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Ok. The OFFICIAL self description for Wiki entry place.


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G.A.C.O.L.B.* -

The reigning champion of the ES Hottie Draft and thus the resident expert on such matters. On a related note, this chick is stalking him and he takes advice from ES members on how to deal with her. He also has a mancrush on Jarvis Hayes.

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Oh, and by the way. I've got mail! YAAAAY!


Also known to do Jack Daniels shots out of a Stormtrooper helmet.

That's ****in' hardcore right there....

I would wiki myself, but I can't think of anything clever at the moment.

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Jumbo--Jumbo is a dynamic figure, often seen scaling walls and crushing ice. He has been known to remodel train stations on his lunch breaks, making them more efficient in the areas of heat retention. Jumbo translates ethnic slurs for Cuban refugees and write award-winning operas. He manages time efficiently. Occasionally, he’ll tread water for three days in a row and then go out to woo women with his sensuous and god-like trombone playing.

Jumbo can pilot bicycles up steep inclines with unflagging speed and cook thirty-minute brownies in twenty minutes. He is an expert in stucco, a veteran in love, and an outlaw in Peru. Using only a hoe and a large glass of water, Jumbo once single-handedly defended a small village in the amazon basin from a horde of ferocious army ants. He plays blue-grass cello. He was scouted by the Mets and is the subject of numerous documentaries.

When he’s not on ES or building large suspension bridges, Jumbo provides electrical appliances for the homeless. Jumbo is an abstract artist, a concrete analyst, and a ruthless bookie. Critics worldwide swoon over his original line of corduroy evening wear. Jumbo doesn’t perspire, and though a private citizen, he receives voluminous fan mail. He has been caller number nine 575 times and has won 6 centuries worth of weekend passes to Six Flags. Last summer Jumbo toured New Jersey with a traveling centrifugal-force demonstration.

He bats .400. His deft floral arrangements have won him fame in international botany circles. Children trust Jumbo. He can hurl tennis rackets at small moving objects with deadly accuracy. Jumbo once read Paradise Lost, Moby Dick, and David Copperfield in one day, and still had time to refurbish an entire dining room that evening. He knows the exact location of every brand of beer in any supermarket in Seattle.

Jumbo has performed covert operations with the CIA, NSA, DGSE, and the NRA. While on vacation in Canada, Jumbo successfully negotiated with a group of vicious ex-vaudevillians who had seized a small bakery and were terrorizing the RCMP by hurling dentures at their horses. Jumbo can be seen daily on ES, balancing, weaving, dodging, and frolicking, all while paying his bills. On weekends, to let off steam, Jumbo participates in full-contact origami.

Years ago International Science Digest reported Jumbo to have discovered the meaning of life, but after receiving peer validation and later being poised to post the whole thing in the Tailgate forum on ES, a future Jumbo appeared and wiped everybody’s memory of the details and deleted the post.

Jumbo also breeds prize-winning clams.

He has won bullfights in San Juan, cliff diving competitions in Sri Lanka, and spelling bees at the Kremlin. He was invited to play Hamlet at the request of Sir Richard Attenborough for a private audience of members of the Royal Shakespearean Theatre, has performed over 100 open-heart surgeries, and has recently spoken to Elvis. Women regularly give him everything they own.

Jumbo has never been to Spain.

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Jumbo has never been to Spain.

Jumbo is the only man to have counted to infinity in his spare time.

Jumbo is such a virile man, he can impregnate women by simply looking at them.

It is a little known fact that Jumbo owns one of everything.

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skinsfan44: Self-proclaimed "FedEx Fields greatest tailgater" he loves his wife, his country, the Redskins, BBQ and Tequila, but not always in that order. When asked the question “Charcoal or gas” he will always say, “Charcoal.” Also says, "I'm not fat, I'm big boned."

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"On weekends, to let off steam, Jumbo participates in full-contact origami."

This is my favorite line, Jumbo. Great self-description.

But you forgot to add: Jumbo really likes the sound of his own name.

I count 19 Jumbos. You were so close to 20.

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Punani, can I make a request to change mine? I just read the Wikipedia rules and I don't want mine to be an infringement and be responsible for pulling the whole thing down.

This is my new one (please replace the other one):

Blighty Skins was born Elladan Faeryn, eldest son (by 7 minutes) of Elendil Faeryn and Sarah Goldenberry, Elrohir is his younger, and twin brother. His father Elendil was of the elvish folk, tho Sarah was human from a noble lineage. Elrohir and Blighty turned five the year his father gifted his mother with wondrous jewelry handed down from his forebears, mother to son, for generations. That was also the year when Orcs & Ogres descended from the mountains west of Trinsic ravaging many Trinsic rural villagers. His Father was away hunting food & gathering fruits when the cursed creatures attacked, his Mother hid Elrohir & Blighty beneath the homes floorboards along with her few prized possessions. Battle sounds told she fought bravely & fiercely, tho to no avail. Guards from the Trinsic Paladin Academy freed them three days later from beneath the rubble that had been their home. His father returned within the week only to find his home ruined and the love of his life vanished. Blighty also likes cats.

