want) because Redskins football is such a large part of my life and has been since I was about 6 years old living in Dale City, VA. Every day of my life involves the Redskins, whether it be watching a game, anticipating an upcoming game, enjoying/suffering from a previous game, searching for off-season news, looking at pictures on the den wall, etc. It's similar to supporting a political candidate who is running for president and uses a slogan "Yes We Can". If you feel a part of the movement then feel free to chant along with them (no matter how ridiculous they are ;)). If you don't like it that's for you to decide.....and I won't criticize you for your decision.

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Let me ask those out there who get upset at the use of the word "we"...

Who can use it? Players? Coaches? Team executives? GM? Owner? Who are the onese in your opinions that can use the term "we" when refering to the Redskins?

Because if you are saying you must be a part of the team or contribute, how about the $1000+ I spend every year on the team? Does that not pay the players salary and contribute to the teams ability to hire players and coaches? I then would be an investor and am as much a part of the team as any. Sure I don't own a share or stock of the Redskins, but I pay enough money, time, and emotions into the the team along with many other fans to make the team possible. Plain and simple.

No fans = No team

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I catch my self saying We at times as well. I think IbleedBnG83 feelings on this convey How i feel as well. I haspent money buying redskins gear, go through so many coaching changes, losing season etc etc etc. i do feel a connection with this team i have been a fan since I was seven and now i am 34.

A good portion of life has been a a fan to this team so i say we cause I have grown from a child to a man with this team they are apart of me wither good or bad.. hell we are redskins fans they are no other passionate group of fans in the nfl imo

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Cause you are not part of the team. WE are Redskins fans - not Redskins.

Total tools need an identity and have burning desire to fit in - hence: "We beat the Cowboys..." You are a complete tool if you use WE.

Um, no - you didnt. The Skins did and you sat at home yelling your ***** off... thats it - get over it. That is all the involvement you had.

It's easy to understand how a "ME" person who would single them self out in a picture of a sea of Redskins fans would not undestand the concept of "WE".

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