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I constantly use "we" when referring to my beloved Redskins. Are the folks that get so steamed about it native to the area? Because I have been told by people from other parts of the country who have moved here that they never heard so many people refer to the local football team as "we". It seems to be a Redskins phenomenon. I have never heard as many people say "we" for the Caps, the 'Nats or the Wizards, but maybe, in the case of the latter two, they don't want to be associated with such abysmally awful teams. But even when the 'Skins are bad, it is still "we".

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I say "we" all the time.. and will continue to. I were to say I think the Redskins will win next week I think that makes it sound like you are a casual observer of any team. We will win next week shows puts more ownership on it. No I am not playing, coaching, or own the team. But I as a fan go through ups and downs as those people, if not more.

WE are Redskins

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I've always justified my use of "we" like this...

I'll be associated with this team much longer than any single owner, executive, coach, or player. Even though my association will always be only as a fan, I will outlast them all. Therefore, I have the right to use the term "we" if i feel like it.

I just grew up saying it. It's not a matter of fitting in or tricking myself into thinking I had anything to do with successes or failures. Sorry to disappoint USS Redskins, but I have a very busy and happy life with a wife, kids, great job, and good friends. My usage of "we" really is nothing more than what comes out of my mouth when I talk Redskins...nothing more, nothing less.

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I'll occasionally use "we" when talking on here...just sometimes feels right to use it, plus it's shorthand for "the team".

I would never use "we" when talking to non-Skins fans, though. I know you guys understand what I mean when I use it, and when I'm with a bunch of other Skins fans I'm actually surrounded by the people who help make up the "we", so it fits.

The only time it kinda bugs me is when a fan says something like "We need to stop being so overconfident or we'll lose"...that's usually said when the fans are being overconfident, not when the players are lol. At that point you should be saying "I hope the players aren't as overconfident as we are"...some separation needs to be noted there.

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This is an honest question, so what's the criteria for using "we" when discussing the Skins? "Man, we had a bad season this year." "I hope we don't resign so-and-so." "We suck." "We're number one."

Is it just being a fan of the team? Is it a certain amount of money spent supporting the team? Is it a fan's right? Why not say "I hope the Skins....." instead?

Imo any fan, any true fan can use the term we in reference to their team.

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I don't have the link to the actual post, but I remember sometime during training camp last summer, Chris Cooley did a post on his blog/website about his feelings as a pro athlete about the issue of fans referring to the 'Skins/themselves as "we." The jist of it was that he didn't mind the fans doing this at all; he mentioned how he himself used the "we" tense to describe other teams he was a fan of.

So, if Cooley said it's ok...good enough for me.

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The fan base is part of the team. They are a tertiary benefactor of the team. They put in time, money and emotions into supporting the team. Using "We" is simply a result of everything invested into the team. I have no problem with it. I would prefer if people tried to not over use "We", but it happens and doesn't really bother me.

The people who get upset at the use of "We" are bitter people who really have little else to do than correct others' behavior, when their own jerk-like correctional tendencies is the behavior that should be looked at. (Note, I'm not saying that is true for everyone, but it is jerk like to correct people over little things like that ALL THE TIME. )

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The people who get upset at the use of "We" are bitter people who really have little else to do than correct others' behavior, when their own jerk-like correctional tendencies is the behavior that should be looked at. (Note, I'm not saying that is true for everyone, but it is jerk like to correct people over little things like that ALL THE TIME. )



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I've had people try and give me **** for using the term 'We' when talking about the team and it's an asinine argument IMO.

I don't think there's a certain amount of money or time that a fan invests in their team to earn that right (although I spend plenty of both on the Redskins), I'd like to think that I, along with the team, the organization and the rest of the fans out there are one group when it comes down to it.

We may argue about personnel moves or coaching or this and that, but when gameday rolls around we're all standing by passionately screaming for our team to win.


I agree with you QBKiller.

"We" should be discussing football matters but instead "we" are stuck discussing semantics because OUR team is so dreadful.

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I consider myself part of the team...hell I 'm more upset about a loss than most of the players are. I don't see anything wrong with making statements like we're gonna kick their ass or We aren't executing. During football season my life pretty much revolves around how the team is doing. I spend money to be able to watch them in my neck of the woods and I have been loyal for 26+ years. I have no problem with WE.

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Given the even-handed tone of the original post, why the harsh tone of these two followups? ...

Is that Steve Czaben starting the thread? Andy Polin?

Who gives a ****!? If you don't like it, go home and cry about it. People feel as if they are apart of the team. We spend time, money, and emotions into the team. If not for the fans, the team would not exist. So in essence, we are just as much part of the team as the team itself.

Get over yourself.

Cause you are not part of the team. WE are Redskins fans - not Redskins.

Total tools need an identity and have burning desire to fit in - hence: "We beat the Cowboys..." You are a complete tool if you use WE.

Um, no - you didnt. The Skins did and you sat at home yelling your ***** off... thats it - get over it. That is all the involvement you had.

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Given the even-handed tone of the original post, why the harsh tone of these two followups? ...

I guess they are just pissed that somebody would even ask a question like that.

1. Why do they care?

2. It shouldn't matter

3. Without the fans there are no Redskins. We are all part of Redskins Nation.

4. I wonder do Steeler fans ask other Steeler fans that question?

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I guess they are just pissed that somebody would even ask a question like that.

1. Why do they care?

2. It shouldn't matter

3. Without the fans there are no Redskins. We are all part of Redskins Nation.

4. I wonder do Steeler fans ask other Steeler fans that question?

1. It's a debatable issue, apparently. There are strong feelings on either side.

2. Really it doesn't matter. But what in sports does matter?

3. So you're in the "we" is okay camp. Fine. Make the argument for that without being insulting. (Not "you" per se. In general.)

4. It's a pretty common sports debate. I'm sure it goes on in Pittsburgh too.

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1. It's a debatable issue, apparently. There are strong feelings on either side.

2. Really it doesn't matter. But what in sports does matter?

3. So you're in the "we" is okay camp. Fine. Make the argument for that without being insulting. (Not "you" per se. In general.)

4. It's a pretty common sports debate. I'm sure it goes on in Pittsburgh too.

The only debate is the definition of the word "we" and who is inclusive in the context ued.

It should not bother any one about using the word only if perhaps they are a player or coach and they feel insulted. But by all accounts, players and coaches incourage it.

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