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Rumrunner6900: Loves rum, abhors running. In his short year and a half on ES, has become a Tailgate fan, yet has never been to a Redskins Tailgate. Sometimes lives vicariously through the unmarried. Rarely posts in political or religious threads since he was taught that pissing in the wind and beating dead animals are not good things to do.

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Punani, can I make a request to change mine? I just read the Wikipedia rules and I don't want mine to be an infringement and be responsible for pulling the whole thing down.

This is my new one (please replace the other one):

Blighty Skins was born Elladan Faeryn, eldest son (by 7 minutes) of Elendil Faeryn and Sarah Goldenberry, Elrohir is his younger, and twin brother. His father Elendil was of the elvish folk, tho Sarah was human from a noble lineage. Elrohir and Blighty turned five the year his father gifted his mother with wondrous jewelry handed down from his forebears, mother to son, for generations. That was also the year when Orcs & Ogres descended from the mountains west of Trinsic ravaging many Trinsic rural villagers. His Father was away hunting food & gathering fruits when the cursed creatures attacked, his Mother hid Elrohir & Blighty beneath the homes floorboards along with her few prized possessions. Battle sounds told she fought bravely & fiercely, tho to no avail. Guards from the Trinsic Paladin Academy freed them three days later from beneath the rubble that had been their home. His father returned within the week only to find his home ruined and the love of his life vanished. Blighty also likes cats.

Dan T. - The illegitmate offspring of a Romanian pickle vendor and a Norwegian hula dancer, Dan T. is a paternal descendant of Vlad the Impaler. He made a multi-million dollar fortune selling "novelty items" and retired young, but squandered it all in a single night when he bet the Richie Petitbone-led Redskins to cover the spread in a Monday night football game. His sarcastic humor and scatalogical one-liners on Extremeskins mask a constant existential angst borne of that loss. He possesses near superhuman strength. He is convinced that Art Mills is stalking him, and firmly believes that every time a smiley emoticon is used, somewhere a little kitty dies.
unsonny - Lord of the EmoChatKids and Lover of the Flips. Hates the 4C. His hollaback girl is Lady Sapperton. Own3d.
Jumbo--Jumbo is a dynamic figure, often seen scaling walls and crushing ice. He has been known to remodel train stations on his lunch breaks, making them more efficient in the areas of heat retention. Jumbo translates ethnic slurs for Cuban refugees and write award-winning operas. He manages time efficiently. Occasionally, he’ll tread water for three days in a row and then go out to woo women with his sensuous and god-like trombone playing.

Jumbo can pilot bicycles up steep inclines with unflagging speed and cook thirty-minute brownies in twenty minutes. He is an expert in stucco, a veteran in love, and an outlaw in Peru. Using only a hoe and a large glass of water, Jumbo once single-handedly defended a small village in the amazon basin from a horde of ferocious army ants. He plays blue-grass cello. He was scouted by the Mets and is the subject of numerous documentaries.

When he’s not on ES or building large suspension bridges, Jumbo provides electrical appliances for the homeless. Jumbo is an abstract artist, a concrete analyst, and a ruthless bookie. Critics worldwide swoon over his original line of corduroy evening wear. Jumbo doesn’t perspire, and though a private citizen, he receives voluminous fan mail. He has been caller number nine 575 times and has won 6 centuries worth of weekend passes to Six Flags. Last summer Jumbo toured New Jersey with a traveling centrifugal-force demonstration.

He bats .400. His deft floral arrangements have won him fame in international botany circles. Children trust Jumbo. He can hurl tennis rackets at small moving objects with deadly accuracy. Jumbo once read Paradise Lost, Moby Dick, and David Copperfield in one day, and still had time to refurbish an entire dining room that evening. He knows the exact location of every brand of beer in any supermarket in Seattle.

Jumbo has performed covert operations with the CIA, NSA, DGSE, and the NRA. While on vacation in Canada, Jumbo successfully negotiated with a group of vicious ex-vaudevillians who had seized a small bakery and were terrorizing the RCMP by hurling dentures at their horses. Jumbo can be seen daily on ES, balancing, weaving, dodging, and frolicking, all while paying his bills. On weekends, to let off steam, Jumbo participates in full-contact origami.

Years ago International Science Digest reported Jumbo to have discovered the meaning of life, but after receiving peer validation and later being poised to post the whole thing in the Tailgate forum on ES, a future Jumbo appeared and wiped everybody’s memory of the details and deleted the post.

Jumbo also breeds prize-winning clams.

He has won bullfights in San Juan, cliff diving competitions in Sri Lanka, and spelling bees at the Kremlin. He was invited to play Hamlet at the request of Sir Richard Attenborough for a private audience of members of the Royal Shakespearean Theatre, has performed over 100 open-heart surgeries, and has recently spoken to Elvis. Women regularly give him everything they own.

Jumbo has never been to Spain.

:laugh: :laugh: :applause:

You guys are some creative fookers :cheers:


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I talked to one of the Admins who locked the page and here is her response.

Hi John,

To be honest, the main reason I have locked your page is due to the content being added being unencyclopedic, aside from it being of an attacking nature. If you can write the proposed content on the article's talk page (which is not protected from editing), other people can give you feedback on whether it would be appropriate for addition into the article.



So, I dunno if our self descriptions would be Wiki worthy. If someone knows a lot about Wiki, and how enter information, make some suggestions!

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